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Button Mapping on XBOX - With the Power of 2
Neferpi*** 2018-08-06 06:49
10949 14 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 06.08.2018

This thread is about my critique and concerns towards the Button Mapping we have right now as seen in various footages

So in the recent Vid Simon posted he showcased some of the lifeskills for whatever reason.. most likely because he was playin his zerk to lvl 61 and got bored grinding sausan
ANYWAY  i would like to focus on something velly important:

The new UI
heres a screeny from the latest footage
gota admit that the UI looks stunning! amazing work has been done here to clean up and zip the bloated UI into something very modern also very MMO feel-a-like and oh boi that font is pure candy

but this thread purpose is not to drool over the UI i would like to focus on, what i belive, gona be the most important thing:
Button Mapping on Console
so with the above screencap in mind lets take a closer look to the inputs:


seeing this screen we can assume that we gona see the circle menus to choose from items,buffs,potions,procession,knowledge,map and skills?
they have put the D-PAD to the most best use here there is no doubt
it will most likey be free of configuration so you can set the D-PAD's arrow keys to whatever function you wish - make Left D-PAD HP-potion and right D-PAD Mana-potion.. or D-PAD up and down is up to you
as awesome this idea is to clean up the UI and compress various elements into a circle menu
this also comes with a huge flaw

lets take a look with how a circle menu would look like with a set of full quickslot only skills in it:

this is to much skills in here to choose from in esp the 45° ones are tricky to activate
now imagine your in that one PvP scenario
you already forgot what to do
you panic
.. what class am i???..

you somewhat half remember that the blue lines with stars in it did something good..
you hold down D-PAD up and circle to it using right stick
 you sorta managed to pull something up outa this menu but what you actual cast is: spellbound heart and youre now stuck in a 2 sec long animation just to give you 250 points of MP back .. which was full from the very beginning
.. damned... not again

this way of using skills.. it is terrible because you loose control and you cant muscle memory it because there is always a margin of error if you pull up the stuff super fast chances are realistic that you hit the wrong skill 

right now access quickslots using pc controller support is way better.. lemme explain to you why

The Power of 2
right now on PC controller support is maybe not perfect but it is pretty much solid
you can do everything except zoom in/out  open boxes and browse marketplace (you cant use the search function -because no virtuel keyboard)

but i can gurantee you one thing: 
combat works flawless and even better than with keyboard inputs

heres a screencap of my loli and what i use on pc for button layout:

as you can see my quickslot bar is split up on 2 sides
here is why:
on pc u access the quickslots using your L1 and R1 Buttons in combination with Y,B,A,X
so with every shoulder button you get to access 4 quickslots that makes 8 quickslots as a whole
in my setup the 4 L1 quickslots are on the left side while R1 remains on the right side and they resemble the controller layout on screen
this gives a very intuitive usage of those
now you can access those with very high precision because unlike on your keyboard you dont have to search for "number 8" instead you just press
R1 + Y and you fire it up
this works realy good and far better than keyboard inputs in my opinion
there a lot of very important quickslot skills you need to come up with and you need to bring them down quick
so such a layout truly helps because after some training you can pull em up flawless without any error margin that allows quick and precise usage of combat inputs while you can
observe whats going on the battlefield

Now what would be truly awesome...
if we just could mash-in both together?
the D-PAD access to the circle menus and potions that are freely adjustable with the L1 Y,B,A,X and R1 Y,B,A,X inputs from pc
this .. superior inputs from the future!
you can get everything down there and you can freely adjust it to your own will


you get your hands down on the power of the D-PAD circle menus that allow quick access to various elements such as food buffs, elixir, processin skills, world map, knowledge screen, character
and on the same time you can make use of L1 Y,B,A,X and R1 Y,B,A,X inputs that allow precise combat inputs without error margin
and to sum it up in a total overkill: allow to activate or deactivate it through "EDIT UI" so everyone can adjust it to its own liking


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 06.08.2018

I like the new layout more it makes it so we can use L1 and R1 as attacks instead of makes them activate hot bars, if anything make a hot bar you can use left and right on the dpad to switch to the next one and up on the road to use the selected one.

Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 06.08.2018
2 minutes ago, Beond said:

I like the new layout more it makes it so we can use L1 and R1 as attacks instead of makes them activate hot bars, if anything make a hot bar you can use left and right on the dpad to switch to the next one and up on the road to use the selected one.

browsing through a hotbar takes to long what if you need to skip from quickslot 2 to 8 and than back? you would have to press the D-PAD 6 times and you have to focus on it while doing so because overwise you can mess it up and to makes things worse: you cant move while browsing
this is even worse than the circle menu tbh 
you also loose dpad right and dpad left as input keys since they have to be used for browsing through hotbar
and what if you accidental flip to dpad up or down while browsing so it opens the circle menu ..
no this is not good at all


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 08.08.2018
On 8/6/2018 at 12:14 AM, Neferpitou said:

browsing through a hotbar takes to long what if you need to skip from quickslot 2 to 8 and than back? you would have to press the D-PAD 6 times and you have to focus on it while doing so because overwise you can mess it up and to makes things worse: you cant move while browsing
this is even worse than the circle menu tbh 
you also loose dpad right and dpad left as input keys since they have to be used for browsing through hotbar
and what if you accidental flip to dpad up or down while browsing so it opens the circle menu ..
no this is not good at all


