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Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


PS5 no combat sound
Skywood 2023-05-24 10:09
709 3 3 0
# 1
Edit Date : 24.05.2023

Fresh install on PS5, game is set to 0 for all sounds by default.

In game, i set every sound option to 100/100 (or turned on). Despite that, there is NO SOUND for SKILLS or BASIC ATTACKS on all classes, on all servers, after several logins and after i re installed the game.

Working sounds:
+ ambient sound
+ music
+ character combat voice
+ npc voices
+ steps
+ all other menu related "ding" sounds

Bugged sounds:
- basic attacks have no sound
- skills have no sound
- other player's skills have no sound

I checked PS5 sound settings, everything is okay. Playing with headphones for years, no problems at any point. All other games work fine. This is an exclusive BDO PS5 issue.
A fresh install did not fix anything. Any other settings in game did not change anything (display settings, input settings ...) i tried them all.

Character Name Skywood
Main Character
# 2
Edit Date : 24.05.2023

Greetings Skywood!


We're currently looking into this issue but when you have a moment could you please submit these details to our support center using the link below.

Character Name [GM]Ash
Main Character
# 3
Edit Date : 30.05.2023

Same issue at ps4 pro if that matters, skill sounds are gone, character voice works while performing those.

Server hooping, reinstalling, hdmi port changing didn´t work.

Character Name Khaleeshi
Main Character
# 4
Edit Date : 05.06.2023

Greetings Khaleeshi!


When you have a moment could you also submit an inquiry using the link provided below. We're still investigating the issue & this will be the best way to stay up to date when the issue has been resolved.


Character Name [GM]Ash
Main Character
This was deleted by the writer.
FeedbackTopicPS5 no combat sound

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