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Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


The devs/community manager need to be more engaged with the community...
Gan*** 2018-05-06 09:05
3384 40 0 0
1 2
# 1
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Roughly the same 50 people frequent this forum and not much is being said about a game that is supposed to be launching in the next couple months. No comments on how the game will be monetized, limited footage of the game running, no official launch date and potentially the worst offender; little to no community engagement from the devs. or the community manager.

The last thing we heard about this game regarding a release date was that it would be coming out in the first half of 2018 meaning the game is hypothetically supposed to launch in 1-3 months. Just seems like the window for release is getting smaller if you plan on actually generating some sort of interest for the game. This would not be an issue if you were engaging the community with things to be excited about that we could then relay to others within the larger xbox community, but that has not been the case.

I want to be excited and encourage others to be excited, but the bits and pieces of information regarding this game and XB1 scattered across the internet are so scarce and few and far between that i honestly don't know what to expect anymore and dont feel appreciated as a consumer. The response is pretty much always "stay tuned and keep an eye on our facebook/social media" but no new information is ever posted and there is no community engagement taking place. I thought this forum/website would evolve the discussion but that has not been the case and no pertinent information can be found here other then "bdo coming to xbox...eventually".

I honestly just hope that this is not a sign of things to come once the game has released. Additionally if the game is going to be delayed that is something you should mention sooner rather then later. If the second half of 2018 rolls around and BDO has still not launched on XBO without any word from the devs or community manager, gamers will feel lied to, and that is not a solid foundation to build a relationship on. 


Character Name Gan***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Where do I start. Currently the devs do not regard you as a consumer until you've actually purchased the game, as wrong as it sounds this place is simply a forum where we can discuss stuff until the game is released. 

Next I should point out that the game is more than likely being delayed for multiple reasons. Business decisions (the game will generate more hype if shown at E3 and a release shortly after). The devs deciding to get the console version as close to the pc version as possible (this requires more bug fixes, testing, optimisation). Other reasons can include Microsoft offering PA more development time with the aims of promoting the game more on their end. 

Really, the list of reasons why is quite extensive, however we shouldn't feel entitled to anything since the game is still in development. While being hyped for the game is perfectly fine, just keep in mind that pre-release info is generally limited.

Although as a final note I'll add that if we don't recieve any information at E3 then by all means feel disappointed, but don't blame the devs as you don't know the whole story.  

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

i feel you

its like youre all hype and stuff
but the hypetrain dosnt come to pick u up already


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

I feel there doing all the can... they seem to have alot to work on and havent decided on a ui or anything yet. The worst they can do is release something and it not end up being true. We wont be the first to hear something... most likely it will be made an annoucement via some news site or event. There community managers. They only can share and do what they are approved to. 

Character Name MakeumR***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

I have no doubt that if they felt the game was ready they'd release it. And I want the game to be ready before they release it. Would I like them to come out and say that the game just didn't progress as quick as they thought it would? Sure, but in reality that would just generate more questions. As long as the game hasn't been cancelled(and I don't think it has), I can wait. I do see a problem if they wait too long tho as it seems like there will be some really good games coming in the next 6 - 12 months. PA needs to have a strong marketing budget prior to release and get the word out to all xbox users. That will determine the initial success of the game. 

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

I think is preferible to be patience and wait. But its legitimate to complain in this case.

Character Name ZzWithePand***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

Where do I start. Currently the devs do not regard you as a consumer until you've actually purchased the game, as wrong as it sounds this place is simply a forum where we can discuss stuff until the game is released. 

Next I should point out that the game is more than likely being delayed for multiple reasons. Business decisions (the game will generate more hype if shown at E3 and a release shortly after). The devs deciding to get the console version as close to the pc version as possible (this requires more bug fixes, testing, optimisation). Other reasons can include Microsoft offering PA more development time with the aims of promoting the game more on their end. 

Really, the list of reasons why is quite extensive, however we shouldn't feel entitled to anything since the game is still in development. While being hyped for the game is perfectly fine, just keep in mind that pre-release info is generally limited.

