I just wish there were more revealing male outfits and better male characters it's kinda dumb that there is twice the amount of female characters then there are male ones.
I want to know why both don't get the same treatment same love quit skipping on the counter parts ,and let us have more male revealing outfits.
0Bigger caphra or Ancient spirit dust bundles27.01.20230 245Angryman27.01.2023
0Make more mounts have tiers, not just the horses25.01.20230 244AtlasMoon25.01.2023
0More Male Outfits and and Characters24.01.20230 211AvaOkami2624.01.2023
0Realm of the rift instead of elvira realm23.01.20230 222Angryman23.01.2023
0Drop rate for elvria relm needs to be higher19.01.20230 213Angryman19.01.2023