Get the razer wolverine ultimate controller easy fix and be near the ability you need, the way you want it will make it so we can’t do every combo with the controller and HAVE to use the hotbar

Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 06.08.2018
2 hours ago, Beond said:

Get the taser wolverine ultimate controller easy fix and be near the ability you need, the way you want it will make it so we can’t do every combo with the controller and HAVE to use the hotbar


you can do all the combos ez
if you dont belive me i show you whatever combo you want  to see because i play with controller only on PC that already uses the L1 Y,B,A,X and R1 Y,B,A,X

Shift is RT
RMB is X
Q is RS
F is B
E is Y
Space is A

it is well made
the buttons are set in a way to favor alot of skills so that you can leave your right thumb onto the right stick without loosing aim in battle

i think it is important to understand that some classes favor quickslot more than other
a prime example why some quickslot would be terrible via circle menu is this important warrior skill here:

the skill is for warrior to engange in PvP
it works like a projectile so it needs to be aimed but if you use both left and right thumb to choose it through circle menu you have no more control


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 06.08.2018

If they change it again = another half year of delay

but I like it 

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 06.08.2018

A truly great post and openion and I do like it a lot the way you explained it makes it easy to picture what you had in mind and how it plays out and I highly support this suggestion but regardless I'd still would like to give the current set up they have for combat a try in beta despite for this being a better choice for it. 


But think this belongs to suggestions section. 

Character Name Asto***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 06.08.2018

Totally agree with all you proposed here. That said, we can solve this partially by letting us map our own controls. Pretty please. Keep UI the same because it looks amazing. But, for the love of god, it's 2018. Please let us customize buttons.

Edit: sp

Character Name Cloudkic***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 06.08.2018
4 hours ago, Neferpitou said:


you can do all the combos ez
if you dont belive me i show you whatever combo you want  to see because i play with controller only on PC that already uses the L1 Y,B,A,X and R1 Y,B,A,X

Shift is RT
RMB is X
Q is RS
F is B
E is Y
Space is A

it is well made
the buttons are set in a way to favor alot of skills so that you can leave your right thumb onto the right stick without loosing aim in battle

i think it is important to understand that some classes favor quickslot more than other
a prime example why some quickslot would be terrible via circle menu is this important warrior skill here:

the skill is for warrior to engange in PvP
it works like a projectile so it needs to be aimed but if you use both left and right thumb to choose it through circle menu you have no more control


PA hire this man to do your controls I also played on PC but not with a controller 

Character Name King A***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 06.08.2018
3 hours ago, Daniel said:

If they change it again = another half year of delay

but I like it 


Character Name King A***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 06.08.2018

 if things dont work as planned during the beta test please read this post for ideas on how to change it/make ot better

Character Name King A***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 06.08.2018
6 hours ago, Neferpitou said:


you can do all the combos ez
if you dont belive me i show you whatever combo you want  to see because i play with controller only on PC that already uses the L1 Y,B,A,X and R1 Y,B,A,X

Shift is RT
RMB is X
Q is RS
F is B
E is Y
Space is A

it is well made
the buttons are set in a way to favor alot of skills so that you can leave your right thumb onto the right stick without loosing aim in battle

i think it is important to understand that some classes favor quickslot more than other
a prime example why some quickslot would be terrible via circle menu is this important warrior skill here:

the skill is for warrior to engange in PvP
it works like a projectile so it needs to be aimed but if you use both left and right thumb to choose it through circle menu you have no more control


What about U and Z those are very important oh and C lmao you kinda need to change weapons, and then there’s wizard that needs to have AT LEAST 14 quick slots to be efficient... then there’s the fact you need R to loot and interact if someone doesn’t have pets or not enough pets oh wait and what about V need that too. Think I proved my point later

Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 06.08.2018
53 minutes ago, Beond said:

What about U and Z those are very important oh and C lmao you kinda need to change weapons, and then there’s wizard that needs to have AT LEAST 14 quick slots to be efficient... then there’s the fact you need R to loot and interact if someone doesn’t have pets or not enough pets oh wait and what about V need that too. Think I proved my point later

you miss out these:

L1 + R1 + Y,B,A,X
L1 + R1 + Dpad 
(these are called UI hotkeys)

rage absord right now is L1 + R1 + Dpad down
V is L1 + R1 Dpad up
C is L1 + dpad left 
well you can try it for yourself but i guarantee you.. everything you need is mapped

only thing that isnt combo-able are rabam skills
if you play with controller you need these hotkeyed
which sucks tho because they dosnt flow if they get assigned to a quickslot
but until we see those on xbox.. prop more than a year gona pass and im sure they can figure out a way to make them flow through quickslot access

Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 06.08.2018
4 hours ago, Astolti said:

A truly great post and openion and I do like it a lot the way you explained it makes it easy to picture what you had in mind and how it plays out and I highly support this suggestion but regardless I'd still would like to give the current set up they have for combat a try in beta despite for this being a better choice for it. 


