Hi I’m just curious I don’t have a ton of data to download with and I was wondering if when the beta is over and full game is released is the beta client going to get an update to make it the full client or will we have to delete the beta and download the full client separate if this is the case it is what it is but it would be good to know so that I don’t delete it if I don’t have to
They are already two different clients. The full game has its own application for pre-loading.
0Bypass EU Beta Sony glitch10.08.20198 1.3KAiden_Pe***10.08.2019
0Slow installation09.08.20192 617Zachattack***09.08.2019
0Beta to full game update?09.08.20191 999IamFatal***09.08.2019
0Class Pole09.08.20192 967Dumbled***09.08.2019
0CE-34632-8 Error09.08.20190 804Moey***09.08.2019