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Hey GM, we need a new high-level class, please give us a chance, we need battle&skill experience exchange scrolls.thx
there should be some better way to make the map, players are hours and hours in the same place, and the item drops repeatedly, several times, there could be some way to exchange or facilitate. this is disappointing
When does console get Maegu? I love how her combat skills look!
What happened to the life skill Badges?
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There should be a better way to create the map because gamers spend hours upon hours in the same spot and the item drops multiple times. Perhaps there is a way to facilitate or trade it. It's disappointing.
Hello, GM We need battle and skill experience exchange scrolls, so please give us an opportunity to create a new high-level class.Thanks. Spotify Lite Premium APK
Great rules for keeping the community safe and respectful! Following these helps everyone have a better time playing and talking.