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2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


State of game on release.
PvT Insan*** 2018-08-16 08:19
3963 51 0 0
1 2
# 1
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

Whenever this game comes out this year or even next. Who knows. I hope it just doesn't turn into terra and kinda fade away into the background. A lot of this game's hype has kinda died, and I feel like some people have forgotten about it honestly. I want it to do well, but I'm kinda worried it won't.

With all the delays people have forgot and some have just gotten sick of waiting, but I see people leave then they comeback so it's kinda a back and fourth on people giving up. 

Communication has been terrible up until E3 with Simon being the most communicative rep/CM of Pearl Abyss. Now we get Dev notes , thank god and keep them coming Simon, which shows how's the game coming along. Yet I still don't think it's enough.

Everything has just kinda died out in a sense. Well in my perspective it has. We're in a weird spot right now. Nothings happening yet it is and I feel a lot of people are excited but not really. Kinda like a ehh feeling.

when the game launches it will be rough for sure. Though when it does launch I feel like we'll make it through it but this version won't be near PC level unless there's some major advertising or something from Microsoft or whatever.

Idunno only time with tell I suppose.

Character Name PvT Insan***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

Thanks for sharing it.. Its true the activity coming from Dev's is to wish for and the delay for Beta so as Release is questionable but despite all that most of us are still hyped for it and as you said they will need a good loore for when it releases or it's fate is certain of Tera's

Character Name Asto***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

I still have hope. Personally I've just tried not to think so much about the game and keep myself occupied with other games until the beta comes around. From time to time I'm still coming back to the forums but worrying about the release at this point just seems like a waste of energy. When it arrives it arrives. 

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 16.08.2018
10 hours ago, Dova said:

I still have hope. Personally I've just tried not to think so much about the game and keep myself occupied with other games until the beta comes around. From time to time I'm still coming back to the forums but worrying about the release at this point just seems like a waste of energy. When it arrives it arrives. 

Same here but not every one's alike. 

Character Name Asto***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

Hype is dead. Great release window missed. No communication with PA. Constant delays without any info. Etc



I was hyped for 1q 2017, got one X for the game, now I don't really care anymore when it comes out. I'm surprised people still wait and ask Simon for anything after so many lies and delays. There was never any kind of communication, we ask one question and they answer to something totally different. Game should have been released a year ago and today, we still don't have any info about content or what-so-ever 

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

Could this be a Microsoft scam in tricking us to by the console as I bought the S and it just sits there as a dust collector 

Character Name Asto***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

Why so negative? I'm ok with the wait and think they've played a blinder for one reason and an important one - first impressions count.

Making us wait means the graphical improvements to get an easy WOW factor going, more upbeat audio and esp to be noted the newer players experience where it was heavily criticised before as too easy. Wanna know what had little fan fare from my experience at first... Warframe, Smite too oh and Terra. Why? The budgets to market these ain't in the same leagues as ones which do get hype be that a Call of Duty or a Grand Theft Auto.

The community will come as it's pretty and it's free, what it's all about is that the community stays and that comes from the experience they take from the game or friends sticking it out too. Warframes Devs stated in last year since adding open world elements they've gotten highest users numbers on every method they track. There's huge potential there if they get it right and clearly that's the focus instead of just rushing it out for the impatient.


Character Name Sk***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

Why so negative? 

Still these questions after 7months since the original release date, and still without any detailed info about it. 

Why so negative , . Pls help me answer this 

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

Well, if someone is ok with others not following thru on what they said and not answering easy question(with even an acknowledgement)and general lack of communication, than by all means don't be negative. 

Who says this game will be free? I expect it to cost at least $40 US for the base game.

Unfortunately, delaying a game is absolutely NOT a guarantee that it will be better. It more than likely means someone may not know what they're doing, at least that's what it means in my line of work. Game delays have previously led to cancellation, i.e. Scalebound. 

Yes, first impressions count, which is why delay after delay after delay makes a terrible first impression...hence the negativity.


Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 16.08.2018
1 hour ago, Daniel said:

Why so negative? 

Still these questions after 7months since the original release date, and still without any detailed info about it. 

Why so negative , . Pls help me answer this 

Your asking me to work when I'm done with work ... whats in it for me *-* 


Character Name Asto***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 16.08.2018

It seems that the more time we wait... Worse it can get... I have high hopes for the game but after 1 Year of waiting I'm not feeling right about this. Still... There are contents on their Facebook page of the game and some videos about the system. Let's wait and see shall we ?

Character Name El***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 16.08.2018
1 hour ago, Skode said:

Why so negative?

Simply put you don't make promises you cant keep, especially from a business perspective. Its not only the delay that has people left disappointed, there's lack of communication and information not to speak lack of events *fillers for any of the releases (Beta/Release) as if you cant keep up to the delivery at least make sure you take good care of your customers till your able to do so what sadly has not bin the case. 

