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Updates [Update] Node Wars Revamp
Black Desert 2024-07-11 09:00

MAJOR UPDATES - Node Wars Revamp


Since its initial addition to the Black Desert world, Node Wars has undergone various changes, big and small, alongside our community of adventurers. Now, it's set to evolve once more.

This overhaul of the Node War focuses on easing participation difficulty, fostering vigorous and healthy combat, and enhancing functionality. Consequently, the revamped Node War is expected to shift towards a direction where adventurers can prepare more casually and engage in more intense battles.

We plan to continue listening to the feedback from adventurers across different regions and evolve the newly revised Node War accordingly. Given its long history, Node War is a beloved content among many adventurers, and we are committed to making it an even more enjoyable experience.

※ You will be able to register for the revamped Node War starting on July 14 (Sunday) at 01:00 (NA: PDT/EU: UTC/ASIA: GMT+9)
※ Due to the revamp, Conquest War will not be held on July 13 (Sat).


Node Wars Revamp

  • Revamped Node War.
Node War Days & Time
War Days Sunday - Friday (excluding Saturday)
Time NA: 18:00 ~ 19:00 PDT
EU: 18:00 ~ 19:00 UTC
ASIA: 21:00 ~ 22:00 GMT+9
(1 Hour)
How to Participate in Node Wars
Registration Time From 1 hour after the previous day's Node/Conquest War has ended
(Up until 1 hour before today's Node War begins)
Registration Minimum Requirements - A minimum of 10 guild members must be online, regardless of the server.
Registration Method Guild members with "Apply for Node War" authority can select & register
territory to participate in via Menu - War - Node War

- Balenos
- Valencia
- Calpheon
Registration Results Participation is confirmed 15 10 minutes before war begins on war day, and once confirmed, a message displaying the result will appear.
※ The assigned territory for your guild can also be checked under Menu - War - Node War.
※ Guild members can register in the same manner as before by pressing "Yes/No" under the Participate column in the Guild - Guild Member Status window.
Once the guild has applied for the Node War, guild members can pre-register for the Node War in the server associated with the selected territory.
However, after all participating guilds are decided (15 10min before the Node War starts), guild members cannot change their participation status.
※ If a guild cancels their Node War application, the participation status of all members will be reset to "No".
  • Changed Node War territory to be Balenos, Valencia, and Calpheon, resulting in the following changes.
    • Changed the Node War in Serendia and Mediah territories to not be in progress.
    • Changed the Conquest War in Mediah to not be in progress.
    • Changed the Conquest War to be in progress in Balenos, Valencia, and Calpheon.
E.g. Guild A applies to participate in the Balenos Territory.
Join Node War button can be pressed on either the Balenos-1 or Balenos server.
(Guild - Guild Member Status - Press the "Participate" or "No" button)

※ Node War applications can be made by guild members with "Apply for Node War" authority from 1 hour after the previous day's Node/Conquest War ends to 1 hour before the Node War begins the day of the event.
※ If a guild cancels their Node War application, the participation status of all members will be reset to "No".
※ Allocation of territory and participating guilds is confirmed 15 10 mins prior to the start of Node War. You cannot change your participation status to "No" during this time.

Apply for Node War.

Node War Territories & Stat Limit Information

Max Participants per Territory
Max Participants
Balenos 30
Valencia 50
Calpheon 75
Stat Limits by Territory
Territory AP Damage Reduction Accuracy Evasion Damage Reduction Rate Accuracy Rate Evasion Rate Special Evasion Resistance Max HP
Balenos 395 311 750 738 14% - - 20% 30% 5000
Valencia 606 420 900 888 28% - - - - 8000
Calpheon No limit
※ The entire Node War server is subject to the appropriate territory's stat limits during the Node War.

Node War Objectives

The objectives of the Node War are to battle against other guild members while occupying a fort and holding onto it until the fort's designated end time expires.


Node War Rules

Whereas Node Wars were previously held across specific nodes, the revamp will see war conducted on a territory basis. No longer will you be able to construct forts on all nodes, but rather see a set number of forts activated at random locations based on the number of guilds who have applied to participate in the Node War within that territory. Each activated fort will have a set "end time," and the guild occupying a fort at the end of this duration will become its owner.
Node Wars by Territory
  • Changed Node Wars to now be conducted over territories instead of specific nodes.
    • During Node Wars, the entire territory will be converted into a Node War combat zone, excluding safe zones.
      ※ The entire Node War server is subject to the appropriate territory's stat limits during the Node War.
      - Fixed the issue where stat limits were not being applied to the entire server and only within the Node War territory.

The entire territory now serves as the stage to Node Wars. The number of activated forts depends on the number of participating guilds.

