-Prime: Fearsome Tyrant:Super Armor effect has been added throughout entire skill. Final Strike unchanged.Accuracy Rating of [Prime: Fearsome Tyrant] has changed from -1% to +5%.
-Black Spirit: Prime: Fearsome Tyrant:Improvements have been made so that while transforming at the start of the skill invincible effect has been added.
Additionally while skill is in use you are immune to Attack Speed Debuffs.-Absolute: Beast Roar:Skill name changed to “Unleashed Beast”.Skill has been reworked so the heal will no longer be applied but will now instead cleanse all negative buffs from you once every 45 seconds. Animation has been updated to match new skill. (Shadow Arena: Gerald Shultz)-
Absolute: Wrath of Beast:Skill has been reworked. Skill has changed as follows.Hit Damage 634% x 10Smash Attack Hit Damage 1663% x 7Critical Hit Rate +50%Accuracy Rate: +5%Maximum 10 TargetsRecovers +20 of WP per every hitAttack Speed +10% upon using skillWhile Transformed, HP recovery of 1500 every 1 sec.Super ArmorStiffness on hitsKnockdown on good Smash AttacksReason: Having multiple heals removed his kit (Beast Roar, Ire of Beast) as well with the ability being easily exploitable for how slow the animation of it is, the burden of dealing with people literally walking behind the slow heal and Crowed Controling you is no longer a thing. It was changed to a Super Armor
-Absolute: Ire of Beast: Removed.
-Prime: Beast Form:
HP recovery has been changed from 1500 to 3000.HP recovered by +500 every 5 sec. for 30sec.
-Prime: Ancient Wave:Damage increased by 20%.
Reason: Awakening Ancient wave when flowing into abilities does the maximum amount of damage regardless of charge. Where as the Succession varient does more damage when charged. Succession Ancient Wave also has far more range and less damage in most cases since it is based upon a set amount of distance. to To comepensate for that, the damage of the ability has increased.
-Prime: Devastation:
Skill has changed as follows.
Damage increased by 40%.
Critical Hitrate +100% (PvE only)
Critical Hitrate +20% (Only in PvP)
Reason: Devasation in Awakening does more damage than Succession for pretty much no reason, despite them having the same stat values. This is most likely due to not making the Prime version match the Awakening version when the edits to Berserker were going on in the past. What tests have found is a 258 Trial Awakening Berserker does more damage than my Main Succession Berserker at 285 when using the skill Devastation. This of course is the reason for why it has changed. It simply was not doing enough damage for both PvE and PvP. The PvE values also differed, the Awaekning varient was favored where as the Succession crit rate was left out. This has been corrected.
Secondary Skills:
Super Armor effect added automatically after [Lava Piercer] and [Prime: Lava Piercer].
Reason: Since Lava Piercer and Prime: Lava Piercer received a rework, this ability has been made a Super Armor alone due the skill description and entire skill changing on Lava Piercer. Lastly, this ability has been made a Super Armor alone since Berserker is one of the only classes to use it in movement, in of, and out of abilities.
-Ultimate Evasion:Forward Guard applied only in certain situations.Forward Guard after Storming Beast Knee Kick and Fierce Strike Smash.
-Weakling Hunt:
Reason: Outdated, and no longer needed ever.
-Falling Rock:
Reason: It's a fundemental disastser of an ability that provides no factor or use in any scenario but to fool around.
-Prime: Tackling Rock:
Cooldown no longer constantly resets after each use. It will now have a hard cooldown like every other ability.
Can now Dash twice after before going on cooldown.
Knockdown on fully charged hits.
Follows camera movement.
Cooldown increased from 4.5 seconds to 7 seconds.
Reason: This ability has gotten a complete rework. The cooldown of the ability has been increased for 2 reasons. 1. So the ability can finally have a hard cooldown instead of constantly resetting per use. And 2. Giant's main protected movement rotation has been fixed with improvements to other abilities. When Tackling Rock is ready to be used and is off cooldown, it will have 2 charges both of which will Apply a Forward Gaurd. When it is on cooldown, the ability can still be used for mobility but will not have protection on it until it is completely off cooldown. The hitbox for this ability has also always been extremely tight, therefore it did not feel rewarding to hit targets successfully with it and Knock them back. It has been changed to a Knock down, but only on fully charged hits. Lastly, a massive bug that existed with this ability is sometimes Tackling Rock in Succession would not properly follow your camera and would choose to go to the left or right of the screen despite you aiming it properly in the middle or where ever you were aiming. It has now been improved to constantly follow where ever your camera is aiming.
-Absolute: Headbutt:
Forward Guard applied when using skill. However, Forward Guard will not be applied on Powerful Headbutt.
