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First major purchase?
Dr INF3*** 2018-10-18 19:54
2459 27 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 18.10.2018

Hi guys,

Just wondering, what would be the first major thing you're gonna buy with the silver you save from your grinding, life skilling etc.

Will it be a boss armor piece, which piece? A boss weapon? A bunch of weapon/armor black stones? 

In my case, i'll be spending all my silver on a really good horse. A t6 with good skills if it'll be available. ?

Character Name Dr INF3***
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 18.10.2018

Will probably save the majority of my silver till awakening is out. Then depending on how quickly I get a box I’ll decide if I want to buy a sorceress weapon or not. Kinda just depends on when we get content for myself. 

Character Name Ayumii_Katsu***
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 18.10.2018


Character Name A***
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 19.10.2018

Probably stones....or maybe getting the right pieces of gear/weapons.

Character Name Wiitchcr***
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 19.10.2018

Probably boss armor, either bhegs gloves or tree spirit chest piece for a good price.

Character Name xConstanti***
Main Character
# 6
Edit Date : 25.10.2018

I'm gonna save as much as I can manage until my main is released.

Character Name Cloudkic***
Main Character
# 7
Edit Date : 26.10.2018

Depends on what's available at launch. I'm not going to say exactly what ill be purchasing but what I will say is my early silver will be spent on things I think will make me even more silver a few months later.

Character Name Dartha***
Main Character
# 8
Edit Date : 26.10.2018

I definitely be buying fancy armors, horse armors, and my favorite,  housing furniture,  especially the tropical island one and the cow hide one.

Character Name Hunt***
Main Character
# 9
Edit Date : 26.10.2018
Pets for me the most important in the beginning to gain time and not have to keep scouring the mobs

Character Name xXxNirvano***
Main Character
# 10
Edit Date : 28.10.2018

Assuming that we get editions of the game like the Travelers and Explorers packages,I’m going to purchase the Chef costume to help with cooking.If we don’t get those packages,I’ll be buying a Value Pack and a pet (or two) first,then go from there.Being new to BDO,if anyone has any pearl shop tips please feel free to share them with me

Character Name Foreverrgame***
Main Character
# 11
Edit Date : 28.10.2018
1 hour ago, Foreverrgamer87 said:

Assuming that we get editions of the game like the Travelers and Explorers packages,I’m going to purchase the Chef costume to help with cooking.If we don’t get those packages,I’ll be buying a Value Pack and a pet (or two) first,then go from there.Being new to BDO,if anyone has any pearl shop tips please feel free to share them with me

Character Name Twit***
Main Character
# 12
Edit Date : 31.10.2018

No idea,newbie here what would be best. There are a ton of beginner vids on,youtube that are very convoluted, and tedious. Really i think get familuar through beta how the game is, then try listening again to recommendations.

Character Name suns***
Main Character
# 13
Edit Date : 31.10.2018
20 minutes ago, sunstar said:

No idea,newbie here what would be best. There are a ton of beginner vids on,youtube that are very convoluted, and tedious. Really i think get familuar through beta how the game is, then try listening again to recommendations.

Yea I’ve watched loads of Utube videos on every subject of BDO.I have my own idea on what I need and what order I need them in.

Character Name Foreverrgame***
Main Character
# 14
Edit Date : 01.11.2018
8 hours ago, sunstar said:

No idea,newbie here what would be best. There are a ton of beginner vids on,youtube that are very convoluted, and tedious. Really i think get familuar through beta how the game is, then try listening again to recommendations.

Dont watch videos BDO is extremely complex and you have to play to understand it. Once u understand how a feature works then you should look for video on advice how to optimize it.

Character Name Na***
Main Character
# 15
Edit Date : 01.11.2018
21 minutes ago, Namus said:

Dont watch videos BDO is extremely complex and you have to play to understand it. Once u understand how a feature works then you should look for video on advice how to optimize it.