Neutral Fort Activation & Participating Guilds
  • The number of participating guilds in a Node War will determine the number of activated neutral forts at the beginning of the war.
    • Random forts will be activated each war day from a selection of nodes within each territory.
      • If there is only one guild participating within the Node War territory, victory is immediately declared without occupying a fort during the war.
For example,
When 3 guilds are confirmed to participate in the Balenos territory Node War, 1 node fort will be activated.
When 4 guilds are confirmed to participate in the Balenos territory Node War, 2 node forts will be activated.
When 5 guilds are confirmed to participate in the Balenos territory Node War, 2 node forts will be activated.
When 6 guilds are confirmed to participate in the Balenos territory Node War, 3 node forts will be activated.
For each territory, the number of guilds confirmed to participate can range from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of more than 30, and accordingly, the number of forts activated can range from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 15.
  • Added the following system rules to the total number of nodes activated based on the number of guilds that applied to participate in the Node War.
    • If less than 50% of guild members have pressed the Apply for Node War button 15 10 minutes before the Node War starts the guild can still participate in the Node War, but it will not affect the rules for Node Fort activation.
Balenos Group (30 members): Node Fort activation rules are not affected if there are fewer than 15 members.
Valencia Group (50 members): Node Fort activation rules are not affected if there are fewer than 25 members.
Calpheon Group (75 members): Node Fort activation rules are not affected if there are fewer than 37 members.
Tier 5 Node Fort activated
Types of Node Forts & End Times
  • The tiers of activated node forts are as follows, with their "end times" set randomly.
    • The higher the tier, the closer the node's location to the territory's center, as well as with greater rewards.
    • Once the end time of a fort expires, the last guild to have held occupancy will be deemed the final occupying guild.
Node Fort Tier End Times
1 ▼ Randomly selected between
10 - 60 min
unknown ("?") end times
(randomly set between 20 - 60 min)
Node War Status Widget
  • Once the Node War begins, you can check the number of activated nodes and their end times through the World Map.
    • The node status widget will display whether a node in the territory is neutral/occupied/liberated/exited, as well as their respective end times calculated in minutes.
      • The node status widget is available to all adventurers logged into a server with Node Wars ongoing.
World Map
  • Through the Node Status widget, you can check the durability of forts.
    • You can view the durability of each node fort with the fort icon within the widget.
    • The border around the fort icon in the widget indicates the remaining time until the end of the fort. Detailed info can be found on the World Map.
Durability Check via Fort Icon
Node War Temporary Occupation: Fort Destruction
  • Once the Node War begins, attacking a neutral fort until its durability is depleted will grant temporary occupation to the aggressor guild.
    • During a Node War, when a Fort is temporarily occupied, the victorious adventurer's Family name will be displayed at the top of the screen.
    • Forts occupied by your guild will be highlighted in blue on the world map.
    • All participating guilds can check occupied nodes and occupying guilds via the node status widget.
    • If another guild attacks an occupied fort and depletes its durability, the new guild will temporarily occupy the fort.
※ Temporarily occupied forts cannot be dismantled.
Node War Final Occupation: Hold 'til End Times
  • The guild who remains the last temporary occupant of a node up until its end time will become the final occupant.
    • A guild that achieves final occupancy will be deemed victorious in the Node War and terminate their participation in the war effective immediately.
      • Each guild can achieve final occupancy of one fort per day during Node Wars (and a victorious guild's participants will leave the war immediately.)
      • If a guild is occupying multiple forts, the first fort to be held until its end time expires will be deemed for final occupation, while the rest of the forts will be reverted to neutral status.
    • Node War rewards are promptly distributed to Guild Funds and the Black Spirit's Safe.
When Node War Ends
  • The following rules apply once a Node War ends (same as before):
    • The "Return" function will be activated immediately for the affected Territory when a Node War ends.
    • PvP between participating Guilds/Alliances will cease immediately after a Node War ends.
    • Any remaining annex buildings will be immediately destroyed in the affected Territory when a Node War ends.
Node War Fort Repairs
  • Guilds can repair occupied forts in the same manner as before
Node War Fort Repair Tool

Polished Stone x1
(recovers 1% durability of a fort/command post/HQ)

Fort Tier Details by Territory

  • For each territory in Node War, the tiers of forts are as follows:
    • The tier of a fort is independent of the Node War tiers before the revamp, and the higher the tier of the fort, the more taxes are obtained upon occupation.
      • The higher the tier of the fort, the more centrally it is located in the territory where the Node War is in progress.
        ※ The number of active forts per territory is determined by the number of participating guilds.

