Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


Go' Alpha test Xbox One - Agradeço por participar
clau*** 2018-10-08 22:56
3258 36 0 0
1 2
# 1
Edit Date : 08.10.2018


" To gostando desse alpha agradeço por esta participando, possíveis datas no vídeo rápido abaixo valeu! ".







Our small test has been running for a few days now. We are getting some great feedback from those playing for the first time. We asked for pictures and this is what we have been sent so far!




Character Name clau***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 08.10.2018

Super Fun


Character Name Trie***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 09.10.2018

Ok I'm very jealous! I mean come on! 1 person is playing and all they have is a TV and xbox! Anothers in a dang library!! Pretty sure ones in a really nice bathroom! 

Character Name Nero***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 09.10.2018

Wow, thanks for reposting everything already said.

But I get it, this topic is different...because 90% can't read this language...

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 09.10.2018

Use google translate like other people do.      Or download a better browser that has built-in

There is no rule in the forum that  requieres speaking in your language

Character Name Sus***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 09.10.2018
8 hours ago, Daniel said:

Wow, thanks for reposting everything already said.

But I get it, this topic is different...because 90% can't read this language...

Yessssssss this 100%. no one bothers to read before they post. they just wanna be a part of somethin but they end up annoyin folks with posts that repeat the same info over and over.

1 hour ago, Suso90 said:

Use google translate like other people do.      Or download a better browser that has built-in

There is no rule in the forum that  requieres speaking in your language

there is a rule about spamming the same stuff on the forums to get higher posts. also since simon replied directly to my comment about this very issue i feel i should inform u that simon mentioned that this isnt somethin he will say is allowed...aka not appropriate. if its just as easy to translate the post on the readers side its just as easy to post it in english which is what 99% if the users here speak read and write on a daily basis. the rules dont follow the minority...they follow the majority which is english. i hope this clears up ne future posts related to this topic.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 09.10.2018
Hace 6 horas, numnutz2005 dijo:


hay una regla sobre el envío de correo no deseado de las mismas cosas en los foros para obtener publicaciones más altas. También desde que Simon respondió directamente a mi comentario sobre este mismo tema, creo que debo informarle que Simon mencionó que esto no es algo que diga que está permitido ... alias no es apropiado. si es tan fácil traducir la publicación en el lado de los lectores es tan fácil publicarla en inglés, que es lo que el 99% de los usuarios hablan, leen y escriben a diario. Las reglas no siguen la minoría ... siguen la mayoría, que es el inglés. Este es el caso de las futuras publicaciones relacionadas con este tema.

Eh visto que el tema del idioma solo molesta a un par de personas. Eso no es la mayoría en el 99.9% del foro. Creo que la mayoría entiende que es algo importante y que no estamos en los 80 como para andar censurando un idioma  jajajajajajaja.

Character Name RedoRenkot***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 09.10.2018

each one speaks in the language they want the other party is the one who has to translate if he wants to know what he is talking about is disrespectful to think that you have to speak English because most people speak it until they set a standard no matter who says it is different

Character Name Sus***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 09.10.2018

the most important thing is respectful and it costs you less to translate the reader than the one who writes it uses a better browser bro

Character Name Sus***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 10.10.2018
On 10/9/2018 at 9:14 AM, Nero012 said:

Ok I'm very jealous! I mean come on! 1 person is playing and all they have is a TV and xbox! Anothers in a dang library!! Pretty sure ones in a really nice bathroom! 

Welcome to Korean living rooms. 

Character Name [CM] Si***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 10.10.2018

I mean I would love to post black desert from an American living room perspective, its similar but with a big mac box and a coke next to the xbox...oh and bacon lots of bacon! 

Character Name Nero***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 10.10.2018
15 hours ago, Suso90 said:

each one speaks in the language they want the other party is the one who has to translate if he wants to know what he is talking about is disrespectful to think that you have to? speak English because most people speak it until they se?t a standard no matter who says it is different

what about those that acknowledged that they made a mistake and were told lengthy posts in another language arent somethin thats wanted but decide to continue to do so ne way just to be an ass?? when u come to an english speaking forum speak english. same with comin to america. i wouldnt go to another country and talk in english and pass a note that says "its ur responsibility to translate what im sayin not mine". this placin blame and responsibility for things we had no say in decidin is silly. be serial my dude....cause ur post is surely a joke.

btw the standard here was already set. set by the majority and by a post made by the person controllin the forum. im not sure if u saw it or not but its there my dude.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 10.10.2018

where he says it is an English-speaking forum where is the rule that you have to speak English that I know the game will have many translations and if I travel I will speak in the language that I want we are not in a dictatorship do not make mistakes when there is no rule to say otherwise each has the right to speak as you want but do not enter the threads of other languages until they do not set a standard no matter who says it and have a little respect for people with other languages

Character Name Sus***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 10.10.2018

Os gringo pira !!! Kkkkkkk acho que é difícil pra eles usarem o google tradutor como todos os outros 5 bilhões de pessoas que nao falam inglês fazem.

