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What are you worried about with BDO coming to xbox
D*** 2018-05-06 06:27
5444 61 0 0
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# 1
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Just thought I'd start a new topic and see if anyone had anything that they are worried about for when the game finally arrives. 

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

If musa is available at launch

Character Name CubicVariabl***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

that they fk up the movement and button layout

i would love to see a movement similar to nier automata where you can move your character on all axis using only  the Left Stick  and the camera follows this movement in a smooth way

having to adjust the camera using right stick or even worse choosing directions you walk to using right stick would make it a very tiring experience

im pretty sure that having such a movement transition using left stick to control the character in all direction would cause problems with the combat-system bdo uses  since it is very dependant on what movement action you use (side step, forward, backward) and its combos are attached to it

yet they still could implement a movement similar to nier automata while in none combat-stance to allow easier and more chill movement around the world without having to adjust on camera 24/7


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Worried if it'l even launch soon! J/k but seriously I'm worried about the servers, everything that I've seen shows this game is huge! With lots if players in one server. I don' believe there' been a good Mmo launch on Xbox without the 1st or 2nd day the servers going rogue 

Character Name Nero***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Im worried about the popping too, because in pc is very usual (but i think it comes from the egine they use)

Character Name ZzWithePand***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 06.05.2018


Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Node wars and siege. Top tier pc cant handle when more then 5 guilds collide. Hoping its reworked for xbox. Thats the only thing i think about. I know in its current state theres no way xbox can handle it. 

Character Name MakeumR***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Graphics. I want to look good.

Character Name Cookiesnm***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Only things I'm worried about is that I'll lose my job and my wife and my house and my boat and my dog and my health and...

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 07.05.2018

That it will run like crap

Character Name Jaronk***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 07.05.2018

If all classes will be there. If lag will be an issue and how bad the servers will crash.

Character Name Vae Vic***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 07.05.2018

over priced shop.

Character Name Dr INF3***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
11 hours ago, Jammer480 said:

Only things I'm worried about is that I'll lose my job and my wife and my house and my boat and my dog and my health and...


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 07.05.2018

After seeing games like for honor flop at launch. All i can ask for is for the game to work and i dont lag out every 10 min lol. For honor didnt even have dedicated servers.

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
8 minutes ago, Azuki said:

After seeing games like for honor flop at launch. All i can ask for is for the game to work and i dont lag out every 10 min lol. For honor didnt even have dedicated servers.

Yeah I'd be completely shattered if BDO flopped on xbox launch. Although For Honor is a much more stable game now although it lost most of its community. 

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
2 minutes ago, Dova said:

Yeah I'd be completely shattered if BDO flopped on xbox launch. Although For Honor is a much more stable game now although it lost most of its community. 

I seen that game at e3 in 2015 and was hype. Pre-ordered and all. I was never hurt personally from a bad launch ?

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 07.05.2018

for honor was rly good

just the x thing to cancel grabbing made me quit

Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 07.05.2018

Afk tasks... How will they work on Xbox?

Character Name ZeroScarl***
Main Character
# 19
Edit Date : 10.05.2018

Mainly worried about performance and controls.. still excited for the game.. if it will ever release. ?

Character Name J0hn***
Main Character
# 20
Edit Date : 12.05.2018

Framerates, the only other game I know on xbox one that is 30 fps is For Honor some of the things in the game are actually nearly impossible to counter for example peacekeepers or orochi’s zones are the fastest attacks in the game and players still to this day have issues countering them. I hope that BDO isn’t going to be the same as to where some attacks are outputted way to fast to actually be counterable, and if seiges just destroy framerates for everyone

Character Name YahNoth***
Main Character
# 21
Edit Date : 12.05.2018
1 hour ago, YahNothing said:

Framerates, the only other game I know on xbox one that is 30 fps is For Honor some of the things in the game are actually nearly impossible to counter for example peacekeepers or orochi’s zones are the fastest attacks in the game and players still to this day have issues countering them. I hope that BDO isn’t going to be the same as to where some attacks are outputted way to fast to actually be counterable, and if seiges just destroy framerates for everyone

Back in March at gdc dual shockers said that the x is targeting 60fps. So I would imagine small scale stuff won’t be so bad but like siege and stuff I hope stays above 25-30 on the x 

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 22
Edit Date : 12.05.2018
1 hour ago, Ayumii_Katsumii said:

Back in March at gdc dual shockers said that the x is targeting 60fps. So I would imagine small scale stuff won’t be so bad but like siege and stuff I hope stays above 25-30 on the x 

I went on the exact website you said, and almost got a virus put on my computer.