Fort Tier Node near the Fort
Tier 1 Cron Castle Olvia Coast Terrmian Cliff
Tier 2 Ehwaz Hill Goblin Cave Casta Farm
Tier 3 Forest of Plunder Bartali Farm Wolf Hills
Tier 4 Western Gateway Coastal Cave Ancient Stone Chamber
Tier 5 Toscani Farm Altar of Agris Western Guard Camp
Fort Tier Node near the Fort
Tier 1 Ivory Wasteland Areha Palm Forest Kmach Canyon
Tier 2 Ivero Cliff Northern Sand Dune Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience
Tier 3 Valencia Castle Site Gavinya Great Crater Ancado Coast
Tier 4 Pilgrim's Sanctum: Fast Valencia Castle Roud Sulfur Mine
Tier 5 Rakshan Observatory Altas Farmland Roud Sulfur Works
Fort Tier Node near the Fort
Tier 1 Primal Giant Post Khuruto Cave Calpheon Castle Site
Tier 2 Bree Tree Ruins North Abandoned Quarry Longleaf Tree Sentry Post
Tier 3 Hexe Sanctuary Quint Hill Treant Forest
Tier 4 Saunil Camp Abandoned Monastery Catfishman Camp
Tier 5 Trina Fort North Kaia Mountaintop Rhutum Outstation

Campsite Installation

Install/Collect Campsite during Node/Conquest War
  • Changed the Campsite installation rules to be independent of Node/Conquest War times.
    • Campsites can now be installed and packed up regardless of the start times of Node/Conquest Wars.
      • Once a Node/Conquest War begins, other adventurers' Campsites will automatically be hidden.
Use Campsites 10 min before the start of Node War and even during the battle!


Assemble! and Resurrection Changes

  • The "Assemble!" feature for Node War will now automatically display in the top of the screen on the Node War server 10 minutes before the war starts.
    • It can be used via Menu - Function.
    • Pressing the "Assemble!" icon will move each participating guild to predetermined locations in the territory's towns.
※ The "Assemble!" feature will be displayed only when connected to the participating Node War server.
- Previous Node War: Displayed at the start of the war if connected to the Node War server
- Current Node War: Displayed 10 minutes before the start if connected to the Node War server

Moving Once Node War Starts
As revamped Node War utilizes Territories as battlefields, just as before, characters located within the Node War area will be moved to a Safe Zone at the start of the Node War.
  • When the Node War begins, Adventurers affiliated with a Guild participating in the Node War will be randomly teleported to one of the resurrection points within the Combat Zone of the Node War Territory.
    • Adventurers from guilds not participating in the Node War will not be moved.
※ After a Node War starts, the same Focus Node War Participation System will apply the same as before.
- In servers where a Node War is ongoing, all Adventurers who are not participating in the Node War will have their DP set to 0.
- Non-participants from Guilds that have joined the Node War will be forcibly moved to the nearest town if they approach the area where the Node War is taking place.

  • Improved the resurrection process during Node War so that a dead mount will also be resurrected alongside the character.
    • If you resurrect at the Indomitable Flag during an ongoing Node War, your mount will also be resurrected if dead.
  • During Node War, when your character dies, you can choose to resurrect at predetermined locations in the towns of each territory.
    • Balenos: Velia, Western Guard Camp, Olvia
    • Calpheon: Calpheon City, Keplan, Behr
    • Valencia: Valencia City, Ancado Inner Harbor, Arehaza
※ The following rules apply to the resurrection cooldown during Node War:
The default resurrection cooldown is 10 seconds, which can increase up to a maximum of 30 seconds.
This cooldown grows by 1 second each minute the Node War progresses, and by an additional 1 second for each death.

Annexes and Siege Weapons
  • Changed so that the remote installation of forts and annexes in Node War is no longer available.
    • With the revamped Node War, there is no need to construct forts or annexes before the Node War begins.
    • Annexes can now be constructed using the Node/Conquest War Annex Assembly Tool after the start of the Node War..
  • Purchase and use the Node/Conquest War Annex Assembly Tool and Node War Lynch Cannon Assembly Kit from the "Guild Military Supply Manager" NPC in each town.
    • Adventurers with the following positions who have the correct authorities can install annexes and Lynch Cannons.
    • Maximum of 2 Lynch Cannons can be installed.
Positions eligible to install Annexes and Lynch Cannons
Guild Master, Advisor, Staff, Secretary, Officer, Quartermaster, Cannoneer
Node War Annex Assembly Tool Node War Lynch Cannon Assembly Kit
(Guild Funds: 10 million Silver, Max x2)
  • Once Node War begins, you can use the Annex Assembly Tool to construct annexes anywhere within the Node War area.
    • Constructing an annex consumes a certain amount of guild funds, and there is a limit to how many annexes can be constructed.
    • Annexes can be constructed regardless of whether a Fort is occupied/owned, as long as guild funds are available.
    • As before, all annexes and siege weapons will be automatically destroyed at the end of the Node War.
    • DP and max durability of annexes are set differently depending on the Node War territory.
Node War Constructible Annexes
Flame Tower
(Guild Funds: 30 million Silver, Max x2)
(Guild Funds: 30 million Silver, Max x1)
Elephant Nursery
(Guild Funds: 50 million Silver, Max x1)
Indomitable Flag Factory
(Guild Funds: 50 million Silver, Max x1)
Supply Depot
Consumes 50 million Guild Funds, with a maximum of one depot.

