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Serious Request/Poll: Change Enhancement system
BDXRNGtrsh 2020-11-28 15:59
975 3 3 0
# 1
Edit Date : 28.11.2020

This is a request to Pearl Abyss to change the enhancement system for the following reasons:


1: It is not equal for all players, some 1 or 2 tap enhancements while others fail 100 times


2: Too much focus is placed on enhancement and in turn grinding, taking away the potential for better more engaging content.


3: PVP is basically the end game but not only are classes unbalanced but so is peoples gear due to enhancement RNG.


4: It is the primary reason people leave the game



Should Pearl Abyss change this system? I get you should work for your gear but working for months or years just to fail isnt fun.

Character Name BDXRNGtrsh
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 04.12.2020

A ninja that can't be hit but can knockdown 10 of you and kill most before you all can get back up, engaging from stealth may I add, and being iframed during 90% of all of that, will tell you it's perfectly balanced. Or teleport directly onto you and grab you...

A wizard who can cover 50miles to land in behind an entire group, then superarmour/guard while nuking you all for a 1hit or two hits before teleporting back out will tell you it's perfectly balanced.

A striker that can guard,sa,attack and move all at once while playing death metal from an invisible ghetto blaster on his back and swig from a tin of carling before ko'ing you all with the most bs move in the game will say it's perfectly balanced.


The combat is an absolute mess and anyone saying otherwise plays a bs class or gets PA bux... I'd love to have been on pc from the start to see the progression from the beginning classes and skills which I can only assume must have been in some way balanced compared to now.



Character Name Tired
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 06.12.2020

I don't think there's much difference between how broken some classes were at thier intro and what they are currently on PC or console.

If you listen to the Value Pack Podcast they complain about same things on PC and it might be even worse .

Mages Strikers and Ninja rule In certain areas of game . 

That's exactly be whats suplosed to happen .

If you have a slow class yes it should be tankier but it won't be able to handle a Assassin' pvp class like a Ninja unless that Ninja is way undergeared


In large scale Wiz and witch are supposed to be superior.

Making them weaker skilled in teleport or other combat skills  they use would make them basically not viable in any kind pvp.

So classes need some strength s according to thier lore or what they represent.

Now some  classes you can argue should be stronger that's true .

They may change a DK upwards one day until it is equal to a Ranger .

Hashshashin may get a buff with Tamer or Zerk .

But I think the fun is also trying to hone your skills to the point where you have absolutely mastered the class and you can hang with other classes with advantages

At least then you've done your best but you know it's the class that has some limits not you.

   tThey aren't going to make major changes but they should give a buff to one or two defencive skills at least to classes who lag offencively .

That would be fair.


In regards to enchancement.

It is tottally your choice to stop at a certain point of risk .

Or to save $ and buy the work done by others.

But if  making it significantly easier is  the companies choice then I'm sure there would be complaint s about that.


The game would be broken in a different way not really any better.

Just a logjam of mediocrity.


But it would be faster for everyone to get to highest level and possibly widen the gap btween some new player and old or make new players equal to old.

Personally I'd get done with game quick.


I get done with it in two months and move on.


Oh that's probably why the company is doing what's it's doing .

It's making it harder a a reason.


Character Name Things2doo
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 12.12.2020

I’m not sure about making it easier, but less ambiguity would be welcomed, unless the enhancing system is pure RNG which I’m sure it isn’t, more knowledge regarding its intricacies would be great!


The quest regarding enhancing a few weeks ago just repeated the line over and over; failure leads to success but I’m not sure about that either seeing as three PEN Kutum, two PEN Nouver, PEN RCE and PEN Tree spirit belt all failed starting at 111fs then tried to TET a crescent ring to break even on the losses that failed also!


But, within the past month I’ve hit PEN Kzarka 101 fs and TET Ogre 89 fs and the previous TET Ogre was on a 135fs as I didn’t have the Gaul to try on a lower fs and was a result of a PEN roulette when thinking about leaving the game...


So, I agree that the enhancement system is both annoying and frustrating, I also agree something further could be done and I think they’re addressing that with the constellation/star signs update and that could be done sooner than later for myself and probably a lot of others!


I would also like to add that once full PEN is obtained the will be black star next, followed by fallen god armour, so personally I wouldn’t leave the game and get bored if enhancing became easier, I would actually enjoy gearing the other nineteen classes I have and also having the capacity to try different builds in the process of doing so..... I have tried before but it was way to time consuming and very costly!

Character Name UBTHEJUDGE
Main Character
FeedbackTopicSerious Request/Poll: Change Enhancement system

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