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Updates [Update] January 23th Update Notice
Black Desert 2025-01-23 09:00

Hello Adventurers, This is the Black Desert Console Service Team.
We're informing you of the latest update applied after the scheduled maintenance on Jan 23 (Wed).

Today's update brings new ways to find the Mass of Pure Magic and Sethra's Artifacts, along with other changes.
We hope these help you embark on better adventures in game, Adventurers!


Life Skill Mastery Tools 

Life Skill Mastery Tool Additions

  • As the max Life Skill Mastery caps have been expanded, new tools have been added for each Life category.
  Fishing Hunting Cooking Alchemy
Red Grade
Manos Fishing Chair
Manos Hunting Bag
Manos Ladle
Manos Flask
Blue Grade
Crio Fisher's Chair
Robeau Hunting Bag
Roroju Ladle
Gorgath Flask
Green Grade
Loggia Fishing Chair
Loggia Hunting Bag
Loggia Ladle
Loggia Flask
※ The Max Durability of the following tools increase by 10 for each enhancement level from +10. (200 Max Durability at PEN (V))
- Manos Fishing Chair, Crio Fisher's Chair, Loggia Fishing Chair


How to Obtain Life Skill Mastery Tools

  • You can purchase/craft the Life Skill Mastery tools as follows.
Green Grade
- Purchase for 1,000,000 Silver from Camellia Loggia at Loggia Farm
- Purchase for 1,500,000 Silver from Zaaira the Material Vendor in Velia
Blue Grade
- Purchase for 10,000,000 Silver from Geranoa the Material Vendor in Calpheon City
- Purchase for 15,000,000 Silver from Zaaira the Material Vendor in Velia
Red Grade - Manufacture with set materials
Manufacture the following materials Material #1
Type Material #1 Material #2 Material #3 Material #4
Manos Fishing Chair
Manos Stone x5 Magical Shard x50 Sturdy Timber Square x10 Tear of the Great Ocean x10
Manos Hunting Bag
Manos Stone x5 Magical Shard x50 Leather Glaze x30 Damaged Hide x50
Manos Ladle
Manos Stone x5 Magical Shard x50 Iron Ingot x10 Fundamentals of Cooking x10
Manos Flask
Manos Stone x5 Magical Shard x50 Essence of Nature x20 Shining Powder x50
※ Tear of the Great Ocean can be obtained by completing the recurring quest [Life Skill Mastery] Fisherman and the Sea from Abelin in front of the Velia Storage Keeper.
※ Fundamentals of Cooking can be obtained by completing the recurring quests [Repeat] Valks/Edman/Izaro/Heidi's Fundamentals of Cooking from the following NPCs:
- Calpheon: Valks / Altinova: Edman / Heidel: Izaro / Grána: Heidi
※ Damaged Hide can be obtained by butchering after Hunting wild animals.
※ Shining Powder can be obtained with a certain probability upon successful Alchemy.


Life Mastery Tool Stats

  • You can obtain the following Life Skill Mastery per enhancement level of each Life Skill Mastery tool.
  Green Grade Blue Grade Red Grade
+0 to +15 3
PRI (I) 70 95 120
DUO (II) 90 125 160
TRI (III) 130 180 220
TET (IV) 200 250 300
PEN (V) 280 330 400

Life Gear 

Life Accessories - Agris Essence

  • Adjusted the Agris Essence (Ancient Anvil) numbers for the enhancement levels of the following Life Accessories.
Life Accessory Enhancement Level Agris Essence
Manos Accessory
Geranoa Accessory
Loggia Accessory
+0 → PRI (I) 3 → 2
PRI (I) → DUO (II) 5 → 4
DUO (II) → TRI (III) 7 → 5
TRI (III) → TET (IV) 14 → 10
TET (IV) → PEN (V) 40 → 30
※ After the Jan 23 (Thu) maintenance, the Agris Essence stacks on Mano/Geranoa/Loggia accessories will be updated as shown in the example below.