Character Name Asto***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 17.08.2018

They definitely deserve the negativity for all the push backs, but things do happen and games get pushed back...That being said if I was a game director I wouldn't give any dates until I knew 100% the game was ready to launch. For all these push backs I except the game to run at 30 fps 100% of the time even with 200 people on screen there's no excuse I have a pretty good gaming PC it was BiS in the 980 era and runs at a solid 60 fps at 4k high end mode most of the time and 30 fps when I'm in huge GvG fights so there's no reason in hell it should drop under 4k 30 fps at medium setting.

Character Name Be***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 17.08.2018


15 hours ago, Daniel said:

Hype is dead. Great release window missed. No communication with PA. Constant delays without any info. Etc



I was hyped for 1q 2017, got one X for the game, now I don't really care anymore when it comes out. I'm surprised people still wait and ask Simon for anything after so many lies and delays. There was never any kind of communication, we ask one question and they answer to something totally different. Game should have been released a year ago and today, we still don't have any info about content or what-so-ever 

I completely agree, I could deal with missed deadlines but even simple things that they've no doubt got locked in like some of the content available on launch is just not passed on to us. 

They leave us speculating about the smallest things rather than being open.

The communication has been a meme and adds fuel to the negativity, if Bungie has better communication than you as a company you must be doing something horribly wrong.

Character Name Grass Beet***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 20.08.2018

i think they stick to fall 2018 with beta
and than shortly after we gona see the release like i could think of release 1-2 week after beta

they're not a developer/publisher who would release a broken game with alot of issues and i give them credit for this

they have finished the remaster and audio overhaul and right now it is polished during bug testing on globalLab
than theres this thing with enhancement overhaul which i think of is just add-in for caprass stones cos they dont can change much about it since it is the biggest cash income
caprass stones are also already in the game and beeing tested and it works without issues so far

i wonder what the game will be in terms of cashing is it going to be p2w or p2convenience?..
with PA as publisher we might see valks cry and cron stone melting in the game cos in every region where PA also published they had this item and this is something that is completly broken if you ask me
this would significant increase a gear gap between players who literaly p2w here over everyone who dosnt want to make use of this


Character Name Neferpi***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 20.08.2018

I think we will see beta at the end of fall, then another one mid in the winter and release summer-ish 

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 20.08.2018

Maybe just maybe we'll get the beta date revealed at gamescom. If not I'd just like to see more gameplay. 

Character Name D***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 20.08.2018
43 minutes ago, Dova said:

Maybe just maybe we'll get the beta date revealed at gamescom. If not I'd just like to see more gameplay. 

Wont be surprised if it will only be gameplay 

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 19
Edit Date : 20.08.2018
49 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Wont be surprised if it will only be gameplay??????????????

Agnes gameplay ?

Character Name DeusExMach***
Main Character
# 20
Edit Date : 20.08.2018
13 minutes ago, DeusExMachina said:

Agnes gameplay ?

No no, male ranger

Character Name Dan***
Main Character
# 21
Edit Date : 20.08.2018
On 8/16/2018 at 6:28 AM, Daniel said:

Hype is dead. Great release window missed. No communication with PA. Constant delays without any info. Etc



I was hyped for 1q 2017, got one X for the game, now I don't really care anymore when it comes out. I'm surprised people still wait and ask Simon for anything after so many lies and delays. There was never any kind of communication, we ask one question and they answer to something totally different. Game should have been released a year ago and today, we still don't have any info about content or what-so-ever 

you worded it out 'Perfectly' on how i feel about waiting fer xb BD.

Character Name Nashta***
Main Character
# 22
Edit Date : 20.08.2018
On 8/16/2018 at 7:08 PM, Astolti said:

Could this be a Microsoft scam in tricking us to by the console as I bought the S and it just sits there as a dust collector 

No, don't be ridiculous.

Obviously the devs underestimated the breadth of the port, and perhaps incorporating remastered elements into the console version also contributed to their need for a greater delay. The fact they have only given a timeframe for a beta, not for the full release like 2017's E3, means their taking their time to get it right.

And OP, it's a brand new franchise for the console. This beta won't be a marketing demo like many devs and pubs tend to do these days. Marketing hasn't started in full yet, but I do agree about the lack of hype. But, it's early days yet and there's no need to toll the doom bell so soon.

I'll admit it's frustrating to see so many people moan about BDO and its delays on this forum, but it all points to a greater truth - there is already an Xbox community for BDO; one that is enthusiastic for the game's release. There is so much enthusiasm it is often projected negatively, but that all works to underscore the love for the game that is already here and it makes me excited and hopeful.

TERA had a disastrous launch, one that was announced a mere 24 hours before it came out. It was a rushed job, a cash grab that was nowhere near ready for prime time and didn't even have an X Enhanced update or dedicated Xbox forum.

While the delay sucks, PA is obviously taking their time to get it right.