Although as a final note I'll add that if we don't recieve any information at E3 then by all means feel disappointed, but don't blame the devs as you don't know the whole story.  

Although i agree a lot with what you're saying here it doesn't address the fact that the community has been teased with the potential of engagement and received essentially nothing. If there is nothing to announce then that is fine and not the issue, the issue is suggesting that there is something to announce and one must "stay tuned" for an indefinite amount of time. The community manager introduced himself here as if he would be an engaging member of the community and then went entirely radio silent. 

like i said, if theres nothing to announce thats fine, im patient, but don't tell me to stay tuned to your social media and then provide me with 0 updates, info, or engagement from said social media. Even if they were posting vague screenshots, quotes, even just tweeting out/responding more frequently in these forums and engaging the community without releasing any information about the game, id be much more satisfied then i currently am. 


Character Name Gan***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 06.05.2018

This is bs. People are starting to complain because they feel entitled and can not control themselves.

1. They never told us when it would be out. They said it will be out this year, that is the only release info that is valid. If you are truly angry start calling out the websites that keep spreading bs rumors. Its happened twice. They never said it would be out 1st quarter and they never said it would be out 2nd. They said this year.

2. We as a community need to stop assuming things. We have no right what so ever to rush them or demand whats in the game.

3. Let them finish the game. I am tired of getting half-a** games. That has been the norm for most games lately.

I agree that the marketing could be a lot better but im pretty sure they will pick it up when They are ready. 

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
4 hours ago, Azuki said:

This is bs. People are starting to complain because they feel entitled and can not control themselves.

1. They never told us when it would be out. They said it will be out this year, that is the only release info that is valid. If you are truly angry start calling out the websites that keep spreading bs rumors. Its happened twice. They never said it would be out 1st quarter and they never said it would be out 2nd. They said this year.

2. We as a community need to stop assuming things. We have no right what so ever to rush them or demand whats in the game.

3. Let them finish the game. I am tired of getting half-a** games. That has been the norm for most games lately.

I agree that the marketing could be a lot better but im pretty sure they will pick it up when They are ready. 

(Psssst 1. Id@2017)

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
4 hours ago, Azuki said:

This is bs. People are starting to complain because they feel entitled and can not control themselves.

1. They never told us when it would be out. They said it will be out this year, that is the only release info that is valid. If you are truly angry start calling out the websites that keep spreading bs rumors. Its happened twice. They never said it would be out 1st quarter and they never said it would be out 2nd. They said this year.

2. We as a community need to stop assuming things. We have no right what so ever to rush them or demand whats in the game.

3. Let them finish the game. I am tired of getting half-a** games. That has been the norm for most games lately.

I agree that the marketing could be a lot better but im pretty sure they will pick it up when They are ready. 

They did say first quarter. And first half fo the year. Thats been confirmed. But its normal for windows to change in pre release. I expect maybe even a release date to be pushed back even once we get one. BDO is literally updated weekly. And right now there pushing a huge fundamental change im sure they want in xbox release. Alot of the changes seem to be inspired by mobile and console version.  Dont get excited or involved in a release date until you see it open for preorder. Thats real. Be glad there taking the time even though we know theres a working game, to make ot great. 

Character Name MakeumR***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
1 hour ago, Daniel said:

(Psssst 1. Id@2017)


47 minutes ago, MakeumRage said:

They did say first quarter. And first half fo the year. Thats been confirmed. But its normal for windows to change in pre release. I expect maybe even a release date to be pushed back even once we get one. BDO is literally updated weekly. And right now there pushing a huge fundamental change im sure they want in xbox release. Alot of the changes seem to be inspired by mobile and console version.  Dont get excited or involved in a release date until you see it open for preorder. Thats real. Be glad there taking the time even though we know theres a working game, to make ot great. 

Can y'all post some links?

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
47 minutes ago, Azuki said:


Can y'all post some links?

Quick google search and you can see the interview with the pearl abyss guy saying first half of the year. The early 2018 was actually announced by bdo and microsoft at e3 2017. Thats just basically common knowledge at this point and open to no speculation. As to the article with the interview, not entirely sure on its authenticity. But i like alot of others bet for info at e3 again. As an id@xbox game they self publish with microsoft helping promote and advertise. Seems logical the best way to hook new players and generate release date hype would be then again. 

