(Last Updated: 01/25/2024 11:27 UTC)
Following the client patch, some menus are not operating smoothly.
As a temporary measure, the latest version download has been temporarily disabled as of Jan 25, 10:20 (UTC).
We apologize for any inconvenience and will inform you once resolved.
A minor patch has been released to resolve the following issues.
- [Lahn, Nova, Dark Knight] Fixed the issue where the arms were abnormal when switching to Awakening mode while wearing the Academia outfit.- Fixed the issue where some parts had body parts showing in certain situations while wearing the Academia outfit.
(Last Updated: 01/25/2024 07:59 UTC)
- Fixed the issue where you could not graduate the season.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the issues recently affecting the game, and will continue to improve the stability of the service.
[Update] 1/25 Client Patch 1/25 Client Patch 26.01.2024
[Update] 1/25 Client Patch Additional Client Patch 25.01.2024
[Update] January 24th Update Notice Today's update brings base energy increase, individual & party elixir consolidation, & more. 24.01.2024
[Update] January 10th (Wed) Update Notice (Last Updated: 1/17/2024 02:55 UTC) 10.01.2024