100% correct... most people will spend the first month just getting a feel for things. I played on PC since that beta and there were many parts of the game I never explored or learned. Its a big game with the most complex set of life skills I have ever seen in an MMO, you could could spend all your time just doing one type of lifeskill tbh... hell many of us in siege spent a lot of our time fine tuning our empires. As for what to buy in bdo... it all depends on how you plan to play the game. You literally cant do everything, even if you play 24 hours a day there is always more progression to be done.

Character Name Di***
Main Character
# 16
Edit Date : 01.11.2018
3 hours ago, Namus said:

Dont watch videos BDO is extremely complex and you have to play to understand it. Once u understand how a feature works then you should look for video on advice how to optimize it.


3 hours ago, Dirty said:

100% correct... most people will spend the first month just getting a feel for things. I played on PC since that beta and there were many parts of the game I never explored or learned. Its a big game with the most complex set of life skills I have ever seen in an MMO, you could could spend all your time just doing one type of lifeskill tbh... hell many of us in siege spent a lot of our time fine tuning our empires. As for what to buy in bdo... it all depends on how you plan to play the game. You literally cant do everything, even if you play 24 hours a day there is always more progression to be done.

Thats a bit misleading.

My first month in bdo was really bad. I had a 68AP lvl 54 Musa, why? Cause I didnt understand the gearing system, scroll summoning, grinding, pets, questing, taming/breeding, combos and most importantly life skilling.

Its only after I took a break of 2 weeks and watched a fluff ton of youtube videos, I understood the game. I made my own lucky gathering tools, got almost a full Tri boss set, a ferrari (full skill T8A horse), made loads of silver from life skills and could actually be decent in PvP with my striker.

I warmly suggest TheLazyPeon since he's actually entertaining to listen to and played the game for a couple of years on PC.

Channel link:



Character Name Dr INF3***
Main Character
# 17
Edit Date : 01.11.2018
5 hours ago, Dr INF3NRO said:


Thats a bit misleading.

My first month in bdo was really bad. I had a 68AP lvl 54 Musa, why? Cause I didnt understand the gearing system, scroll summoning, grinding, pets, questing, taming/breeding, combos and most importantly life skilling.

Its only after I took a break of 2 weeks and watched a fluff ton of youtube videos, I understood the game. I made my own lucky gathering tools, got almost a full Tri boss set, a ferrari (full skill T8A horse), made loads of silver from life skills and could actually be decent in PvP with my striker.

I warmly suggest TheLazyPeon since he's actually entertaining to listen to and played the game for a couple of years on PC.

Channel link:



Agreed.Of course don’t take everything the content creators say to heart like the best nodes for the least CP,or the best ways to make money etc.I like to see people’s different opinions and come up with my own.But a lot of the new player guides really have helped me understand the game.

Character Name Foreverrgame***
Main Character
# 18
Edit Date : 01.11.2018
8 hours ago, Dr INF3NRO said:


Thats a bit misleading.

My first month in bdo was really bad. I had a 68AP lvl 54 Musa, why? Cause I didnt understand the gearing system, scroll summoning, grinding, pets, questing, taming/breeding, combos and most importantly life skilling.

Its only after I took a break of 2 weeks and watched a fluff ton of youtube videos, I understood the game. I made my own lucky gathering tools, got almost a full Tri boss set, a ferrari (full skill T8A horse), made loads of silver from life skills and could actually be decent in PvP with my striker.

I warmly suggest TheLazyPeon since he's actually entertaining to listen to and played the game for a couple of years on PC.

Channel link:



It helped you had played it first...i figure beta get feet wet. They throw iut a olt of names which do not mean much to me. Like watching combat and actually doing it is different. I learn better from hands on, ghhen just watching or listening. We all learn differently????



Character Name suns***
Main Character
# 19
Edit Date : 23.12.2018


Character Name Harm***
Main Character
# 20
Edit Date : 02.11.2018
1 hour ago, Harming said:

Amusing were launching with pre-media content (vanilla BDO).

The first major purchase will probably be a bunch of yuria staffs / steel daggers ??. Wohoo amnity games f?or days lol?????

We can probably get a free armor / accessory set that will hold us till media launches from grinding Mansas / Catfishmen / Treants / ect. , but will need a decent mainhand / offhand going into Media.

