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03/2024 - Content console misses that PC has
Mercenar 2024-03-05 10:21
259 4 5 0
# 1
Edit Date : 15.08.2024


it is March 2024 and I guess it is time to list again, what content is missing on Console - this is not complete for sure but you are invited to make additions


- Region of Eternal Winter

- Ulukita

- Ocean - Khan (Vells heart was nice but does not replace the content)

- Ocean - Maretta

- Ocean - Sea Palace

- Ocean - Sailor's Log

- Solo Atoraxxion

- Sniper Rifle

- Sky Travel between Kamasilvia, Altinova, etc.

- The complete Magnus (a pen gear does not replace the content)

- Artifacts

- Labreska Helmet

- War of Roses

- Grand Prix (Horse Racing)

- A lot of Music content (creating) for the Shai

- UI with symbols for hunting etc. on console

- Karanda's Heart

- Thundercloud Kutum

- Stormbringer Karanda

- Black Shadow (Field Boss)

- Katzvariak (Field Boss)

- Herolds Journal - Book 4

- Workers UI - no changing of talents possible, no button to empty the queue without stopping actual task, no navigation in the worker window 


List is for sure not complete!



Character Name Mercenar
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 15.08.2024

I dont get that nobody reads this.....
Especially after the last Heidel Ball
My idea was to list the stuff we miss. Every day I discover new things we did not get. And at least for some of them I do not see any really reason why we do not get them resp. have them already.


Today I start with a new list using categories


Missing Adventure logs

1. Heralds Book 4 - Giving 3 further Valks Cry

2. Lamute's Gang Adventure Journal 1-5 - This developes the story of Otter/Papua, some people of the gang I found in Grandhia and could not do anything. It is connected to the Great Expedition Content. The story has to do with the 1000  year war between Papua/Otter and is related to Wave's Rest island. here you can change into an Otter or Papua.


Missing Area Content

1. Eternal Winter 

2. Ululita

3. Sea Palace

4. Kamasiliva Castle - The region for War of Roses is there, but dead. You can only discover and talk to the node manager. Interaction with all the people there who are having entries in knowledge base (with the question marks) is not possible. Big MEH!

5. The Abyss - for teleportation and missing storyline

6. Solo Atoraxxion - was long promised

7. Wave's Rest Island - obviously we dont only miss the Gang Adventure Journal but also this Coral Island in the North of Grandhia (last we got was O'dylita)


Missing Bosses

1. Stormbringer Karanda - long promised

2. Thundercloud Kutum - long promised

3. Vell - need more hearts

4. Maretta


Edit 15.08.2024:

Happy Winter Region with Labreska Helmet was delivered meanwhile. This feels like a big step in the right direction.


to be continued......


Character Name Mercenar
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 22.07.2024

隐藏的航海任务第四章也没有开启,有任务道具指引过去了,没有任务, 诺娃觉醒任务后给的道具也无法在卡尔佩恩使用对任务进行一个补全,是玩家无所谓吗?是官方的不作为!!! 现在的据点战更是无法愉快的玩耍,都是主要公会占领,个别公会参与了,拿不到据点参与奖励都没有,而且还很卡!!!  

Character Name Future
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 12.08.2024

This is a great list and I'm also curious where we stand on MANY of the above mentioned.  2022 was when Eternal Winter entered the game, and we finally receive it two  years later... "better late than never..." I suppose.    I wonder if the Devs would opin on any of the OP's points.    Would be appreciated.

Character Name Xio
Main Character
# 5
Edit Date : 15.08.2024
Am 2024-08-12 12:27, von Xio
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12.08.2024

This is a great list and I'm also curious where we stand on MANY of the above mentioned.  2022 was when Eternal Winter entered the game, and we finally receive it two  years later... "better late than never..." I suppose.    I wonder if the Devs would opin on any of the OP's points.    Would be appreciated.

Thank you for posting.  

Character Name Mercenar
Main Character
FeedbackTopic03/2024 - Content console misses that PC has

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