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Story Time! (Share Your Tale)
WeAreLeg*** 2019-03-14 02:22
616 0 0 0
# 1
Edit Date : 14.03.2019

So I was replying to another thread explaining how I play a LOT but am not “rushing” the game...and ended up relating how me and my tiny guild spent over an hour and a half tonight.   Once I was done  and about to hit submit I thought, why not make a thread and ask others to share their stories of daring adventures?! (Or hap-hazard bumbling lol)

So without further adieu, story time!!

The Guild Legionaries and the “Pine Incident”

~ A Tale of Wood and Woe ~

Tonight my friend and I decided to do a guild mission (birch logs) to build up the coffers, but we were a guild of 3 at the time and only 2 were online...and you can’t initiate a guild mission without three members. What to do, what to do?

Long story short, the next 110 minutes consisted of:

- Having my guild officer ride across the map to invite my RL brother to the guild (having no clue even how to invite someone or who my brother was)

- Realizing he accidentally offered a 30 day contract (30k payout daily!) instead of 7 day (lol)

- Realzing I then accidentally started a pine lumber mission...and not only were we apparently not near pine trees, we were totally unaware of where pine were and did not recal ever seeing one...

- Spending the next 30+ minutes racing around like nuts to find pine trees

- Finding said pine and logging till we make our 800k payout (while almost dieing to some feathered freaks because I’m still only 28 but managing to run away screaming into party chat “MIKE WHY ARN’T YOU SAVING ME?!?)

And that’s why I have a playtime of 4D 17H 2M, am only at level 28, and only just finding Olivia because of the “pine incident”. ?

What’s your story?

Character Name WeAreLeg***
Main Character
FeedbackTopicStory Time! (Share Your Tale)

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