Character Name MakeumR***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
7 hours ago, Azuki said:

This is bs. People are starting to complain because they feel entitled and can not control themselves.

1. They never told us when it would be out. They said it will be out this year, that is the only release info that is valid. If you are truly angry start calling out the websites that keep spreading bs rumors. Its happened twice. They never said it would be out 1st quarter and they never said it would be out 2nd. They said this year.

2. We as a community need to stop assuming things. We have no right what so ever to rush them or demand whats in the game.

3. Let them finish the game. I am tired of getting half-a** games. That has been the norm for most games lately.

I agree that the marketing could be a lot better but im pretty sure they will pick it up when They are ready. 

Here is one statement from an interview.

When can we expect the game to release?

We’re planning to release the console version during the first half of 2018.



Here's another Interview that states the same...


Here is something straight from PA themselves claiming EARLY 2018... mind you its may so after this month it no longer becomes EARLY, it becomes mid year.

And there was an early interview that they actually did say "First Quarter 2018".  But I have done enough looking for these interviews

Not completely agreeing with the OP here, Just a little fact checking on this post... But we can also be chill and not get upset over an opinion.  I think that they should be a little more transparent on whats going on as far as the development.  But I do foresee a concrete date coming in the new interview Simon will release.  So lets all hang in there its too early to become a toxic community.

Character Name Ka***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
2 hours ago, Azuki said:


Can y'all post some links?

I gotchu bro <3

Character Name Ka***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
2 hours ago, Kasai said:

Here is one statement from an interview.

When can we expect the game to release?

We’re planning to release the console version during the first half of 2018.



Here's another Interview that states the same...


Here is something straight from PA themselves claiming EARLY 2018... mind you its may so after this month it no longer becomes EARLY, it becomes mid year.

And there was an early interview that they actually did say "First Quarter 2018".  But I have done enough looking for these interviews

Not completely agreeing with the OP here, Just a little fact checking on this post... But we can also be chill and not get upset over an opinion.  I think that they should be a little more transparent on whats going on as far as the development.  But I do foresee a concrete date coming in the new interview Simon will release.  So lets all hang in there its too early to become a toxic community.

I appreciate the effort you put into this ??

The article saying this January/1st quarter i believe was fake.

Something i notice is they said that they were planning to, they didn't say it was for sure launching early. I'm pretty sure when they re-worked some of the combat stuff it pushed it back but we'll never know.

And yeah i completely agree that we should not be a toxic community

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
5 minutes ago, Azuki said:

I appreciate the effort you put into this ??

The article saying this January/1st quarter i believe was fake.


you could just use google you know..

Character Name Dr INF3***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 07.05.2018

1st quarter / february was mistaken xbox release with SEA version of the game

Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
20 minutes ago, Dr INF3NRO said:

you could just use google you know..

You can't assume everything you see on google is real my guy. One news place reports something bogus and others will follow

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 19
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
20 minutes ago, Azuki said:

You can't assume everything you see on google is real my guy. One news place reports something bogus and others will follow

This is very true, more so with game development and info these days. 

At the moment the most recent and quality source of info we got for BDO was at GDC from dualshockers which gave us a small segment of gameplay and a release target around 'summerish'. 

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 20
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
48 minutes ago, Neferpitou said:

1st quarter / february was mistaken xbox release with SEA version of the game

Yeah pretty sure quarter one 2018 was mentioned in a press release and then they later announced the release date of SEA version and people got confused but the announcement was kinda vague.

Character Name Ka***
Main Character
# 21
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
7 minutes ago, Kasai said:

Yeah pretty sure quarter one 2018 was mentioned in a press release and then they later announced the release date of SEA version and people got confused but the announcement was kinda vague.

