We have discovered an issue and will be performing a server maintenance to solve it. We will be taking down half of the games servers at a time to apply the fixes, then reopening them as we prepare to take down the second half. Please make sure that you are in a safe zone when you switch servers so that your character can move without issues.
Here are the servers that will be taken down first
EU: 01:00 PM (UTC+0); Balenos-2, Serendia-2, Mediah -1
NA: 06:15 PST.TBA Balenos-2, Serendia-2, Calpheon-2, Calpheon-3, Mediah-2, Mediah-3, Valencia-2
The other servers will be taken down once the first servers are back.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the server maintenance.
Black Desert Team