Character Name B***
Main Character
# 23
Edit Date : 21.08.2018

I think it will do okay because Xbox doesn't have any real competitive MMO market however if the game is copy paste from PC I don't see people enjoying the grind and very deep systems in place. I always liked the deeper , tougher MMOs but people have come to love simplicity. So even if it does great how many will stay? 

I want to go all in on this and will def. Try the beta whenever that is but if we get another big delay like 2019 launch for instance I'll be settling for fallout 76 which is guaranteed beta in October and everything in fallout beta carrys over to launch on 14th of November. Balls in Pearl abyss's court. 


I know I'm one guy but I am far from being alone on this one. Also spending 300$ on BDO like I planned on doing vs 59.99 is a no brainier if push comes to shove. 

Character Name Daven***
Main Character
# 24
Edit Date : 21.08.2018
28 minutes ago, Daventry said:

I think it will do okay because Xbox doesn't have any real competitive MMO market however if the game is copy paste from PC I don't see people enjoying the grind and very deep systems in place. I always liked the deeper , tougher MMOs but people have come to love simplicity. So even if it does great how many will stay? 

I want to go all in on this and will def. Try the beta whenever that is but if we get another big delay like 2019 launch for instance I'll be settling for fallout 76 which is guaranteed beta in October and everything in fallout beta carrys over to launch on 14th of November. Balls in Pearl abyss's court. 


I know I'm one guy but I am far from being alone on this one. Also spending 300$ on BDO like I planned on doing vs 59.99 is a no brainier if push comes to shove. 

Eso is its hugest mmo hurdle. Everything else is mediocre. A successfull player base needs the ability to retain players for an extended amount of time while adding new ones imo

Character Name Az***
Main Character
# 25
Edit Date : 21.08.2018
6 hours ago, Azuki said:

Eso is its hugest mmo hurdle. Everything else is mediocre. A successfull player base needs the ability to retain players for an extended amount? of time while adding new ones imo

well i have been broadcastin it in cyro chat everyday that im on and lots of folks whisper me for info about it since they r fed up with the game so im sure there will be a bunch of game hoppers comin to check bdo out.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 26
Edit Date : 21.08.2018
1 hour ago, numnutz2005 said:

well i have been broadcastin it in cyro chat everyday that im on and lots of folks whisper me for info about it since they r fed up with the game so im sure there will be a bunch of game hoppers comin to check bdo out.

I think most of the people who have played eso for a long time will be coming to bdx, at least temporarily anyway. 

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 27
Edit Date : 21.08.2018
57 minutes ago, Jammer480 said:

I think most of the people who have played eso for a long time will be coming to bd?x, at least temporarily anyway. 

thats all we can hope for really. once they get into the game it will hopefully make it hard to leave. the hardest thing to overcome is the money they invested into eso. im assuming that will be hard to overlook with long time players. i have played since day 1 but i didnt buy all that extra nonsense so its an easy move for me. $40 mounts or random potions in crown crates r a total waste.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 28
Edit Date : 21.08.2018
15 minutes ago, numnutz2005 said:

thats all we can hope for really. once they get into the game it will hopefully make it hard to leave. the hardest thing to overcome is the money they invested into eso. im assuming that will be hard to overlook with long time players. i have played since day 1 but i didnt buy all that extra nonsense so its an easy move for me. $40 mounts or random potions in crown crates r a total waste.

I'm guessing with eso plus I'm probably getting close to $1k but over 3+ yrs I don't think that's too bad, especially since I don't really have other hobbies. Gaming is still pretty much one of the cheapest hobbies around. A big thing for me in eso was the guilds/social aspects of the game, and I think that's what a lot of eso players will be looking at when they try bdx, how good/ friendly/ helpful are the guilds and community in general. In game, the eso community was great, but the forums were toxic as hell. I assume bdx will be much the same in that reagrds.

Character Name Jammer***
Main Character
# 29
Edit Date : 21.08.2018
6 minutes ago, Jammer480 said:

I'm guessing with eso plus I'm probably getting close to $1k but over 3+ yrs I don't think that's too bad, especially since I don't really have other hobbies. Gaming is still pretty much one of the cheapest hobbies around. A big thing for me in eso was the guilds/social aspects of the game, and I think that's what a lot of eso players will be looking at when they try bdx, how good/ friendly/ helpful are the guilds and community in general. In game, the eso community was great, but the forums were toxic as hell. I assume bdx will be much the same in that reagrds.

oh my! im way too much of a jew for that. i dont mind buyin dlc but loot crates and expensive mounts dont matter to me. they matter to a lot of other folks though. its cheaper than drugs lol. theres a chick on ep...miss stoned angel or whatever....she spends her government check every month on eso. even goes as far as to spam all those expensive mounts she purchased with it. some people dont know when to say enough is enough and walk away and games like that drain the user until there isnt ne thing left :(.

Character Name numnutz2***
Main Character
# 30
Edit Date : 21.08.2018
On 8/20/2018 at 10:53 AM, Daniel said:

No no, male ranger

We will se tomorrow at gamescom

Character Name DeusExMach***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicState of game on release.

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