Character Name CrossHun***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 10.10.2018
1 hour ago, numnutz2005 said:

what about those that acknowledged that they made a mistake and were told lengthy posts in another language arent somethin thats wanted but decide to continue to do so ne way just to be an ass?? when u come to an english speaking forum speak english. same with comin to america. i wouldnt go to another country and talk in english and pass a note that says "its ur responsibility to translate what im sayin not mine". this placin blame and responsibility for things we had no say in decidin is silly. be serial my dude....cause ur post is surely a joke.

btw the standard here was already set. set by the majority and by a post made by the person controllin the forum. im not sure if u saw it or not but its there my dude.

Majority does not exist here. Let simon acknowledgec if its wrong or not.

Also please refer to this 


Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 10.10.2018
4 hours ago, Azuki said:

Majority does not exist here. Let simon acknowledge?c if its wrong or not.

Also please refer to this 


u can check a previous post made like i mentioned. if u chose not to thats fine but it just means u didnt actually read what ur replyin to. also the majority does exist. r u tellin me almost all posts r made in english on this site?? pretty sure that alone is the deff of its more than those that dont??

now before u reply which im pretty sure u will i ask that u first go and read the post i referenced so u can make an informed decision on what to say.


Suso90 - sorry i didnt quote u directly. i hit send before i was done and there isnt an easy way to add a second quote to an already posted message like on regular forums i works but only when u post somethin for the first time and i dont wanna be one of those double posters lol.

ne way my reply to u is short and sweet and follows the same comments i made to azuki...did u even bother looking at the post i mentioned?? u do know these arent my words right?? uk i didnt just pull this outta thin air right?? well obviously not since its obvious u didnt read or check what i said to go check before gettin all heated like u clearly r lol. u can believe what u want but everyone has to stop throwin out "simon needs to declare this and that" when it has already been addressed. this is y i told u to go check it out....

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 10.10.2018

Yo entre en el foro para saber mas sobre Black Desert. Sigo las reglas del foro, reglas donde se exige ser respetuoso y no ser racista. Y curiosamente me siento ofendido y victimas de un cierto racismo por la lengua en la que hablo. esto no esta bien. ???

Por cierto sigo viendo solo a una persona en contra del idioma. Creo que es hora de ignorarlo.


I enter the forum to know more about Black Desert. I follow the rules of the forum, rules where it is required to be respectful and not be racist. And curiously I feel offended and victims of a certain racism by the language in which I speak. this is not OK. ???By the way, I still see only one person against the language. I think it's time to ignore it.

Character Name RedoRenkot***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 11.10.2018

I will ask everyone to remain respectful. If you are not happy with other languages, then I request that you simply ignore it for now. 


I will say that there has been a lot of reposts of the Portuguese video, and I will be coming down harder on that if I see it reposted again. I will also let this serve as a final warning before I start dishing out forum warnings/temp bans for breaking my number 1 rule of being respectful. 

Right now there isn't much in the way of other language posts. If it starts to increase then I will try and take action to help remedy that. 

Character Name [CM] Si***
Main Character
# 19
Edit Date : 11.10.2018

The video is not spanish is portuguese o Brazilian

And if the most important thing is to be respectful with everyone

Character Name Sus***
Main Character
# 20
Edit Date : 11.10.2018


Character Name [CM] Si***
Main Character
# 21
Edit Date : 11.10.2018

While I don’t support spamming, I think it’s important to have posts in other languages too.

I mean, this is the only forum Black Desert Online for Xbox One, so even if you are a native English speaker or did learned the language, there are some people that simply don’t speak English.  We all want the very same thing: to play this game, to know all the available details.

If this forum was Korean only, wouldn’t you want a post in your own language too, so you could understand what's going on? 

If you don’t understand Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, or even English, you can use google translator to understand what was said, but probably the post was not made for you, so you don’t need to reply at all. Just be respectful, everybody wants to play the game, not just English-speaking people. We all would like subforums in our own language too, but there's none.

And it’s a bit racism too, just because he/she is speaking another language, where's the respect?

Character Name Rafael***
Main Character
# 22
Edit Date : 11.10.2018
28 minutes ago, RafaelNGP said:

While I don’t support spamming, I think it’s important to have posts in other languages too.

I mean, this is the only forum Black Desert Online for Xbox One, so even if you are a native English speaker or did learned the language, there are some people that simply don’t speak English.  We all want the very same thing: to play this game, to know all the available details.

If this forum was Korean only, wouldn’t you want a post in your own language too, so you could understand what's going on? 

If you don’t understand Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, or even English, you can use google translator to understand what was said, but probably the post was not made for you, so you don’t need to reply at all. Just be respectful, everybody wants to play the game, not just English-speaking people. We all would like subforums in our own language too, but there's none.