You can recover horses, repair equipment, and purchase guild items at Supply Depot.

Starting today, an event celebrating the Node War revamp will take place.
The prices of annexes mentioned above are the regular prices when the event is not active. During the event period however, the construction costs for annexes such as Flame Tower and Hwacha will be significantly reduced.
We hope that adventurers who were hesitant to join Node Wars will participate through this revamp and event, allowing us to gather more feedback from you.

We will do our best to create a better Node War experience to repay for all of the interest from adventurers.

  • Guild funds consumed for constructing the following annexes during Node War have been changed for the period below.
    • Event Period: July 11, 2024 (Thu) after maintenance - July 24, 2024 (Wed) before maintenance
Annex Installation Cost
Flame Tower 30 million Silver → 10 million Silver
Hwacha 30 million Silver → 10 million Silver
Elephant Nursery 50 million Silver → 10 million Silver
Indomitable Flag Factory 50 million Silver → 10 million Silver
Supply Depot 50 million Silver → 10 million Silver
Annex Icons
Added new icons for the Indomitable Flags and Elephant Nurseries installed by allies during a Node War to be displayed on the World Map.
Indomitable Flag Factory Indomitable Flag Elephant Nursery
※ Annexes such as Flame Towers and Hwachas retain their existing icons in the World Map as before.
  • Adjusted the installation time for annexes installed using the Node/Conquest War Annex Assembly Tool during a war: 15 sec → 5 sec
  • Adjusted the production time for the Indomitable Flag at the factory during a war: 10 min → 3 min
  • The production time for Elephants at the Elephant Nursery during Node/Conquest War remains the same at 5 minutes.
  • For Flame Towers and Hwachas in Node War, depending on the participating territory, you can upgrade them to make them more powerful.
    • When approaching a completed Flame Tower or Hwacha, an upgrade button will appear.
      • Upgrading consumes Iron Ingot x10 and Melted Copper Shard x10, and it takes a certain amount of time to complete.
Balenos - Flame Tower, Hwacha upgrade unavailable
Valencia - Flame Tower, Hwacha upgrade available


Node War Occupation Benefit

Node Tax
With Node Wars held in all territories every day excluding Saturday, there were moments where Node Wars were held in the same territory for consecutive days.
Such cases would have resulted in lower tax revenues. Hence, we have updated the system so you will now obtain the tax revenues within a specific range without accumulating them.
  • Changed the method of tax accumulation for each Node and Territory.
    • The accumulated taxes in each Node and Territory are rewards that can be obtained as guild funds when victorious in Node/Conquest War.
Tax Acquisition Method
Before After
Accumulated taxes daily at a set rate for each Node and Territory
Obtained upon victory in Node/Conquest War
Specified tax amounts set daily for each Node and Territory
Obtained upon victory in Node/Conquest War (no accumulation)
※ The tax for Tribute Wagons has also been changed from accumulation to a set amount designated at each departure.
Tax Amounts Obtainable as Guild Funds
Tier 1 Node Fort 2 - 4 billion
Tier 2 Node Fort 2.5 - 4.5 billion
Tier 3 Node Fort 3 - 5 billion
Tier 4 Node Fort 3.5 - 5.5 billion
Tier 5 Node Fort 4 - 6 billion
Tier 1 Node Fort 5 - 7 billion
Tier 2 Node Fort 5.5 - 7.5 billion
Tier 3 Node Fort 6 - 8 billion
Tier 4 Node Fort 6.5 - 8.5 billion
Tier 5 Node Fort 7 - 9 billion
Tier 1 Node Fort 7.5 - 9.5 billion
Tier 2 Node Fort 8 - 10 billion
Tier 3 Node Fort 8.5 - 10.5 billion
Tier 4 Node Fort 9 - 11 billion
Tier 5 Node Fort 10 - 12 billion
Conquest War
Balenos 30 - 40 billion
Calpheon 50 - 60 billion
Valencia 60 - 70 billion
Balenos/Serendia Tribute Wagon 10 - 20 billion
※ As before, you can attack the Balenos/Serendia Tribute Wagon that departs 2 hours before the start of the Conquest War every Saturday and arrives in Calpheon to obtain taxes.
※ With the above change, we've made sure the taxes in the Tribute Wagon does not decrease upon the tax reset for the Node/Conquest War revamp.
※ The feature that allowed the guild master or the alliance leader of Calpheon territory to adjust the tax amount (10% to 50%) accumulated in the Balenos/Serendia Tribute Wagon has been removed.

