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2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


Virtue [EU]
Saints H*** 2019-03-22 19:13
1400 17 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 15.04.2019

 We are recruiting for our fresh new guild.

We are a group of players who are constantly thriving to be better on BDO. We are a close Guild of friends who want the best experience possible out of the game!

We are all about equality and believe that every member should be able to be heard in what they want to say, whether it be on how to improve the Guild or what they want from the Guild as its members are the backbone to any Guild.

We see too many Guilds shun there lower members and even higher members for trying to better themselves and that pushes people away!

We are looking for people with a Gear Score of at least 320+. All of our members currently are sitting at 350+ GS.

We are mainly going to focus on PvP but PvE players also play a huge part of this so All are welcome to join! We can help you practice to PvP with you Character if this is something you would like to venture into.

We have already established Allies that will help by setting up friendly wars to help both Guilds members learn how to PvP in preparation for Node Wars! 

We have top PvE players who are extremely knowledgeable in everything BDO. This includes knowing how to get the best out of the Nodes and how to get the best out of your Workers for maximum resource gain.

Hope on over into our discord or DM myself for more information, I'm looking forward to meeting you all and making one of the best Guilds in EU!

Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 23.03.2019



Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 15.04.2019



Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 15.04.2019




Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 28.03.2019

Got to get that water 


Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 02.04.2019

Ready for class release ?


Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 03.04.2019
10 minutes ago, Flamboyant said:

LOL goblin slayers.... more like Noob slayers.?

Us at symphony destroyed your guild in PVP lol your guild is trash.

Dont join this guild join Symphony instead best guild EU

Not cool posting this in another guild recruitment thread.
Save the trash talking and rubbish insults for your own thread if need be.

Character Name A***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 03.04.2019
4 minutes ago, Azza said:

Pas cool de poster ceci dans un autre sujet de recrutement de guilde.
Sauvez la corbeille en parlant et enlevez les injures pour votre propre thread si besoin est.

it's a child he spam in all topics

Character Name G***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 03.04.2019

Didn't even see the message ? thanks for the back up though guys!

Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 09.04.2019

Bump looking for more PvP players

Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 15.04.2019

New Guild Let's Go!!


Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 16.04.2019

Already at 15 geared members 

Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 16.04.2019



Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 22.04.2019


Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 24.04.2019


Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 29.04.2019


Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 05.05.2019


Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 15.05.2019


Character Name Saints H***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicVirtue [EU]

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