And it’s a bit racism too, just because he/she is speaking another language, where's the respect?

Kim jestesmy, dokad tuptamy?

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 23
Edit Date : 11.10.2018
10 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Kim jestesmy, dokad tuptamy?

No dobre pytanie , dokad zmierzamy?

I jak dlugo jeszcze mamy czekac 

I czy beda zyciowe umiejetnosci jak w wersji na komputerze

Character Name Kofej***
Main Character
# 24
Edit Date : 11.10.2018
6 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Kim jestesmy, dokad tuptamy?

Tlumacz Google nie jest doskonaly, ale bardzo pomaga. ?

btw asked to google this sentence, and that’s what it showed me lol


does that mean hedgehog pet confirmed? ???



Character Name Rafael***
Main Character
# 25
Edit Date : 11.10.2018
16 hours ago, RedoRenkoto77 said:

Yo entre en el foro para saber mas sobre Black Desert. Sigo las reglas del foro, reglas donde se exige ser respetuoso y no ser racista. Y curiosamente me siento ofendido y victimas de un cierto racismo por la lengua en la que hablo. esto no esta bien. ???

Por cierto sigo viendo solo a una persona en contra del idioma. Creo que es hora de ignorarlo.


I enter the forum to know more about Black Desert. I follow the rules of the forum, rules where it is required to ?be respectful and not be racist. And curiously I feel offended and victims of a certain racism by the language in which I speak. this is not OK. ???By the way, I still see only ?one person against t?he language. I think it's time to ignore it.

thats the case when others dont bother lookin at the post i mentioned. if u guys choose not to thats cool but dont get all bent outta shape when i comment on it. i believe that conforms to the rules of bein nice and polite. maybe one day we will have folks that arent so sensitive about bein talked to directly lol. we r turnin into a country/world full of snowflakes. its funny sometimes and others its just sad.


in the end life goes on and i will keep doin what i do since others here have that very same mentality and have said so many times on here. come onto gt is d2b2009 if u would like to have a more detailed chat about stuff. im always open to talk to folks as everyone in ep that plays in vivec knows.


rafael - please dont bring race into this. im not sure what language and race have to do with ne thing. my neighbor owns a pawn shop...hes white...but he speaks perfect spanish because the population the that area consists of a lot of spanish speaking folks. u dont have to be from a specific country to speak a certain language so dont bring that silliness to a casual convo like this. it shouldnt be somethin people r so willin to throw out as an insult in the times we live in. 1 it doesnt win arguments and 2 is causes more damage to the person makin false silly claims than the one accused of it. either way i have nothin to prove so i wont delve into that aspect of ur post ne further than i already have. if u have ne thing else u want to discuss with me feel free to shoot me a message. like i said above im always willin to converse with others and maybe we can learn somethin new.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 26
Edit Date : 11.10.2018

Yes, D2B2009, I am quite aware of your EP chat activity.?

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 27
Edit Date : 11.10.2018
37 minutes ago, Jammer480 said:

Yes, D2B2009, I am quite aware of your EP chat activity.?

oh my...then u must love those wonderful orc the sorc (the man who throws countless $10 bills at ms to change his gt every week) comments too lolol. what is ur gt if u dont mind me askin?? theres so many people in chat sometimes it hard to keep track of who is who in that game.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 28
Edit Date : 11.10.2018
16 minutes ago, numnutz2005 said:

oh my...then u must love those wonderful orc the sorc (the man who throws countless $10 bills at ms to change his gt every week) comments too lolol. what is ur gt if u dont mind me askin?? theres so many people in chat sometimes it hard to keep track of who is who in that game.

Gt is same as here, Jammer480. I rarely chat as I hate trying to type when gaming, breaks the fun imo. And most people chatting there act like 5yo, no desire to get caught up in the garbage. Pretty much always in a group anyway.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 29
Edit Date : 11.10.2018
5 minutes ago, Jammer480 said:

Gt is same as here, Jammer480. I rarely chat as I hate trying to type when gaming, breaks the fun imo. And most people chatting there act like 5yo, no desire to get caught up in the garbage. Pretty much always in a group anyway.

well im glad u dont get sucked into the chat when i start postin or even when others start. i joined dp again so me and nyaz do more voice chattin than chatbox chattin but i always try to hop in when orc joins. its what i live for lol.

also i will one of those 5 year olds. its sad but true sometimes.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 30
Edit Date : 11.10.2018
6 minutes ago, numnutz2005 said:

well im glad u dont get sucked into the chat when i start postin or even when others start. i joined dp again so me and nyaz do more voice chattin than chatbox chattin but i always try to hop in when orc joins. its what i live for lol.

also i will one of those 5 year olds. its sad but true sometimes.

Lol, I actually don't recall your chat, just remember seeing your gt occasionally. Think I ran with dp back in the day but mostly just tag along with bml now, don't hate me, lol.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
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