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GM Notes [GM Note] Community Spotlight, Erutan
Black Desert 2024-05-11 00:00

Community Spotlight, Erutan

Greetings Adventurers!

[GM] Vaha here, and we are back once again with another interview!
It's been a while since our last feature so this time around we would like show-off the creative side of our community to give their great works of art some love!

This time we are shining a spotlight upon the creative talents of the Shai Lifeskill extraordinaire from the North American Server, Erutan! They have been a pillar of the community in the BlackDesert Console for a while now, and today we would like to shine a spotlight upon the wonderful works of art they have created! From picture-perfect screenshots to adorable dolls and mini-sculptures, it is really amazing to see their imagination come to life through a unique blend of artistic vision and skilled craftsmanship, so lets dive in and learn more about this artistic savant and see if we can learn a bit more about their inspirations and methods for creating such beautiful masterpieces!



Nice to meet you Jenovaa, could you please introduce yourself to our readers?


Ah hello, Im Erutan, or just Eru to most, I'm a long time Australian Shai player on BDC NA, Lifeskiller extraordinaire all around! I'm terrible at these introductions lol..


Hmm I see, don't worry we'll do some edits behind the scenes with some creative liberty... Just Kidding hehe, It's awesome to have you on for this interview!


Hehe of course, just don't forget to cite your sources~ I'm glad to be here! :)


Wait a minute, I've seen you before.. You are a rare [Event Maniac] that is ever-present at GM Events! What is your favorite thing about participating in these events?


I love the community aspect. It's really great to see everyone hanging out at the same spot all at once. I've played this game for a long time so I love seeing old friends and new faces as well!
One thing the events always bring back is the group interaction, I feel like all the grind spots are very solo-oriented and Im a social person, so I like just have others' chatter around, so these GM events help bring that side out!
Its nice to see the GM's & CM's are playing into this now too, kind of like an Role-playing side of the game where we have community's little family! 


Thats so wonderful to hear that you genuinely enjoy the GM events hehe, I'm sure it'll warm [GM] Ash's heart reading your kind words and we definitely feel the same! It seems like its quite a rare ocassion to interact with GM's/CM's in the actual game across different MMORPG's so we try our best to make some time in the schedule to come hang out with y'all online!


Do you have a most memorable event? What happened during it that made it such a treasured moment for you?


Geez my memorable? That's a hard question... So far I think I have a tie for most memorable ones for me. Its between the Donkunautt Race and the Yar Gym Trainer Battles! Who doesnt love the rare flying donkey as a Shai, thats practically a dream come true! I understand you're not one us so you might not understand, Vaha..
As for the Yar event, well.. I got to help out with that one so it was a cool experience since I was able to see the event from behind-the-scenes, Being part of the gauntlet of challengers to see the player reactions while they participated was so fun!!

Ooo I just remembered I still have a wagon from a race parked in some odd stable in duvencrune from a event nearly 2 yrs ago T^T
So many events that brings back great memories~


Argh!! I was probably working overtime in Atoraxxion.. I don't know where I was that day, but I wish I was at the Donkuanatt race! I may not be a Shai myself but being able to someday ride through the sky with my trusty donkey is something I want to check off my bucket list, Eru!


We have noticed that on top of being extremely active at events, you have participated in most of the screenshot events on our Official Discord!


Of the Screenshot entries you have - could you please let the audience know which one is your all-time favorite? Why?


I like the creative moment! The games really pretty with 4k, sometimes even without it. I simply find it fun to put together a full outfit to take pic at a spot that works with whatever theme has given.
I love the the photo with bear the most, i took so many screenshots there but the set is so tall so it was hard for me to frame everything well for my character.. such a shame because I loved that Halloween's event decor!

The Easter one is also holds a special spot in my heart for events over the years because it reminds me of how long I've been around to take photos in the flowerbed for that event's theme!


The Halloween photo with the giant bear is definitely my fav too! I remember when we were selecting winners for that event that this submission really stood out for me and introduced me to the great stuff you'd always be sending in!


What is something that you think is key to taking a great screenshot? Please share it with our adventurers~


Hmmm, well like I said my first in-game pics were taken of the screen via my phone.. and they were no good at all. So the biggest tip I'd say is: Turn on the Picture mode via Ring Menu to take screenshots! It makes a world of difference in clarity.. and makes your photos look 10x better even if you're not running the game in 4K quality. I do turn on 4K before events and restart for some nicer shots though, its a special ocassion when its screenshot time!
I'd also say try to play around with the zoom and height adjuster too, somethings look better from a diff angle so don't be shy to show off your best ones! Another thing I'd consider is the colors that show up in the frame, especially with what's around me and what my character is wearing!