But think this belongs to suggestions section. 

appreciate much
ye seeing it in the beta is important
simon mentioned at some point that it worked pretty good with the skills the way it is
and they had some normal skills in it aswell @E3 showcase 
so basicaly used combo skills out of it where everyone started to loosing it and went nuts cos some thought this would be the way it is going to be
i mean it could do the trick at least for my class it will i know this because i only have 3 quickslot skills i truly need and i would put these 90 ° from each other to make sure i dont missactivate anything
but i feel like some classes like ranger and warrior who have some quickslot only skills that demand aim while beeing activated could suffer from this on pc you can use your mouse and still aim after the enemy if you hit that quickslot but with controller you wont.. 

Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 06.08.2018
52 minutes ago, Neferpitou said:

you miss out these:

L1 + R1 + Y,B,A,X
L1 + R1 + Dpad 
(these are called UI hotkeys)

rage absord right now is L1 + R1 + Dpad down
V is L1 + R1 Dpad up
C is L1 + dpad left 
well you can try it for yourself but i guarantee you.. everything you need is mapped

only thing that isnt combo-able are rabam skills
if you play with controller you need these hotkeyed
which sucks tho because they dosnt flow if they get assigned to a quickslot
but until we see those on xbox.. prop more than a year gona pass and im sure they can figure out a way to make them flow through quickslot access

That's a horrible spot for weapon switch imo, really awkward to do a quick swap and not fluid at all

Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 07.08.2018

We will see what the feedback is once the game is playable, but once again I feel it's worth stressing that the ring menus are completely customizable. If you only want 4 skills on the ring, you can. If you do equip 4 skills, you can hotkey 16 skills to the d-pad (4 for each direction). 

I haven't used the ring menus for a while, and favor learning the combinations for each of the skills. But when I did use them, they were intuitive. Of course, I've put in a lot of hours into the game thusfar, so my viewpoint is probably skewed. When we do demonstrations (E3 for example) we tend to hotkey all the skills to a single ring menu, and we had many positive comments (and some negative ones which we've taken to heart) about them. Of course, we will continue to gather feedback to make sure that the direction we're going is the right one. 

Thank you for your suggestions though, and we will keep it in mind for the future. 

Character Name [CM] Si***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 07.08.2018
12 minutes ago, [CM] Simon said:

We will see what the feedback is once the game is playable, but once again I feel it's worth stressing that the ring menus are completely customizable. If you only want 4 skills on the ring, you can. If you do equip 4 skills, you can hotkey 16 skills to the d-pad (4 for each direction). 

I haven't used the ring menus for a while, and favor learning the combinations for each of the skills. But when I did use them, they were intuitive. Of course, I've put in a lot of hours into the game thusfar, so my viewpoint is probably skewed. When we do demonstrations (E3 for example) we tend to hotkey all the skills to a single ring menu, and we had many positive comments (and some negative ones which we've taken to heart) about them. Of course, we will continue to gather feedback to make sure that the direction we're going is the right one. 

Thank you for your suggestions though, and we will keep it in mind for the future. 

Maybe instead of just having demos at gaming conventions actually give us players on console something so you can get proper feedback! We’ve been waiting over a year have gotten nothing at all! 

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 07.08.2018
6 hours ago, [CM] Simon said:

We will see what the feedback is once the game is playable, but once again I feel it's worth stressing that the ring menus are completely customizable. If you only want 4 skills on the ring, you can. If you do equip 4 skills, you can hotkey 16 skills to the d-pad (4 for each direction). 

I haven't used the ring menus for a while, and favor learning the combinations for each of the skills. But when I did use them, they were intuitive. Of course, I've put in a lot of hours into the game thusfar, so my viewpoint is probably skewed. When we do demonstrations (E3 for example) we tend to hotkey all the skills to a single ring menu, and we had many positive comments (and some negative ones which we've taken to heart) about them. Of course, we will continue to gather feedback to make sure that the direction we're going is the right one. 

Thank you for your suggestions though, and we will keep it in mind for the future. 

thx simon

this is what i wanted to achive with this thread, to make aware of a possibility for a alternative button mapping to give us the most costumizable experience we can so everyone can
enjoy the game in a way he likes to

now that i've got that of my chest i would like to ask for the next big thing:

Make ROCKSTAR™ Energy GREAT again:
no one likes those overprized jucks of sugar
until now


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 19
Edit Date : 07.08.2018
10 minutes ago, Neferpitou said:

thx simon

this is what i wanted to achive with this thread, to make aware of a possibility for a alternative button mapping to give us the most costumizable experience we can so everyone can
enjoy the game in a way he likes to

now that i've got that of my chest i would like to ask for the next big thing:

Make ROCKSTAR™ Energy GREAT again:
no one likes those overprized jucks of sugar
until now


Is this available now cause I dont drink energy drinks I'll just buy a lot of them then pour them out or give them away to people who do after I get the codes hehe

Character Name King A***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicButton Mapping on XBOX - With the Power of 2

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