Currently the only white dye aside from mixtures it the ordinary snow white one but on most armor pieces it isn't actually white but more of a gray/silver color. Why isn't it possible to simply get a true white color that works across all outfits; The snow white basic one works wonderful on horse outfits but not so good on warrior outfits.
Same with black. No pure black.
The dye system outside of Mervs is a ripoff. It’s a slot machine of 1 or 3 dyes in a hue of a certain color. No guarantees of a color. Complete rng.
On top of that, the color you get can apply to the clothing piece and show a complexly different color. This is because of the texture of the gear piece. I have so many ‘white’ dyes that come from the pink family of rng colors. I don’t want oink, but i know it can roll a really blinding white.
2 hours ago, Uberkull said:Same with black. No pure black.
The dye system outside of Mervs is a ripoff. It’s a slot machine of 1 or 3 dyes in a hue of a certain color. No guarantees of a color. Complete rng.
On top of that, the color you get can apply to the clothing piece and show a complexly different color. This is because of the texture of the gear piece. I have so many ‘white’ dyes that come from the pink family of rng colors. I don’t want oink, but i know it can roll a really blinding white.
Actually Pure back is in the Olvia, Heidel, Mediah dyes. It just changes material types bases on cloth, cloth shiny, leather, and metals. Minus the color grade that was pure back on my wizards picture - as you can see its the Anemos set i had on PC.
white is only in Basic dyes unfortunately and not much actually takes the pure white well
41 minutes ago, Nightingale said:Actually Pure back is in the Olvia, Heidel, Mediah dyes. It just changes material types bases on cloth, cloth shiny, leather, and metals. Minus the color grade that was pure back on my wizards picture - as you can see its the Anemos set i had on PC.
white is only in Basic dyes unfortunately and not much actually takes the pure white well
That’s Merv’s colors. If you don’t want rented colors and prefer ‘normal’ permanent ones, you can’t get pure white or pure black.
Renting dye colors is such BS. I prefer to have my dyes permanent but that’s a rng game with limited colors.
1 hour ago, Uberkull said:That’s Merv’s colors. If you don’t want rented colors and prefer ‘normal’ permanent ones, you can’t get pure white or pure black.
Renting dye colors is such BS. I prefer to have my dyes permanent but that’s a rng game with limited colors.
i'd never pay 7 - 10 mil per dye piece (25 once we get PCs prices) per costume. You can just buy like 20 value packs for what it costs to permanently dye your costumes.
Just look at the Value pack for BDX as a ESO plus sub, or FF14, or a month on WoW all games that fit you and your needs better.
It sounds more like ESO or FF14 is the MMO for you each and every single post ? . Their dye systems are permanent.
52 minutes ago, Nightingale said:It sounds more like ESO or FF14 is the MMO for you each and every single post ? . Their dye systems are permanent.
Yes, I think I made that pretty clear.
This MMO is shallow in the PvE department. Limited gear, too much focus on grinding mobs, zero group pve activities. After you get over the honeymoon phase of great combat and visuals, you start to feel the stale pve gameplay.
I can’t justify a $15 value pack ‘sub’ for such limited content. No, lifeskills isn’t content in my book, especially AFK supported lifeskills.
But, obviously you are 180 the other way given your experience and investment you have in the game on both PC and now Xbox. I still will never understand why you invested so much on PC...SO MUCH(list that list you posted during beta?)...why would you do it all again? the same stuff. There are other games, just fyi. ?
Given all that, I respect your knowledge and perspective of the game. To each their own...
1 hour ago, Uberkull said:Yes, I think I made that pretty clear.
This MMO is shallow in the PvE department. Limited gear, too much focus on grinding mobs, zero group pve activities. After you get over the honeymoon phase of great combat and visuals, you start to feel the stale pve gameplay.
I can’t justify a $15 value pack ‘sub’ for such limited content. No, lifeskills isn’t content in my book, especially AFK supported lifeskills.
But, obviously you are 180 the other way given your experience and investment you have in the game on both PC and now Xbox. I still will never understand why you invested so much on PC...SO MUCH(list that list you posted during beta?)...why would you do it all again? the same stuff. There are other games, just fyi. ?
Given all that, I respect your knowledge and perspective of the game. To each their own...
Yeah personally still question why you post/play the game but hey if you get any joy out of it, thats awesome.
Yeah it really shouldn't be called an mmo, more like solo player skyrim with 100s of players who "can" pvp. But this game needs a big sign says P - V - P game so people don't buy it and try to only PvE in it and the get ass hurt when they have to deal with PvP.
i mean $15 is nothing for a month if it's the only game you play. But with you i understand you play all sorts of games I don't I play Black Desert. It has kept me entertained for the most part, Destiny pulled me away for a bit, Horizon Zero Dawn while i processed a bit, Anthem for 12 hours while i waited for BDX, I don't enjoy any thing, after playing this the grind is just too easy, or the progression just to simple, just handed to you. Here i actually want to punch kittens in the face, and get triggered, have super highs and lows during progression.
To be fair, I have spent hardly anything and progressing just fine. I'm also not stocking up on costumes for all my characters, going to spend $220 roll all my lifeskills over to one class, Im not out spending money selling costumes, or buying 400 artisan memories at a time (maybe when i have full boss gear i might buy a few hundred). I know what I am doing so money isn't needed or wasted. I know the remaining items i need to get. Finish off inventory for wiz after all free have been gotten, max weight for wiz as it comes (250 and 300 LT still to come), few Equipment tailoring coupons for costumes and crystals, Cooking costume, Alchemy costume, Desert Ghillie, MAYBE the Anemos outfit (love my shudad LE so makes that a hard Choice), Max weight for my main ranger, the Coco outfit set for her this summer (so hot), Shark Suit for my Wiz and maybe ranger so i can gather underwater for my Coral belts, and enough pets to finish up for all 5x T4 Lifeskill pets, and 5x T4 Knowledge pets. I'll end up spending 1/10th i did on PC and get just as far if not further because of knowing how to play this game.
it's going to take one hell of a MMO to pull me away from Black Desert, maybe Lineage 3 if it ever comes out.
0Any ETA on Hunting coming to the game?20.04.20194 754Yia***20.04.2019
0CM Mobile App (PC for Now)19.04.20194 765Tr3***19.04.2019
0White Dyes19.04.20196 3KMaxw***19.04.2019
0So tell me about pvp!19.04.20191 667Electrafr***19.04.2019
0CP from cooking?19.04.20194 1.2KYeo***19.04.2019