Ahhh! You are so right in recommending the in-game Photomode instead of mobile device.. I just can't shake the feeling that this is a paid comment sponsored by [CM] Durgeff, LOL! I definitely agree with your advice concerning the camera angles, as I myself believe good framing is what brings out the beauty in the photo. Thank you for such valuable insight by sharing some tips for adventurers to capture their best scenes!


It's awesome that you are so enthusiastic about in-game photography, we've also noticed that you are quite the artist in real-life as well! Where did you learn your beautiful craft skills?


Mmm, from many places - Some of it I learned while I was still in school, some from YouTube that I learned and have practiced over time. I just really like having something to do with my hands, so why not get creative!


Wow thats inspiring to hear, technology has completely changed how we obtain information these days.. and you are the proof that if anyone wants to go ahead and learn something, its only an online search away and then its off to the races! (Oh but don't forget a bit of hardwork and dedication of course~)


Now I know it'll be hard to pick from these masterpieces you've created, but if you had to choose some favorites to highlight, which ones would they be and why?


I love all the pieces I've made but creating the dolls are my main hobby and I just love them to death, those who get my DM's know I love taking odd pics of them at times. I had made the origional doll for the fan-art contest for a ball like 3 years ago so although her outfit isn't changable, she still has a special place in my heart.


What a heart-warming backstory, Thank you so much for sharing Erutan! I personally love detail you included in your 3333-Birthday Cake with the 2 blackspirits fighting over the strawberry, its is priceless! It reminds me of the 2 shai fighting over an imperial trade box in the middle of Heidel!

Which black desert craft are you most proud of? How long did it take to create this beautiful piece of work?!


I love my Shai Blythe Doll so much since she's constantly changing with new outfits and I even created a Blackstar Florang for her to toss around!


This is an awesome piece that you have very recently created, going forth do you have any inspirations for for upcoming projects?


I've thought about making a tiny armor set either the orzeca or shudad but dont feel it'll sit nicely on her, so I might wait till next cute outfit shows up in-game.
I really wanna make papu onesie for her, like the oversized ones! That'll be really cute.
Its hard to pick, given the amount of details on some things in-game, Sometimes its hard to scale down for the Doll. This hoodie project was inspired by the Peek-a-Boo earrings and just something fun that had come to fruition accidentally since I wanted to twin with her.


I see! Those are some nice ideas that you're playing with I suppose the theme here with your Doll projects are usually character/costume focused and I'm all about it! Please do post when you do cook up your next artpiece!


Jumping back to BlackDesert, What are some of your favorite activities in Black Desert?


Favorite... Hmm, well obviously I love my Lifeskilling!! we all have our silly goals and mine is to be the one true Guru! Other than that, I love siege and participate every week! I love all aspects about it, from all the chatter few hours before and after, to the multi group coordination, either for fights or the politics side. My gear is always upgraded for PvP before my Lifeskill set so we are always ready for a fight!


As we can clearly see, you are also a Super-star Shai! Has she always been your main character? What are your favorite aspects of the class?


I found her easy to play, and the cute outfits definitely sold me on the class. I actully didn't roll a Shai on 1st character pick because my friends from Smite that introduced me to BlackDesert kept telling me ""Ohh you'll hate it just being support"" etc, but I actually don't mind playing support and I've really come to enjoy her utility and it feels nice when everyone just loves you for buffing haha.

I've been known to gnaw off a few unsuspecting shins with my razor-sharp Florang, and I've chopped GM Ash down to size a few times, so its the perfect class for me!


You are also an ambassador for the community as well! It's so nice to see that we have such a passionate player support the community. What inspiried you to become a BDC Ambassador?


Well, it was a natural progression I guess from being apart of the community, to helping it grow in a sense. I enjoy being around, and I wanted to be helpful anyways.. so here we are! If you want to see change gotta help make it happen, and that even just means being around and participating in all ways.
And especially with helping in the events, it changes my gameplay in a way and provides a different experience that I really enjoy! Its one thing to always show up to things as the player so to speak, to help with live events and others experiences is an exciting novelty I hadn't seen before.


Yay! You and the other ambassadors are truly pillars in the community and honestly help us with our jobs a ton, you have no idea. We appreciate how helpful you've been to the adventurers thusfar and are blessed to have ya around Eru!


Thank you so much for joining me in sharing this time, Erutan before we wrap things up - would you like to share any parting words or shoutouts?


Shoutout to the Nameless #1 role-playing guild, to my red family keeping everyone on their toes and the keplan kids fed, and all the balanos cuties I chat to daily!

Once again, Thank you so much to Erutan for gracing us with this wonderful interview! You artwork is truly stunning and we are eagerly awaiting your upcoming projects, especially if they are BlackDesert related!

We hope that everyone had a great time reading this interview, which highlighted creative side of our community and hopefully it has inspired y'all to participate in future events to let your artistic side flare! If you or someone you know has some outstanding artwork that you would like to share please do send submissions to [GM] Vaha on our official Discord!

Until Next Time, Happy Adventuring!!


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