■ Example Gear) Manos Necklace TET → PEN (after Agris Essence update from 40 → 30)
Example ①. If you had 25 Agris Essence stacks
→ Your 25 Agris Essence stacks remains unchanged. Gather 5 more, and the Ancient Anvil will be activated.
→ With those extra 5 Agris Essence and the Anvil active, your next enhancement is a guaranteed success.

Example ②. If you had 30 Agris Essence stacks
→ Your 30 Agris Essence stacks activates the Ancient Anvil as it hits the needed number.
→ With the Anvil active, your next enhancement is a guaranteed success.

Example ③. If you had 35 Agris Essence stacks
→ Your 35 Agris Essence stacks activates the Ancient Anvil as it surpasses the needed number.
→ With the Anvil active, your next enhancement is a guaranteed success.

※ After a 100% guaranteed enhancement via the Ancient Anvil, the system works just like before.
▶ When you succeed with a 100% guaranteed enhancement, the Agris Essence stats will reset.

Life Accessories/Clothes Max Central Market Price Increase

  • Increased the max price on the Central Market for the following Life Accessories and Clothes.
  Manos Accessories Manos Life Clothes
Enhancement Level Before After Before After
PRI (I) 620,000,000 - 915,000,000 1,010,000,000
DUO (II) 1,810,000,000 - 1,060,000,000 1,250,000,000
TRI (III) 6,150,000,000 10,000,000,000 1,780,000,000 3,000,000,000
TET (IV) 30,000,000,000 39,900,000,000 5,350,000,000 10,000,000,000
PEN (V) 150,000,000,000 301,000,000,000 60,000,000,000 90,000,000,000
  Blue Grade Life Accessories Blue Grade Life Clothes
Enhancement Level Before After Before After
PRI (I) 26,400,000 - 101,000,000 198,000,000
DUO (II) 97,000,000 202,000,000 136,000,000 321,000,000
TRI (III) 770,000,000 1,000,000,000 268,000,000 1,000,000,000
TET (IV) 4,120,000,000 6,500,000,000 795,000,000 4,500,000,000
PEN (V) 10,300,000,000 39,900,000,000 2,990,000,000 35,000,000,000
  Green Grade Life Accessories Green Grade Life Clothes
Enhancement Level Before After Before After
PRI (I) 3,700,000 - 48,400,000 101,000,000
DUO (II) 14,800,000 40,700,000  66,000,000 154,000,000
TRI (III) 126,500,000 169,000,000  145,000,000 497,000,000
TET (IV) 615,000,000 900,000,000  409,000,000 2,510,000,000
PEN (V) 1,400,000,000 6,000,000,000  1,290,000,000 9,000,000,000
※ Purchase orders and sales listings for the following items on the Central Market were canceled during the Jan 23 (Thu) maintenance.
- Concentrated Magical Black Gem, Black Gem Fragment, Black Gem
- Manos accessories, Geranoa accessories, Loggia accessories
- Manos Life Clothes, Blue Grade Life Clothes, Green Grade Life Clothes


Item Move/Store Function Update

Retrieve Equipped Gear
  • Added the function to allow retrieving equipped gear from other characters through Find My Item and View Inventory of other characters.



Guild Storage Use Outside Town

  • Improved to allow the use of guild storage outside town.
    • To store or take out items through guild storage in a combat zone, a storage maid/butler is required.
    • However, during Node/Conquest War, it can only be accessed in town as before.



Bring Item - Maid/Butler Group Command

  • Fixed to be affected by group command settings when using maids/butlers in Find My Item and View Other Character's Inventory.
    • Maid/Butler Group Command can be set at the bottom of the Maid/Butler List UI.



Batch Move of Non-Stackable Items

  • Improved to allow moving multiple non-stackable items at once in a single inventory slot in the following UIs:
    • Guild Storage
    • Containers installed in residences
    • Find My Item
    • View Other Character's Inventory/Equipment
      ※ When using a storage maid/butler, the number of maids/butlers used corresponds to the number of items being moved.



