We will be making changes to the way Pearl Shop items work on the Central Market. These items will no longer have a volatile price, and all Pearl Shop items will be set to their current maximum value.
The reason for this change is to ensure that there is diversity within the Central Market in terms of costumes and other Pearl Shop items. For example, right now, certain costumes are sold more purely because their price is now at maximum price, and other costumes that people would like to have, have a lower silver value on the central market. This means that those who wish to sell costumes will not sell them because the value is too low.
With this change, we hope that there is more diversity with Pearl Shop items listed on the Central Market, as all items will carry the same silver value.
Example of the Incoming Change:
Costume Set A is currently 79,500,000 Silver, and will remain at this price.
Costume Set B is currently valued at 46,000,000 Silver and after the update will be raised to 79,500,000 Silver.
New Costume Set C is added to the game, and it’s price on the Central Market will be 79,500,000 Silver.
This change is set to take place during the maintenance on the following date:
PlayStation 4: Dec 31, 2019
Xbox One: Jan 8, 2020
Thank you.
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