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Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


Just give us transfer coupons
VoidkinOni 2022-10-28 15:02
174 0 3 0
# 1
Edit Date : 28.10.2022



               I've been playing since the first Xbox beta and had high hopes for console bdo, however due to recent events. I no longer feel we are getting any progression in the next gen update for consoles and due to lack of content (that was developed and said to be released on all platforms) of Mountain of Eternal Winter, and now the Magnus area.

To us fans of the game it seems PA has been dragging their feet in terms of understanding what it means to game on console.


1. We do not have mouse movement , and alot of the metas you see on PC and the playstyles are different so instead of going off console data why are we getting forced PC updates in terms of class balance.

2. You say you are developing content for all platforms. Sadly that doesnt seem to be the case and it doesnt seem fair to us. We get everything last the only time we had one thing before PC was Hashashin as a playable character since then we had to wait weeks or months for a new class to release which is unaccpable especialy with PA plastering "Global Release" on their videos. When in fact console is left out.

3. There stability of the game has reached a new all time low, the performance is slowing going down the drain. Not only have we been losing protections and skills are losing their cc's during attacks.  Examples of this :

-Ninja's Ninja Step is not iframed at all.

-We will get cc'd out of Red Rain by attacks such as Dream of Doom.

-Attacks will go through Chaos Spree's Foreward guard.

-Prime Smokescreen will lose it's Super armor even tho it still has the super armor icon and we are still concealed inside of it.

-Shadow stomp will not cc someone from behind their foreward guard at times and will end up getting you cc'd from behind when they use unprotected skills because you passed through them.

This is not okay, and we have yet to receive answers on why this is occuring.

4. The fact we have no means of public communication now. We lost Treant and Shirna as our voice from the Console Community. Many of us are not happy with Degaff. He isnt a bads person, but he doesnt represent and play the game to the extent that a good majority does. He seems to enjoy PvE and questing. Alot of us are here for PvX and he has not shown us that he does NodeWar or Seige nor cares for the content so how can we depend on someone who refuses to do the content to under where we are coming from.

This has probably changed how many tickets have been sent out because either people are fraustrated or have just given up on the game. 

Can we please have someone as a GM or CM stream for us and at least take our opinions from chat or give us updates on what is or is not coming, because we arent even getting proper updates on situations like the Magnus event. Not a single document or word was said when we were getting it, just that it was a "Global Release" with yet again having consoe being ignored.


Some of us still want to play the game. We cannot stay on the platform due to the perform and the lack of care and would like to have a PC Transfer coupon to have our accounts converted to PC accounts. We dont even care if the transition takes a month long as long as we can have the stuff we paid/grinded for already, that's all we are asking for. To be able to play a game we care about and love to a better extent then what is currenty given on our current platform.


Many thanks for listening.


Your, Voidkin Oni-

Character Name VoidkinOni
Main Character
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