New Acquisition Method for Mass of Pure Magic
  • Added Mass of Pure Magic exchanges with the following items in Manage Currency.
Required Items Exchange Item
Dark Spirit's Greed x3
Mass of Pure Magic x10
Hunter's Seal x5
Mass of Pure Magic x10
※ Dark Spirit's Greed: Defeat Dark Rift Bosses
※ Hunter's Seal: Defeat Bosses from Ancient Relic Crystal, Forbidden Book, and Scroll Written in Ancient Language summon scrolls.

Sethra's Artifact - Trading EXP
  • Added the ability to acquire Sethra's Artifact - Trading EXP at a set probability from the below activities.
Sethra's Artifact - Trading EXP
Selling Fish - Obtain through Bonus quests when selling fish caught from Fishing to a trade managers
Selling Processing Trade Items - Obtain through Bonus quests when selling processed trade items to a trade managers
    • As a result, when selling trade items, you can obtain the following through Bonus quests:
      • Sethra's Artifact - Trading EXP
      • Sethra's Artifact - Life Skill Mastery
      • Sethra's Artifact - Life EXP
      • Imperfect Lightstone of Flora
Porcupine Fish
Black Shiner
Black Porgy
Whale Shark
Goliath Grouper
Checkerboard Wrasse
Granges D'or
Diamond Minnow
Large-headed Goby
Blackfin Sea Perch
Sea Bass
Bigeye Tuna
John Dory
Giant Pearl Clam
Giant Octopus
Giant Squid
Flower Icefish
Striped Shiner
Basking Shark
Striped Goliath Grouper
Dark Sleeper
Yellow-head Catfish
Redbreasted Wrasse
Hammer Whale
Short Barbel Gudgeon
Miho Spine Loach
Freshwater Eel
Amur Goby
Minke Whale
Sea Eel
Ocean Hermit Crab
Tiger Shark
Silver Carp
Great White Shark
Requiem Shark
Killer Whale
Bottlenose Dolphin
Red Snow Crab
Blue Grouper
Cherry Salmon
"Yalu Grayling
Tapertail Anchovy
Mandarin Fish
Spotted Barbel
Rapid Goby
Smokey Chromis
King Spine Loach
Dwarf Gudgeon
Common Bleak
Green Sturgeon
Ransonnet's Surfperch
Atka Mackerel
South Torrent Catfish
Blacktip Chromis
Giant Grouper
Greater Amberjack
Spotted Sea Bass
Mackerel Tuna
Longsnout Catfish
Striped Bonito
Thresher Shark
Bluefin Tuna
Red Seabream
Eyespot Puffer
Mako Shark
Cone Snail
Grass Carp
Saw Shark
Neon Damselfish
Leather Carp
Sperm Whale
Humpback Whale
Yellowfin Tuna
Yellow Swordfish
Golden Siniperca
Black Marlin
Beluga Whale
Morning River Goby
Thorn Timber Crate
Reed Sack
Potato Crate
Steel Ingot Crate
Sweet Potato Crate
High-quality Potato Crate
High-quality Sweet Potato Crate
High-quality Hot Pepper Crate
High-quality Amanita Mushroom Crate
High-quality Cloud Mushroom Crate
High-quality Leccinum Crate
High-quality Chanterelle Box
High-quality Dwarf Mushroom Crate
High-quality Nolina Crate
High-quality Dalvenia Alrea Crate
High-quality Carrot Crate
High-quality Perilla Sack
High-quality Strawberry Crate
High-quality Garlic Crate
High-quality Dry Mane Grass Crate
High-quality Dictyophora Box
High-quality Wheat Crate
High-quality Napa Cabbage Sack
High-quality Barley Crate
High-quality Red-spotted Amanita Box
High-quality Silk Honey Grass Crate
High-quality Mesima Box
High-quality Bouquet Mushroom Crate
High-quality Rice Sack
High-quality Fog Mushroom Crate
High-quality Onion Crate
High-quality Sunrise Herb Crate
High-quality Corn Crate
High-quality Olive Crate
High-quality Ghost Mushroom Crate
High-quality Silver Azalea Crate
High-quality Purple Mushroom Crate
High-quality Fortune Teller Mushroom Crate
High-quality Ancient Mushroom Crate
High-quality Tomato Crate
High-quality Pie Mushroom Crate
High-quality Paprika Crate
High-quality Penestraria Crate
High-quality Grape Crate
High-quality Sky Mushroom Crate
High-quality Sunflower Crate
