Thank you for playing Black Desert for PS4. We always strive to deliver the best possible experience for our players, however sometimes we discover issues that crept through our QA process. Below is an issue of currently known issues in Black Desert :
1. There is an issue where you cannot withdraw contribution points from Western Guard Camp if you connect to any near nodes.
2. There is an issue where a sudden screen freeze occurs when you obtain geographical knowledge.
3. There is an issue where you become stuck out in the field when switching camera during changing servers.
4. There is an issue where Pearl Store outfits render slowly when there are many users around.
5. There is an issue where the same cutscene plays twice during certain main quest.
6. There is an issue where using the skills [Rabam] Shuriken: Moon Drive / Ninjutsu: Oni Shadow, stealth will not be applied occasionally when holding the (LS) movement stick.
7. Transportation is not working in certain situations.
[Resolved Issues]
1. There is an issue where the Imperial fishing deliveries are sold at 250% of the original cost but is being displayed as 200%.
2. There is an issue where the [Tamer] Vespena Pack appears to be available till Nov. 13th in the Pearl Shop. The correct expiry date is Nov. 20th (07:00 UTC).
3. There is currently an issue where the White Soldier and Black Soldier are not appearing when attempting to complete the quest 'Tell of the Accident'.
4. The Quest 'Who's not working?' cannot be completed due to a missing NPC
We apologize for the inconveniences these issues may cause and we will do our very best to resolve them as quickly as possible.
Thank you.
[Notice] [Updated] Known Issue 11/27 Issues currently affecting Black Desert 27.11.2019
[Notice] [Completed] 11/27 Scheduled Maintenance Game Update Maintenance 25.11.2019
[Notice] [Completed] 11/20 Scheduled Maintenance Notice 11/20 Scheduled Maintenance Notice 18.11.2019
[Notice] Known Issue 11/13 Issues currently affecting Black Desert 13.11.2019