Pearl abyss actually has a trailer on their YouTube and it says at the end early 2018. It wasn’t a mistake that was the release window we had at first. Now some Xbox account made an article saying we’d have the game in like January which is when SEA was released that was a mistake but not the early 2018 release window 

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 22
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
4 minutes ago, Ayumii_Katsumii said:

Pearl abyss actually has a trailer on their YouTube and it says at the end early 2018. It wasn’t a mistake that was the release window we had at first. Now some Xbox account made an article saying we’d have the game in like January which is when SEA was released that was a mistake but not the early 2018 release window 

Nice. I think i found it. 


Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 23
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
Just now, Azuki said:

Im going to look for it but can you throw in a link please

also shows all four classes that have been shown off with awakenings. 

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 24
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
6 minutes ago, Ayumii_Katsumii said:

also shows all four classes that have been shown off with awakenings. 

Wasn't that 5 classes? Ranger, Wizard, Witch, Striker and Warrior. 

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 25
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
2 minutes ago, Dova said:

Wasn't that 5 classes? Ranger, Wizard, Witch, Striker and Warrior. 

I mean no lol wizard hasn’t been shown at all in any gameplay that I’ve seen. I’m going off just what we’ve seen gameplay of. I obviously think wizard will be out since witch is but they haven’t shown us him at all.

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 26
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
18 minutes ago, Ayumii_Katsumii said:

I mean no lol wizard hasn’t been shown at all in any gameplay that I’ve seen. I’m going off just what we’ve seen gameplay of. I obviously think wizard will be out since witch is but they haven’t shown us him at all.

E3 trailer shows the Wizard

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 27
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
2 minutes ago, Dova said:

E3 trailer shows the Wizard

Yeah I know but no gameplay showing him. E3 trailer also showed dk, zerker, sorc, ninja, etc. but we haven’t seen any good gameplay of wiz sadly. Or any other class except witch, ranger, striker and warrior. Even warrior hasn’t gotten as much as the other 3 

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 28
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
7 minutes ago, Ayumii_Katsumii said:

Yeah I know but no gameplay showing him. E3 trailer also showed dk, zerker, sorc, ninja, etc. but we haven’t seen any good gameplay of wiz sadly. Or any other class except witch, ranger, striker and warrior. Even warrior hasn’t gotten as much as the other 3 

Yeah the overall gameplay revealed thus far has been a bit lacklustre, thankfully my main is probably going to be Ranger. 

Hopefully whatever they show at E3 will give us more details regarding all the cast and not just a select few. 

That being said I'm mostly interested in the monetisation that they have planned for launch (founders pack and other editions). 

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 29
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
2 minutes ago, Dova said:

Yeah the overall gameplay revealed thus far has been a bit lacklustre, thankfully my main is probably going to be Ranger. 

Hopefully whatever they show at E3 will give us more details regarding all the cast and not just a select few. 

That being said I'm mostly interested in the monetisation that they have planned for launch (founders pack and other editions). 

I’m pretty sure they will launch the game after e3. It would make sense. I want to main sorceress so I’m hoping she’s in there. But if anything I’ll play witch until then. But hopefully they release it at e3. I also think we will have all these updates because of the process to get updates out on Xbox. Going through the whole certification process. It’d be almost impossible to get an weekly update how they do on pc on Xbox. Unless the game goes into the preview program how ark was. But ever since ark has came out we get an update about once a month. So I think we’ll have most of the content pc does just for that reason alone. 

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 30
Edit Date : 07.05.2018
2 minutes ago, Ayumii_Katsumii said:

I’m pretty sure they will launch the game after e3. It would make sense. I want to main sorceress so I’m hoping she’s in there. But if anything I’ll play witch until then. But hopefully they release it at e3. I also think we will have all these updates because of the process to get updates out on Xbox. Going through the whole certification process. It’d be almost impossible to get an weekly update how they do on pc on Xbox. Unless the game goes into the preview program how ark was. But ever since ark has came out we get an update about once a month. So I think we’ll have most of the content pc does just for that reason alone. 

Yeah the cert process is definately frustrating from a consumer perspective. Playing Warframe and waiting for pc build gets me every time as Warframe is updated with new content every second week on pc. 


E3 release would be amazing but I see Microsoft doing it maybe a week after E3 instead of during E3. 

Character Name D***
Main Character
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