High-quality Bluffer Mushroom Crate
High-quality Tiger Mushroom Crate
High-quality Pumpkin Crate
High-quality Hump Mushroom Crate
High-quality Arrow Mushroom Crate
High-quality Fire Flake Flower Crate
High-quality Emperor Mushroom Crate
High-quality Pepper Crate
Hot Pepper Crate
Amanita Mushroom Crate
Cloud Mushroom Crate
Copper Ore Crate
Black Crystal Amulet of Authority
Jewelry Crate
Dented Bracelet
Cracked Tooth Bracelet
Leccinum Crate
Chanterelle Box
Dwarf Mushroom Crate
Lead Ore Crate
Nolina Crate
Dalvenia Alrea Crate
Maple Timber Crate
Carrot Crate
Perilla Sack
Sparse Ferri Feather Duster
Elder Tree Timber Crate
Strawberry Crate
Garlic Crate
Dry Mane Grass Crate
Dictyophora Box
Exquisite Horn Decoration
Stylish Bird Beak Mask
Mediah Timber Crate
Radish Sack
Ash Timber Crate
Wheat Crate
Box of Vanadium
Vanadium Ingot Crate
Shining Ivory Flute
Balenos Timber Crate
Cabbage Sack
Tigerflower Sack
Barley Crate
Cozy Muffler
Green Crystal Amulet of Wealth
Soft Leather Bag
Red-spotted Amanita Box
Scarlet Rosebay Sack
Silk Honey Grass Crate
Wild Berry Sack
Cedar Timber Crate
Ivory Flute
Mesima Box
Bird Beak Mask
Coal Bag
Snowfield Timber Crate
Snowfield Jade Box
Snowfield Obsidian Box
Serendia Timber Crate
Pine Timber Crate
Strange Sounding Ivory Flute
Truffle Mushroom Crate
Bouquet Mushroom Crate
Rice Sack
Usable Leather Bag
Zinc Ore Crate
Acacia Timber Crate
Fog Mushroom Crate
Palm Timber Crate
Onion Crate
Sunrise Herb Crate
Pink Rosebay Sack
Red Crystal Amulet of Lovers
Youngji Mushroom Sack
Opal Jewelry Box
Corn Crate
Warm Muffler
Olive Crate
Ghost Mushroom Crate
Silver Azalea Crate
Purple Mushroom Crate
Birch Timber Crate
Healing Stone Amulet of Longevity
Horn Decoration
Mud Crystal Amulet of Curses
Fir Timber Crate
Fortune Teller Mushroom Crate
Viola Sack
Tin Ore Crate
Box of Mythril
Mythril Ingot Crate
Everlasting Herb Crate
Iron Ore Crate
Bronze Ingot Crate
Calpheon Timber Crate
Ancient Mushroom Crate
Tomato Crate
Special Potato Crate
Special Sweet Potato Crate
Special Hot Pepper Crate
Special Amanita Mushroom Crate
Special Cloud Mushroom Crate
Special Chanterelle Box
Special Dwarf Mushroom Crate
Special Nolina Crate
Special Dalvenia Alrea Crate
Special Carrot Crate
Special Perilla Sack
Special Strawberry Crate
Special Garlic Crate
Special Dry Mane Grass Crate
Special Dictyophora Box
Special Wheat Crate
Special Napa Cabbage Sack
Special Barley Crate
Special Red-spotted Amanita Box
Special Silk Honey Grass Crate
Special Mesima Box
Special Rice Sack
Special Fog Mushroom Crate
Special Onion Crate
Special Sunrise Herb Crate
Special Corn Crate
Special Olive Crate
Special Ghost Mushroom Crate
Special Silver Azalea Crate
Special Purple Mushroom Crate
Special Fortune Teller Mushroom Crate
Special Ancient Mushroom Crate
Special Tomato Crate
Special Pie Mushroom Crate
Special Paprika Crate
Special Penestraria Crate
Special Grape Crate
Special Sky Mushroom Crate
Special Sunflower Crate
Special Bluffer Mushroom Crate
Special Tiger Mushroom Crate
Special Pumpkin Crate
Special Hump Mushroom Crate
Special Arrow Mushroom Crate
Special Fire Flake Flower Crate
Special Emperor Mushroom Crate
Special Pepper Crate
Box of Titanium
Titanium Ingot Crate
Pie Mushroom Crate
Paprika Crate
Penestraria Crate
Ferri Feather Duster
White Cedar Timber Crate
Grape Crate
Packaged Dried Skipjack
Packaged Dried Snakehead
Packaged Dried Spined Bittering
Packaged Dried Ray
Packaged Dried Flatfish
Packaged Dried Crawfish
Packaged Dried Rosy Bitterling
Packaged Dried Beltfish
Packaged Dried Pike
Packaged Dried Sunfish
Packaged Dried Boxfish
