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Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

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will it be for the xbox one and xbox one x/s, or?
WrafulC*** 2018-07-05 10:00
1667 16 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 05.07.2018

will Black desert be for Xbox one as well as the Xbox one X and Xbox one S or just those last two??

Character Name WrafulC***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 05.07.2018

Jesus, use search option...

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 05.07.2018
2 hours ago, Daniel said:

Jesus, use search option...

I'm outta likes so gotta quote...

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 05.07.2018

For all xbox one family, but they will run different:)

Character Name ZzWithePand***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 05.07.2018

Thanks!! you were very helpful.

Character Name WrafulC***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 05.07.2018
48 minutes ago, WrafulComa said:

Thanks!! you were very helpful.

As a side note for future reference, every game that plays on the One S will also play on the original Xbox One. And for the immediate future, every game that plays on the One X will also play on the One S and the original Xbox One. At this point, none of the announced for development games are model specific, all Xbox One consoles(og, S, X) will play all Xbox One games. I assumed this info was common knowledge.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 05.07.2018
3 hours ago, Jammer480 said:

As a side note for future reference, every game that plays on the One S will also play on the original Xbox One. And for the immediate future, every game that plays on the One X will also play on the One S and the original Xbox One. At this point, none of the announced for development games are model specific, all Xbox One consoles(og, S, X) will play all Xbox One games. I assumed this info was common knowledge.

to be fair the dev notes 2 post only mentions xbox one s and x. both of those models have more ram than the original xbox one so its not a bad question. the post also says something like "we have learned to to use every bit of ram and other resources that the xbox one s and x can provide". they didnt post ne info on the xbox one client and what the perf was lookin like. yes as it stands all 3 consoles play all of the games released but if they are building the client to support specs available to s and x owners then theres no way the game can run on the original xbox one. these guys have a bad habit of not including all of the info in their posts and might want to rethink that in future posts otherwise folks will just ask the same stuff again. if a post is being made it should include info on every supported console so its not unreasonable to assume (based on their words) they only want to offer the game to s and x owners.


honestly though who would run a game like bdo or eso on a regular xbox one now? they r so huge and use so many resources that anything less than the one x causes stuttering and fps drops.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 05.07.2018
43 minutes ago, numnutz2005 said:

to be fair the dev notes 2 post only mentions xbox one s and x. both of those models have more ram than the original xbox one so its not a bad question. the post also says something like "we have learned to to use every bit of ram and other resources that the xbox one s and x can provide". they didnt post ne info on the xbox one client and what the perf was lookin like. yes as it stands all 3 consoles play all of the games released but if they are building the client to support specs available to s and x owners then theres no way the game can run on the original xbox one. these guys have a bad habit of not including all of the info in their posts and might want to rethink that in future posts otherwise folks will just ask the same stuff again. if a post is being made it should include info on every supported console so its not unreasonable to assume (based on their words) they only want to offer the game to s and x owners.


honestly though who would run a game like bdo or eso on a regular xbox one now? they r so huge and use so many resources that anything less than the one x causes stuttering and fps drops.

Exactly. If you don't have an X, expect to suffer.

Character Name The Gui***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 05.07.2018

Well if you dig abit or use the search option you can easily find that they said also about the fps/Res for normal Xbox 

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 16.07.2018
On 7/5/2018 at 2:54 PM, Daniel said:

Well if you dig abit or use the search option you can easily find that they said also about the fps/Res for normal Xbox 

i understand that they mentioned the regular xbox one in the past but in the update they provided they focused on only the s and the x models not the original xbox one model. they posted testing info for both versions and explained what they are trying to make better but failed to include any testing info for the regular xbox one model. i know they mentioned that version in the past but to be fair they also mentioned a release date of 2017 and early 2018 which didnt happen right?? i think its not far off to question if they removed the original xbox console support or if they will still release it for those machines.

either way anything less than the s model will most likely suffer from stuttering issues or major fps drops when under load. the release date isnt for a while so its best to start savin up for the x model of the console so your running the latest gen console fo future games that will come out. u will have to upgrade eventually anyway so dont waste your time going half way and gettin cheap with the s model.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 16.07.2018

Microsoft stated that every game will work on all versions of one, so they would destroy whole policy just for one game? 