Reason: When it comes to succession movement, most notably movement that is protected, the only thing that might come to mind is Stroming Beast Knee Kick Forward Guard. Headbutt and Ultimate Evasion are completely unprotected leaving the Giant Opened to Damage and Crowed Control in nearly every movement. Similarly to storming beast, FG has been added to Headbutt so the massive gap no longer exists at the beginning of your movement rotation. No cooldown exists since the ability has very low damage and normal Headbutt has no CC. Please note however though, Powerful Headbutt DOES NOT have Forward Gaurd.
-Shake Off: Damage completely removed.
Collision removed.
Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds.
Reason: For years, Shake Off was changed to a Super Armor, the entire Giant community made a big deal about this and eventually, in 2020, it was reverted back to a invincible Frame. This was an amazing change. However, the issue is that the cooldown of the ability does not match the same time as other classes. Therefore, the cooldown was reduced by 1 second to match other classes invincible timers. Additionally, the collision and damage on Shake Off has been removed since it caused a lot of issues when using it for protection in areas filled with NPC's or players. This is something that pretty much every other class in the game has that Giant never had so the playing field has now been made even for this ability. Their was no point for an Invincible frame to have damage. It was old, outdated and needed some fine tuning.
-Prime: Lava Piercer:
Description Updated:
Explode with great power granting immense speed.
Lava Piercer and Prime: Lava Piercer are now enhanced.
Prime :Lava Piercer now matches the same distance as Lava Piercer 3.
Lava Piercer and Prime: Lava Piercer no longer has collision on them and can now go through enemies as well as friendly players to ensure the Berserker has reliable mobility while moving through enemy players and mob packs.
-Flow: Horror Imprint has been added onto Lava Piercer and Prime: Lava Piercer only in Succession.
Erupt into the air and quake the earth beneath you with massive force. Holding Lava Piercer input while in Lava Piercer will trigger Flow: Horror Imprint.
Damage: 1300%x2, Max 2 Hits
Accuracy Rate: 6%
Invincible while airborne
Super Armor on landing Attack
Bound on successful landing attack.
Reason: For a long time, Lava Piercer acted as the only sprint/ SA dash for Giant. It worked very well but was never really updated for many years. This left many flaws such as collision interupting Giant while closing gaps or fighting in target rich enviorments in both PvP and PvE. Collision has been removed similarly to BDO mobile where lava pericer acts a SA damage gap closer. Not only that, but the distance on Prime: Lava Piercer has been matched to Lava Piercer III since the cooldown was increased by 3 seconds a while back. Lastly, Flow: Horror Imprint has been added giving Succession Berserker a lot more versitility, and engagement option. This was completely inspired by Mobile Titan.
I've been thinking about Prime:Beast form having slow immunity. It would allow the frontline succ zerker a chance of majorly disrupting groups of casters, better yet a group of zerkers doing it. Would be great in Node/Siege war.
Anyway, great proposals.
Right now the problem isn't the zerk it's the "one shot" ranger damage that nullifies melee to some extent. The zerk doesn't need to be changed the op range classes need to be nerfed.
Right now the problem isn't the zerk it's the "one shot" ranger damage that nullifies melee to some extent. The zerk doesn't need to be changed the op range classes need to be nerfed.
The problem in this game is Magic damage. Problem is nearly every class in this game is magic and has gotten insane power creep in the past 2 years. Certain classes have been left out of this loop of direct changes. (Maewha, Zerk, Ranger, Tamer, Valk). The idea is to bring these classes up to those levels. As evident by the development team, and stated already publicly, they have NO PLANS to nerf anything to ruins anymore. Sage will forever be strong just like Witch and Wizard will be forever strong. So this is the only solution. To be brought up to those levels. Nobody is asking for it to be a 1:1 scale of Witch/ Wiz or Sage but you are indeed wrong in the sense that their aren't problems with Zerker. Ive piece by piece single handedly broke down all of the pre awakening problems and succession problems of the class. This of course left out the elephent in the room with other classes.
TLDR: Even with what you are saying and lets make believe in a fantasy world that witch, wizard and sage get brought down to balanced levels like a good amount of classes, it still does not fix the issues with the base classes (like zerk) in this game.
I've been thinking about Prime:Beast form having slow immunity. It would allow the frontline succ zerker a chance of majorly disrupting groups of casters, better yet a group of zerkers doing it. Would be great in Node/Siege war.
Anyway, great proposals.
Yeah I don't expect like 90% of these things to go through, but I made this a while back to raise awareness, thanks for the comment.
I will no longer be commenting on this post, aspects of this will be sent to the offical feedback for the rework.
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