Personal Rewards
  • You can obtain rewards based on the fort tier upon occupying a node.
    • Personal rewards obtained are immediately delivered to the Black Spirit's Safe upon the final occupation of the fort.
    • Depending on the territory and the fort tier, individuals can acquire personal rewards.
      • You can obtain a bonus reward for occupying a fort marked with a "?", the end time of which is unknown.
※ Changed the personal rewards for participating in Conquest War to be immediately delivered to the Black Spirit's Safe at the end of the war.
※ Following the above change, the Reward button in the Guild - Guild Member Status has been removed.
- Accordingly, rewards not claimed after participating in the Node/Conquest War have been delivered to the Black Spirit's Safe during today's maintenance.

Chilling Fragment
  • Added the item "Chilling Fragment", which can be obtained through Node War.
    • You can acquire these personal rewards by occupying a fort in a Node War in a territory of at least Valencia grade.
      • Calpheon Territory rewards more than Valencia.
    • You can find them in the Manage Currency UI upon acquisition and can exchange them for certain items.
(Determined Triumph Rewards (Tiers 1-5))
  Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x6 x6 x6
Essence of Honor x5 x5 x6
Essence of Gallantry x5 x5 x6
Item Collection Increase Scroll x1 x1 x1
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x1 x1 x1
Determined Loot Box x1 x2 x2
Resplendent Medal of Honor x30 x30 x30
  Tier 4 Tier 5  
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x6 x7  
Essence of Honor x6 x6  
Essence of Gallantry x6 x6  
Item Collection Increase Scroll x2 x2  
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x1 x1  
Determined Loot Box x3 x3  
Resplendent Medal of Honor x30 x30  
Additional reward for occupying the "?" node
(Determined Triumph Reward of Resilience)
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x2
Determined Triumph Reward Box x3
Resplendent Medal of Honor x15

※ Open the Determined Loot Box to obtain one of the following according to a set probability.
Determined Loot Box
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas Gold Bar Box
Imp Boss's Knife Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea Immortal: Perfume of Courage
Elixir of Deep Sea Perfume of Courage Essence of Gallantry
Memory Fragment x10 Caphras Stone x25 -

(Kindling Triumph Rewards (Tiers 1-5))
  Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x6 x6 x7
Essence of Honor x7 x7 x7
Essence of Gallantry x7 x7 x7
Item Collection Increase Scroll x1 x1 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x1 x1 x1
Kindling Loot Box x1 x2 x2
Chilling Fragment x5 x5 x5
Resplendent Medal of Honor x30 x30 x35
  Tier 4 Tier 5
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x7 x8
Essence of Honor x8 x8
Essence of Gallantry x8 x8
Item Collection Increase Scroll x2 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x1 x1
Kindling Loot Box x3 x3
Chilling Fragment x5 x5
Resplendent Medal of Honor x35 x40
Additional reward for occupying the "?" node
(Kindling Triumph Reward of Resilience)
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x2
Kindling Loot Box x3
Resplendent Medal of Honor x20
※ Open the Kindling Loot Box to obtain one of the following according to a set probability.
Kindling Loot Box
Deboreka Necklace Deboreka Belt Deboreka Earring
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas Gold Bar Box
Imp Boss's Knife Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea Immortal: Perfume of Courage
Essence of Gallantry x2 Elixir of Deep Sea x3 Perfume of Courage x3
Memory Fragment x20 Caphras Stone x50 -