Packaged Dried Pomfret
Packaged Dried Bluefish
Packaged Dried Mackerel
Packaged Dried Checkerboard Wrasse
Packaged Dried Perch
Packaged Dried Crab
Packaged Dried Maomao
Packaged Dried Large-headed Goby
Packaged Dried Notch Jaw
Packaged Dried Butterflyfish
Packaged Dried Blackfin Sweeper
Packaged Dried Flying Fish
Packaged Dried Bitterling
Packaged Dried Soho Bitterling
Packaged Dried Flounder
Packaged Dried Fourfinger Threadfin
Packaged Dried Greenling
Packaged Dried Sea Bass
Packaged Dried Barbel Steed
Packaged Dried Round Herring
Packaged Dried Rock Hind
Packaged Dried Cuvier
Packaged Dried Lamprey
Packaged Dried Ussurian Bullhead
Packaged Dried Grouper
Packaged Dried Siganid
Packaged Dried Striped Shiner
Packaged Dried Porgy
Packaged Dried Dark Sleeper
Packaged Dried Yellow-head Catfish
Packaged Dried Chameleon Goby
Packaged Dried Yellowfin Sculpin
Packaged Dried Dolphinfish
Packaged Dried Mudskipper
Packaged Dried Surfperch
Packaged Dried Catfish
Packaged Dried Goby Minnow
Packaged Dried Short Barbel Gudgeon
Packaged Dried Octopus
Packaged Dried Mudfish
Packaged Dried Freshwater Eel
Packaged Dried Croaker
Packaged Dried Sea Eel
Packaged Dried Amberjack
Packaged Dried Silver Carp
Packaged Dried Roundtail Paradisefish
Packaged Dried Bleeker
Packaged Dried Gunnel
Packaged Dried Bass
Packaged Dried Grunt
Packaged Dried Nibbler
Packaged Dried Whiting
Packaged Dried Swellfish
Packaged Dried Dark-banded Rockfish
Packaged Dried Starfish
Packaged Dried Crucian Carp
Packaged Dried Bluegill
Packaged Dried Blue Tang
Packaged Dried Smelt
Packaged Dried Grayling
Packaged Dried Cherry Salmon
Packaged Dried Yalu Grayling
Packaged Dried Sharpbelly
Packaged Dried Cero
Packaged Dried Swordfish
Packaged Dried Silver-Stripe Round Herring
Packaged Dried Trout
Packaged Dried Mullet
Packaged Dried Swiri
Packaged Dried Golden-thread
Packaged Dried Tapertail Anchovy
Packaged Dried Mandarin Fish
Packaged Dried Lionfish
Packaged Dried Striped Catfish
Packaged Dried Scorpion Fish
Packaged Dried Angler
Packaged Dried Arowana
Packaged Dried Bowfin
Packaged Dried Kuhlia Marginata
Packaged Dried Rapid Goby
Packaged Dried Smokey Chromis
Packaged Dried Salmon
Packaged Dried Lenok
Packaged Dried Squid
Packaged Dried King Spine Loach
Packaged Dried Dwarf Gudgeon
Packaged Dried Common Bleak
Packaged Dried Rockfish
Packaged Dried Sweetfish
Packaged Dried Ransonnet's Surfperch
Packaged Dried Carp
Packaged Dried South Torrent Catfish
Packaged Dried Terrapin
Packaged Dried Blacktip Chromis
Packaged Dried Short Ninespine Stickleback
Packaged Dried Saurel
Packaged Dried Sardine
Packaged Dried Shellfish
Packaged Dried Longsnout Catfish
Packaged Dried Filefish
Packaged Dried Red Seabream
Packaged Dried Tuna
Packaged Dried Sturgeon
Packaged Dried Herring
Packaged Dried Bubble Eye
Packaged Dried Neon Damselfish
Packaged Dried Pacu
Packaged Dried Piranha
Packaged Dried Dace
Packaged Dried Mitre Squid
Packaged Dried Seahorse
Packaged Dried Jellyfish
Packaged Dried Leather Carp
Packaged Dried Rosefish
Packaged Dried Bigeye
Packaged Dried Clownfish
Packaged Dried Morning River Goby
Packaged Dried Pollack
Full Ferri Feather Duster
Sky Mushroom Crate
Sunflower Crate
Translucent Crystal Amulet of Happiness
Shabby Leather Bag
Tattered Muffler
Shabby Horn Decoration
Shabby Bird Beak Mask
Bluffer Mushroom Crate
Tiger Mushroom Crate
Pumpkin Crate
Hump Mushroom Crate
Arrow Mushroom Crate
Fire Flake Flower Crate
Brass Ingot Crate
Emperor Mushroom Crate
Pepper Crate
Flawless Tooth Bracelet
  • Changed the icons of the following fish to better match their grade.