Character Name The Gui***
Main Character
# 23
Edit Date : 12.05.2018
3 minutes ago, The Guiido said:

I went on the exact website you said, and almost got a virus put on my computer.

Lol I’ve never had a problem with this website, neither has anyone I’ve told about the site. They are also the people who released the gameplay from gdc. 

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 24
Edit Date : 13.05.2018
4 hours ago, Ayumii_Katsumii said:

Lol I’ve never had a problem with this website, neither has anyone I’ve told about the site. They are also the people who released the gameplay from gdc. 

Turning off BR downloads and flash off seemed to fix it. Major sketch.

Where is your source for "60 fps" other than that guys article because "appeared to be" isn't valid. Months ago there was an official source from gaming bolt interviewing Jae-hee Kim explicitly stating 30 fps, 4k for Xbox One X, and Standard Xbox One running 1080p 30fps. I'm not saying 60fps isn't possible and that they couldn't of updated it, but I wouldn't hype something that might not be true.

Character Name The Gui***
Main Character
# 25
Edit Date : 13.05.2018
23 minutes ago, The Guiido said:

Turning off BR downloads and flash off seemed to fix it. Major sketch.

Where is your source for "60 fps" other than that guys article because "appeared to be" isn't valid. Months ago there was an official source from gaming bolt interviewing Jae-hee Kim explicitly stating 30 fps, 4k for Xbox One X, and Standard Xbox One running 1080p 30fps. I'm not saying 60fps isn't possible and that they couldn't of updated it, but I wouldn't hype something that might not be true.

I’ve said before on another post that this might not be true but it was the newest article at the time and came with gameplay that Microsoft had approve to be recorded at gdc. Either way we won’t know if it’s 60fps until PA confirms so you can pick what you want to believe. If people expect to get 60fps during large or medium scale they are getting their hopes up. If it does run at 60fps I’d only expect that in solo and maybe some grinding spots. But I’d be happy with 25-30+

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 26
Edit Date : 13.05.2018
19 minutes ago, Ayumii_Katsumii said:

I’ve said before on another post that this might not be true but it was the newest article at the time and came with gameplay that Microsoft had approve to be recorded at gdc. Either way we won’t know if it’s 60fps until PA confirms so you can pick what you want to believe. If people expect to get 60fps during large or medium scale they are getting their hopes up. If it does run at 60fps I’d only expect that in solo and maybe some grinding spots. But I’d be happy with 25-30+

Not really going to "pick" what I want to believe. It's not really up for opinion. Looking at straight facts. PA said there goal is 30 fps, it's 30 fps as far as i'm concerned. Speaking on reality terms as well, I don't see 60 fps happening with a game of this scale, particle effects, animations, players on screen, etc. 

30 fps, STEADY 30 fps is something I would like to expect on the X. As that is possible. But even PC's can't even handle a certain threshold of steady FPS when playing GvG like when theres over 20 people on screen up-close it starts having problems on the normal Xbox One.

To fully enjoy this game in the best most enjoyable way possible, it needs to be played on the X.

Character Name The Gui***
Main Character
# 27
Edit Date : 13.05.2018

Hoping we can adjust graphics. Max graphics should be fine while gathering or solo farming mobs but node wars would most likely be a mess

Character Name Dartha***
Main Character
# 28
Edit Date : 13.05.2018

Mostly how far behind we will be compared to PC. How the servers will hold. What classes are available at release. If graphics will stay good even with lots of people.

Character Name PvT Insan***
Main Character
# 29
Edit Date : 13.05.2018

They need to give us a Beta so we can test this stuff out for them idk y they just want release a closed beta so we can test out the FPS/Servers and help them make the game the best it can be....

Character Name King A***
Main Character
# 30
Edit Date : 13.05.2018
1 hour ago, King Aion said:

They need to give us a Beta so we can test this stuff out for them idk y they just want release a closed beta so we can test out the FPS/Servers and help them make the game the best it can be....

They should release 2 beta one with either control setup Type 2-9 and Type 4-5 and let us decide which setup we prefer.

Character Name Jaronk***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicWhat are you worried about with BDO coming to xbox

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