(Blazing Triumph Rewards (Tiers 1-5))
  Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G - - -
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x7 x7 x8
Essence of Honor x10 x10 x10
Essence of Gallantry x10 x10 x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll x1 x1 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x1 x1 x2
Blazing Loot Box x1 x2 x2
Chilling Fragment x10 x10 x10
Resplendent Medal of Honor x40 x40 x45
  Tier 4 Tier 5
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G - x1
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x8 -
Essence of Honor x10 x10
Essence of Gallantry x10 x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll x2 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll x2 x2
Blazing Loot Box x3 x3
Chilling Fragment x10 x10
Resplendent Medal of Honor x45 x50
Additional reward for occupying the "?" node
(Blazing Triumph Reward of Resilience)
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x3
Blazing Loot Box x3
Resplendent Medal of Honor x25
※ Open the Blazing Loot Box to obtain one of the following according to a set probability.
Blazing Loot Box
Deboreka Necklace Deboreka Belt Deboreka Earring
Energy of All Creations
(All AP +70)
Energy of All Creations
(All Damage Reduction +300)
Energy of All Creations
(Attack/Casting Speed +20%)
Energy of All Creations
(Movement Speed +20%, Fall Damage -50%, Jump Height +2m)
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment
JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas
Gold Bar Box Imp Boss's Knife Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea
Immortal: Perfume of Courage Essence of Gallantry x5 Elixir of Deep Sea x5
Perfume of Courage x5 Memory Fragment x40 Caphras Stone x75
      • Guild members who win in a Node War and rank in the top 5% or first place for war stats will receive extra rewards.
  Top 5% War Stats Reward Top #1 War Stats Reward
Balenos & Valencia - Resplendent Medal of Honor x5 - Battlefield Honor x1
(Max HP +300 for 4 hours)
Calpheon - Resplendent Medal of Honor x5 - Battlefield Glory x1
(Max HP +500 for 4 hours)
※ The criteria for an adventurer's war stats in Node/Conquest Wars are as follows:
War Stats Criteria
Command Post Destruction (Conquest) Fort Destruction (Conquest/Node) Gate Destruction (Conquest) Annex Destruction (Conquest/Node) Enemy Guild Member Kill (Conquest/Node) Siege Weapon Kill (Conquest/Node)
20 10 15 1 1 1
※ Mount kill/death counts do not affect war stats.
Participation Reward
  • Node War participation rewards have been added.
    ※ You must meet the Node War participation reward requirements to obtain them.
Rewards upon Meeting Territory Conditions
Balenos Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x3
- Resplendent Medal of Honor x30
Valencia Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x4
- Resplendent Medal of Honor x30
Calpheon Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5
- Resplendent Medal of Honor x40
  • Conditions for obtaining personal rewards from a Node War victory and participation are as follows:
[Node War] Victory/Participation Reward
Victory Reward Obtained Victory Reward according to the territory and Fort Level upon occupying a fort (same as before).
Participation Reward Obtained upon occupying a temp fort at least once, when the total kill/death count of guild members is 100 or more.
(Kills while mounted on Flame Tower/Hwacha or other annexes are not included.)
  • Following the revamp of Node War and changes to personal rewards, Tier 1-5 War Vendors will no longer be active.
    • The Guild Master War Vendor NPC has moved to the vicinity of the Guild Manager in each town.
Doubled Node Investment Benefits
  • Changed the effects of double Node Investment Benefits for connected Monster Zones when occupying a Node as follows:
    • When occupied, Node Investment Benefits for the entire Territory to which the Node belongs to will be doubled for one week.
      • If you then participate in a Node War and reoccupy a Node within the same Territory, the period of doubled Node Investment Benefits will be reset.
      • The remaining time of double Node Investment Benefits can be checked in the right side of the Guild window under Occupation Information.
Example of Before Example of After
When occupying Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience Node Fort in Valencia, the Node Investment Benefits for Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience were doubled, increasing the Item Drop Rate for Hystria Ruins Monster Zone. When occupying the Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience Node Fort in Valencia, all Node Investment Benefits in Mediah/Valencia are doubled, increasing the Item Drop Rate for all Monster Zones within Mediah/Valencia that receive Node Investment Benefits.

※ What are Node Investment Benefits? Increased Item Drop Rate +0.5% per Node Investment Level when defeating certain monsters.
- For example, if the Node Level of Gyfin Rhasia Temple is 20, the Item Drop Rate for Monsters at Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Upper/Underground) will be increased by +10%.
- If doubled due to Node occupation, the Item Drop Rate for Monsters at Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Upper/Underground) will be increased by +20%.
Node War Buff Benefits

In addition to individual rewards that can be obtained from participating in and winning a Node War, we've also added powerful buff effects.

These effects are granted to guilds that have fiercely participated in Node Wars, allowing them to reap benefits useful in activities such as PvE and Life Skills following a victory to help guilds prepare for the next war. As a guild progresses to higher levels, they can enjoy even greater effects.

The intent behind this is to encourage more guilds to participate eagerly in Node Wars and for those victorious in higher-level Node Wars to enjoy more potent effects, as well as to cast their fame among other guilds. Of course, it's important to note that this effect is only granted to guilds that have met the conditions for Node War Participation rewards.

