This was released 9 months ago. How did it not get added in LotML?
Because console will blow up because we're forced to work with 10 year old PS4 slim hardware because Sony killed the PS4 pro
0Make Ring Menu Available in Housing/Residences01.08.20230 228Masayumi01.08.2023
0LOTM Calamity bosses are a good addition01.08.20230 252Kandicaine01.08.2023
1Still no Magnus on Console? Really?29.07.20231 422SALVIIS29.07.2023
0Graphics are choppy looking and out of focus or...27.07.20232 361Katalysta27.07.2023
0콘솔에 맞는 조작과 카메라 좀 바꾸세요26.07.20230 211레딘26.07.2023