Fish with Changed Icons


Silver Beltfish


Hammer Mackerel


Rainbow Sardine


Black Halibut


Whitefin Trevally


Giant Bitterling


Spotted Spined Loach


White Crucian Carp


Electric Catfish

  • Improved to allow all the following Travel Kit items to be opened at once:
    • [Event] Lv. 11/30/35/50/53/56/58/59 Travel Kit
    • Travel Kit for Returning Adventurers
      • Lv. 61 Travel Kit

[Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool
  • Changed so you can process the Venia Riding Attire and Riding Hat together when repackaging Venia Costume with the [Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool purchased with Mileage after the Jan 23 (Thu) update.
    • You will need to place both Venia Riding Attire and Hat pieces together when attempting to repackage with the [Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool purchased with Mileage after the Jan 23 (Thu) update.
    • You can only repackage Venia Riding Attire or Hat pieces separately with a [Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool purchased with Mileage before the Jan 23 (Thu) update.
    • You can exchange any [Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool purchased with Mileage before the Jan 23 (Thu) update for the new iteration via [Valentine's Apprentice] Liana found in any city.
      • You cannot reverse the exchange made with [Valentine's Apprentice] Liana.
[Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool before Jan 23 (Thu) update
[Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool after Jan 23 (Thu) update
When processing Venia Riding Hat with [Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool,
▶ Obtain [Venia] Merv's Hat Set (Riding Hat)
When processing Venia Riding Attire with [Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool,
▶ Obtain [Venia] Merv's Costume Set (Riding Attire)
Process Venia Riding Attire and Venia Riding Hat together with [Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool
▶ Obtain [Venia] Merv's Costume Set (Riding Attire and Riding Hat)



  • Improved the following aspects of the moles appearing during Farming.
    • Improved the movement to make it more natural when the mole repeatedly moves and stops.
    • Improved to make it easier to recognize the location of the appearing mole by displaying a speech bubble on the mole. 