  • Added buffs to Node War participation & victory rewards.
    • Buff benefits are applied immediately at the end of the Node War and last for 2 days (48 hours).
      ※ Buff effects do not stack and cannot have their duration increased, and are refreshed upon Node War participation/victory.
Buff Effects for Participation/Victory and Conditions
Participation Reward (Buff) Recipients Victory Reward (Buff) Recipients
Participants in Node War
All members of the guild that occupies the Fort at the end
Participation Reward Conditions Victory Reward Conditions
[▼ When the participation reward conditions are met ▼]
Achieve a total of 100 or more kill/death counts of allies (guild/alliance) and temporarily occupy a fort at least once.
※ Guilds that do not meet the above conditions cannot obtain the buff.
[Participate in Node War and occupy the Fort at the end]
(Gear Score of 550)
Participation Reward Buff Effect Victory Reward Buff Effect
Extra AP Against Monsters +5
Item Drop Rate +5%
Life Skill Mastery +25
Life EXP +20%
Extra AP Against Monsters +10
Item Drop Rate +10%
Life Skill Mastery +50
Life EXP +30%
※ Buff effects last for 2 days (48 hours), do not stack, and do not extend in duration.
If you participate and win a Node War while the effects are still active, buff effects will be refreshed.
(Gear Score of 685)
Participation Reward Buff Effect Victory Reward Buff Effect
Extra AP Against Monsters +10
Item Drop Rate +10%
Life Skill Mastery +50
Life EXP +30%
Extra AP Against Monsters +15
Item Drop Rate +15%
Life Skill Mastery +75
Life EXP +40%
※ Buff effects last for 2 days (48 hours), do not stack, and do not extend in duration.
If you participate and win a Node War while the effects are still active, buff effects will be refreshed.
(No Stat Limits)
Participation Reward Buff Effect Victory Reward Buff Effect
Extra AP Against Monsters +20
Item Drop Rate +20%
Life Skill Mastery +80
Life EXP +45%
Extra AP Against Monsters +25
Item Drop Rate +25%
Life Skill Mastery +100
Life EXP +50%
※ Buff effects last for 2 days (48 hours), do not stack, and do not extend in duration.
If you participate and win a Node War while the effects are still active, buff effects will be refreshed.
※ You can obtain Node War participation/victory rewards via reconnecting if not logged into the participating server at the time of acquisition.
Node War Titles
Following personal rewards and guild buffs, the revamped Node War also introduces new titles to honor individual achievements. Similar to how titles are obtained by killing opponents in Conquest War, you can now acquire 3 titles based on your kill count in Node Wars. This will allow skilled adventurers to showcase their prowess to others.
  • Added exclusive titles for Node War.
    • You can obtain the titles based on the number of enemies killed during a Node War, and once acquired, you can use the titles for one week (7 days).
    • The following titles are shown in special colors:
      ※ Only kills within the area (territory) where the Node War is taking place is counted.
Trooper (50 kills) Commander (100 kills) Lethal Weapon (150 kills)

※ The titles available for Conquest War remain the same as before.
- You can obtain the titles based on the number of enemies killed during a Conquest War, and once acquired, you can use the titles for one week (7 days).
- The following titles are shown in special colors and will display special effects when applied.
Stormtrooper (100 kills)
Special Force Commander (180 kllls) Ultimate Weapon (300 kills)
※ Only kills within the area (territory) where the Conquest War is taking place is counted.

Node War Revamp: Further Changes and Continuations

Spirit of Battle
  • Updated 2 Guild Skills (Breath of Life, Blessing of Battle) that consume Spirit of Battle, available only during Node Wars.
Before After
Activate near an ally's Fort by consuming Spirit of Battle
(effects applied only near the Fort)
Activate while temporarily occupying a Fort by consuming Spirit of Battle (effects apply only around the temporarily occupied Fort)
Trap Items
  • Unchanged from before, during Node Wars, each participant can use up to a maximum of 3 trap items.

Node War Fort Reset
  • With the revamp, Node Wars may occur at any designated Territory Fort, so Occupation Information for Node War Forts will now be reset daily.
    • Following this, the restriction of occupying a maximum of 3 Nodes per week has been removed.
    • Changed the rules for a Lord's Guild participation in Node Wars as follows:
      • Changed so that when a Lord's Guild participates and wins in a Node War, they will now occupy the Fort instead of liberating it.
      • As a result, when a Lord's Guild wins a Node War, they can occupy the Fort without liberating it, making them eligible to receive Node War Rewards such as taxes.
      • Changed the number of times a Lord's Guild can participate in Node Wars from 2 to 6 times per week.
      • However, if a Lord's Guild does not meet the conditions for returning their participation opportunities, all remaining attempts will be consumed, the same as before.

Node War Participation Opportunities
  • Changed the Node War Participation Opportunities system, due to the revamp of Node War which now allows participation without the need to construct a Fort.
    • Changed the requirements for Node War Participation Opportunity returns as follows:
Requirement Total Kill/Death count of 100 or more for the adventurer's guild/alliance during the Node War
or capture a fort at least once temporarily
(Records of kills while mounted on annexes/siege weapons such as flame towers or Hwachas are not included.)
※ Node War Participation Opportunity return requirement is different from the Node War participation reward requirement.
Conquest War Participation Requirements
  • Changed so that you can participate in Conquest War regardless of the territory, provided you have occupied at least one node.
  • Despite the reset of occupied nodes in the revamped Node War, you can still participate in Conquest War by occupying at least one node from Sunday to Friday. Check your eligibility for Conquest War via the icon in the Guild - Guild Information.
Guild Join Restriction Time
  • Adjusted the guild join restriction time as below following the Node War revamp.
NA/EU Guild Join Restriction Time
Node War Period
(Sun-Mon 18:00 - 19:00 PDT/UTC)
Guild join restricted
Conquest War Period
(Sat 18:00 - 22:00 PDT/UTC)
Guild join restricted

