Keyboard and mouse support for consoles will make the game undeniably more accessible for players and make navigating the extensive menus of black desert easier for console players rather than having to spam buttons on your controler which will wear it down over time until your d-pad either doesn't work or you develop stick drift. These issues can be solved for a high portion of players with the implitmentaion of keyboard and mouse support.
Ive seen people argue against this saying it gives people an unfair advantage which I dont think makes sense. The game is mainly PVE based and even for PVP players the game doesn't rely on aim as its mainly automatic anyway so having keyboard and mouse does not offer any advantages. It is only an improvement for the player base and I'm suprised it hasn't been added already.
If adding keyboard and mouse control is entirely out of the question then at least add the option for a controler mouse like warframe and destiny 2 to make it easier to navigate the menus. Anything is better than spamming buttons just to change euipment. I shouldnt have to abuse my controller like this to play the game
If anything a touchpad mouse on the controller would be more difficult to use than simply navigating as we already do.
BDO also isn't very heavy on the sticks. Stickdrift is unlikely to develop from this game. Especially not compared to something like an FPS where you're constantly mashing R3/L3.