  • Added text to Igor Bartali's Adventures - Volume 8, Chapter 4, indicating that only those with at least Alchemy Apprentice 1 can create Wise Man's Blood.
  • Improved the objective description for completing the quest [Recall] Freharau's Advice to be more intuitive.
  • Changed the acceptance conditions for the below quests for obtaining Crio's Fishing Chair and Tear of the Great Ocean to characters at or above Lv. 15.
    • Characters who have not progressed the main quest can also proceed with the below quests.
Quest Name Objective Rewards
[Life Skill Mastery] Fisherman and the Sea (Recurring, Quest NPC Abelin)
Catch Grunt
Catch Moray
Tear of the Great Ocean x2
Sit, Cast and Fish!
(Once per Family, Quest NPC Crio)
Catch 3 blue grade fish
Crio's Fishing Chair x1
250 Contribution EXP
※ Crio's Fishing Chair is an equipable item with Fishing Mastery +100.
※ Tear of the Great Ocean is used for crafting Manos Fishing Chair and Manos Fisher's Clothes.

  • Changed the basic reward of the [Leveling Aid] PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon quest to the Choose Your PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon Box.
    You can acquire the desired PEN (V) Blackstar weapon from the PEN (V) Blackstar weapon box.



  • Removed trees in specific locations of the Tooth Fairy Forest (Forest Ronaros) monster zones to allow for smoother subjugation.
    • As a result, it is now easier to attack monsters previously located behind trees.
    • This change is also applied within Marni's Realm.



  • Changed to delete all guild items not collected from mail when kicked from a guild.
    • As before, all guild items in your inventory will also be deleted when leaving a guild.



  • Updated the message that pops up when you try to register a ship at a full wharf.
  • Changed so that you can now check the info of horses harnessed to your wagon.
  • Fixed the issue where characters would occasionally fall below the ground upon arriving at the destination during the [Calpheon] Inside Trina Fort quest.
  • Updated the message shown when no maids/butlers are available in Find My Item.
  • Fixed to prevent unnecessary logs from being recorded in the following situations:
    • When moving items using Find My Item
    • When using the Auto-move to All function
  • Fixed the issue where using the Traveler's Map in Mediah to move to Kusha resulted in moving to Altinova.
  • Fixed the issue where enhancement grades were shown in Roman numerals.
  • Fixed the issue where the enhancement success notification at the top of the screen was not displayed when enhancement succeeded.
  • Fixed the issue where Atanis Pond's background music would not play.
  • Fixed the issue where Yar! could not be progressed if internet connection became unstable and required reconnection during Yar!
  • Fixed the issue where the Recovery sometimes did not work properly after completing horse breeding and recovering the mount.
  • Fixed the key guide for "My Stats" in the My Information window.
  • Fixed the issue where trees and rocks appeared unnatural at specific locations in Delimor Farm and the Gervish Mountains.
  • Fixed the issue where the following revamped main questline quests appeared in the quest list of characters who had already completed the pre-revamp
  • main questline and did not meet the correct quest acceptance conditions.
    • [Balenos] The Alchemist and His Daughter
    • [Balenos] There's No "I" in Homework
  • Fixed the issue where the appearance of some NPCs in Velia was not visible.
  • Adjusted the Fairy's Continuous Care auto-use cooldown from 5 seconds to 1 second.
  • Fixed the issue where you couldn't gain knowledge from the following bosses:
    • Red Nose, Dastard Bheg, Dim Tree Spirit, Giant Mudster, Katzvariak
    • Knowledge was granted through the Jan 23 maintenance to adventurers who had records of defeating the above bosses from Jan 9 to Jan 23.
  • Fixed the issue where some mounts had their skill mastery reduced by 1-3%.
  • Fixed the issue where [Console NA] Adventurer's 10th Anniversary Piece was mistakenly labeled as ASIA in certain language settings.

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