ASIA Guild Join Restriction Time
Node War Period
(Sun-Mon 21:00 - 22:00 GMT+9)
Guild join restricted
Conquest War Period
(Sat 20:00 - 24:00 GMT+9)
Guild join restricted

Additional Node War BGM

Changed one of the existing background music to add more excitement to combat, giving it a fresher feel in line with the Node War revamp.
Changed the order of background music playback to add a sense of novelty to the Node War experience.
  • Added a new background music as part of the Node War revamp.
    • Changed to play the newly added background music at the start of a Node War, followed by a random selection of existing Node War tracks.
Added BGM
Existing BGM (3 examples)
  • Changed the below following the Node War revamp:
    • Removed Node War Forts from the Guild Military Supply Merchant, and any owned Forts have been converted to Guild Funds.
    • Reset the Occupation Information for Node Wars and Conquest Wars.
    • Removed constructed Forts and Annexes, and reset accumulated taxes for each node.
    • Removed the "Show Node War Area" UI on the left side of the Minimap that was used before the Node War revamp.
    • Fixed the issue where stat limits were not applied outside the pre-revamp Node War area.
    • Fixed the issue where some pre-revamp AP restrictions were not correctly reflected on Forts and Annexes.
    • Changed so that you cannot use the "Return of an Archaeologist" function after Node War starts.
    • Increased the damage dealt when attacking cannons while mounted by approx. 100% in Node/Conquest War.
    • Increased the damage dealt when attacking Flame Towers/Hwachas and Enhanced Flame Towers/Big Hwachas with cannons by approx. 30% in Node/Conquest War.
    • Increased the damage dealt when attacking annexes with cannons by approx. 100% in Node/Conquest War.

Monsters Before and After Node War
  • Changed the rules for when monsters disappear before the Node War begins as follows:
    • If more than 2 guilds are participating in the Node War
  Before After
After the Node War Starts Monsters disappear 15 min before the start of Node War. Monsters disappear 10 min before the start of Node War.
After the Node War Ends Monsters reappear 10 min after the end of Node War. Monsters reappear 10 min after the end of Node War.
    • If only 1 guild is participating
  Before After
After the Node War Starts Monsters disappear 15 min before the start of Node War. Monsters do not disappear.
After the Node War Ends Monsters reappear 10 min after the end of Node War.
    • If no guilds are participating
  Before After
After the Node War Starts Monsters disappear 15 min before the start of Node War. Monsters do not disappear.
After the Node War Ends Monsters reappear 10 min after the end of Node War.

[Conquest] Territory Occupation Benefits Update (Increased Item Drop Rate in Specific Regions)

  • Changed the benefits for occupying territories. Now, when you conquer a territory, you'll enjoy a 50% increased item drop rate as follows:
Territory Occupation Benefit

Item Drop Rate +50% in monster zones in Serendia and Mediah
Item Drop Rate +50% in monster zones in Calpheon and Kamasylvia
Item Drop Rate +50% in monster zones in Valencia, Drieghan, and O'dyllita

Conquest War Territory and Stat Limit Info

Max Participants for Conquest War
Max Participants
Balenos 100
Valencia 100
Calpheon 100
Stat Limits by Conquest War Region
AP DP Accuracy Evasion DP Accuracy Evasion Special Evasion Resistance Max HP
Balenos 497 326 860 848 19% - - 20% - -
Valencia 606 420 900 888 28% - - - - -
Calpheon No limit
  • To participate in the Balenos Conquest War, your guild must occupy at least one node, just like in the Calpheon or Valencia territories. Additionally, you need to purchase and construct a Field Command Post exclusive to Balenos from the Guild Shop.
    ※ Rules for the Balenos Territory Conquest War are as follows:
    • Conquest war will last up to 4 hours. Victory is achieved when all command posts are destroyed, leaving only one guild's command post standing.
    • The Balenos territory follows the same point system and rewards as the Calpheon and Valencia territories.
      • If more than two guilds' command posts remain at the end of the Balenos Conquest War, the guild with the highest score will become the Lord of Balenos, and the others will receive rewards based on their rank.
      • If the command post of the guild that occupied the territory last week is not destroyed by the end of the Conquest War (up to 4 hours), Balenos will be liberated, and all guilds, including the Lord, will receive the Burning Inspiration Reward (Liberation Personal Reward).
        * Balenos Conquest War will proceed for up to 4 hours, regardless of whether the Lord's command post is destroyed or not.
  • Removed the function of obtaining a portion of taxes from the guilds that participated on the offensive side when the defensive side succeeds in the Conquest War.

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