I think the agerian armors will be a popular +15 money pit early on ( like livertos).

If you can hang back and accept being weak though vanillia is a great time to hoard silver, blackstones, and hunter marks. This will allow you to get early Ultimate grunil / heve sets with Medi 1 launch. Putting you ahead of the game???.?

Also if time permits it leveling 3-4 alts to ~55 is a great early investmen?t?. You can set them up with Asulas once its in and camp world bosses with them.


Leveling alts also gives you the opportunity to get a hang of the classes, build up your understanding of different classes and learn how to play against them. Plus the extra energy is nice too. 

Character Name [CM] Si***
Main Character
# 21
Edit Date : 02.11.2018
On 10/31/2018 at 6:16 PM, Foreverrgamer87 said:

Yea I’ve watched loads of Utube videos on every subject of BDO.I have my own idea on what I need and what order I need them in.

I honestly can't say I have ever seen anyone call it "UTube" but is makes so much sense.

BDO is a confusing game because it has a TON of different aspects. The best thing to do is probably to search out a guild that has people you get along with and can help you answer questions as you play. You can also watch some of the active streamers on twitch and see how the game plays in a day to day aspect. My main suggestion for everyone here would be to not get overwhelmed. As someone who has played this game a bit there are large chunks that are not fully necessary to understand from day one to enjoy the game. We dont have a ton of information on what content we are starting the game at so if we start at base you can learn most of it as it comes out. 

Figure out what you want to do in the game and then watch guides on that.  GL in game!

Character Name xC***
Main Character
# 22
Edit Date : 02.11.2018

Anything account bound. Rest later after I learn the game more.

Character Name Daven***
Main Character
# 23
Edit Date : 02.11.2018

I'll personally be trying to save up my money for buying pets off the marketplace! Want higher tier pets for sure, but don't feel too comfortable with using real money on that type of rng.

Character Name Ens***
Main Character
# 24
Edit Date : 06.11.2018
On 10/29/2018 at 11:22 AM, Foreverrgamer87 said:

Assuming that we get editions of the game like the Travelers and Explorers packages,I’m going to purchase the Chef costume to help with cooking.If we don’t get those packages,I’ll be buying a Value Pack and a pet (or two) first,then go from there.Being new to BDO,if anyone has any pearl shop tips please feel free to share them with me

^ This ! I really would love a Chef costume for that cooking stuffs. Hmm well as far as Pearl Shop stuff goes. One of my first priorities being an avid lifeskiller/Cook.Fisher etc was to get my characters inventory weight increased ( also great for grinding inventory fills fast killing stuff with pets picking it up) You can get +50 LT with a limit of 4 per character with Loyalty points they give us each day. But it would take a lot of logins to collect that many loyalties. But with pearls you can get several expansions for weight limited to one per character for each expansion and maybe consider inventory expansions as well. I really was glad I maxed out my inventory slots since I fish a lot (actively) And having that space was so good.

The Value pack gives a nice increase to inventory slots as well whilst active and a bit of a boost to carry weight also!

The Pearl shop will be again my undoing. Cause not only all the "Practical" stuff. But then the costumes @_@ !



Character Name Jin***
Main Character
# 25
Edit Date : 06.11.2018

I guess my first one will be a decent liverto longbow. I am tired of enchanting so i will make money with life skills and then buy my gear. 

Character Name iZa***
Main Character
# 26
Edit Date : 06.11.2018
45 minutes ago, iZarga said:

I guess my first one will be a decent liverto longbow. I am tired of enchanting so i will make money with life skills and then buy my gear. 

Oh man brings bavk to mind ff 14 first it was upgrade to artifact, then zodiak,etc...i'm with you buying gear sounds less stressful.??

Character Name suns***
Main Character
# 27
Edit Date : 07.11.2018

Costumes, I always spend more then I should on clothes. ?

Character Name Skyc***
Main Character
# 28
Edit Date : 07.11.2018

definitely, probably some cool armor

Character Name Shogun_***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicFirst major purchase?

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