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 17.07.2018
17 hours ago, Daniel said:

Microsoft stated that every game will work on all versions of one, so t?hey would destroy whole policy just for one game? 

ms isnt pa and pa isnt ms. physical limitations r physical limitations. right now if the faster beefier 2 consoles r strugglin to play the game properly its not a stretch to question support for the first gen console. since this keeps being somethin that is said let me post a link to put things in perspective:

the above links states all xbox one games both digital and physical are playable on all 3 consoles. this means anything the lowest spec console can handle the other 2 higher spec consoles can handle which is pretty obvious.

now based on what i have heard and read as of the release date ms stated that every CURRENT game is playable on all 3 consoles. they guaranteed that much. they however did not guarantee that every current AND FUTURE game will be playable on all 3 consoles. as games become more and more hardware intensive its only smart to assume physical limitations will get in the way on what others demand companies provide them. the same happened for ps3 support. current games worked almost just as well and companies were dual releasing alot of stuff but at some point the games exceeded what the console could handle and support had to be ended.

thats not to say that companies wont make games for all 3 consoles for years to come. that wasnt what this thread was about. this thread is about pa bringin bdo to the xbox one console and again his question is 100% valid because promises were made multiple times since the game was announced but plans have changed. the way they are only postin info on the s and x generation consoles implies that support for the first gen console isnt happening. this might be a dumb assumption but u cant admit that they have changed plans in other threads then when it comes to this one rigidly stand behind what they said a year ago lol. thats not how life works. maybe u only have an xbox one and are worried that support wont be provided for ur machine which sucks it really does but use these next however many months to save up and upgrade to the x gen. trust me...u will love the perf difference in most games.

like i said before...even if this game hit the first gen console the perf would be terrible and damn near unplayable especially in towns. even they said multiple people in downs cause massive fps drops on the x and s consoles so there is no reason to even remotely assume that the first gen console will run smoother or even similar to the other 2 lol. it just doesnt make sense.

i hope im wrong though. best of luck bud

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 18.07.2018

Nope, pa isn't ms. It's ms platform and they decide what consoles will be supported. I never said the game will run any good on original one. I said it will be supported, there's difference if you want to start pointing out small things. 

Ms guaranteed that every game will stay within console gen. Just like 360. 

PA said it will be on whole one gen, so it will. What difference does it make which console I own? I can say that I'm on PS4 and it will ruin your world. No need to take it personally if you run out of other arguments. 

Pubg runs on all one's. Why wouldn't bdo?

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 22.07.2018

I'm just curious will Black Desert work on xbox two? I see any version of xbox one works fine but what about xbox two when this is officially released? will Black Desert work on xbox two?

Character Name MightyS***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 28.07.2018

More shhit for the slacker mods to clean up...

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 29.07.2018
On 7/22/2018 at 2:32 PM, MightySoul said:

I'm just curious will Black Desert work on xbox two? I see any version of xbox one works fine but what about xbox two when this is officially released? will Black Desert work on xbox two?

xbox two haha

It will be ported even to xbox 3!

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 07.08.2018
On 7/18/2018 at 2:31 AM, Daniel said:

Nope, pa isn't ms. It's ms platform and they decide what consoles will be supported. I never said the game will run any good on original one. I said it will be supported, there's difference if you want to start pointing out small things. 

Ms guaranteed that every game will stay within console gen. Just like 360. 

PA said it will be on whole one gen, so it will. What difference does it make which console I own? I can say that I'm on PS4 and it will ruin your world. No need to take it personally if you run out of other arguments. 

Pubg runs on all one's. Why wouldn't bdo?

well like i mentioned before ms said they guarantee that all current games will run on all 3. ms doesnt determine which consoles games support. where did u get that idea? game makers try hittin the widest audience but if ms required everyone to make a game for all 3 that means every game dev woulda stopped makin games for the 360 at the same time. instead they came out less and less until they eventually stopped all together. same with the ps3/4 too.

but up until they announced the xbox one x ms guaranteed that all current content will be supported and didnt announce anything about future content bein required on all 3. this is wording posted on their site directly not from third party news sites that word it however they choose to. they dont do it often but it does happen....remember the xbox release that was supposed to happen in jan?? huge mistake lol.

pubg has a max of 100 people at a time right? and none of those 100 people r clumped together in 1 area. a few r together at a time tops. not to mentioned the quality of the graphics arent ne where near what bdo looks like. clothes and trees dont sway in the wind and stuff like that. it all has a huge impact on how smooth it all runs.

i mean if u wanna say ur on a ps4 that would only validate what i said before...u will need to get an xbox to play bdo and i suggest savin ur money now to get the x model not the first gen or s model. idc what consoles it supports since i have the first and third gen system so either way im covered. i was simply offerin advice based on the experiences i have had so far when playin eso which is the closest thing us console folks have to bdo right now. thats all bud.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicwill it be for the xbox one and xbox one x/s, or?

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