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GM Notes [GM Note] Meet the Champions of the Glorious Trophy!
Black Desert 2025-02-28 09:00

Who are the best at PvP in Black Desert Console?

The 2025 Black Desert Arena of Arsha was filled with special moments thanks to your love and support!

Did the winners match your guesses?
Check out the interview of the Arena of Arsha champions and get the coupon codes revealed during the livestream!

Who did our adventurers vote for?!

We now reveal the results of the vote per region!

Asia NA EU

The graph is lined up by votes, showing the highest from the left.


QWER, 21.1%
OuterHeaven, 15,1%
7716, 13.8%
RyefuLovesSdoria, 12.1%
team anago, 10.9%
Goblin 10.8%
BSV, 10.2%
Eclipse, 6.0%
HoomsBittas, 23.2%
Hooms Bittas, 13.4%
DSR, 13.1%
The Proof, 12.7%
Peligro, 11.9%
The Bloodline, 9.8% 
Sannin, 9.3%
BucketOfWater, 6.5%
BDO Pigs, 27.3%
What is a grab? 12.8%
We Need A Fourth, 12.1%
Gorillaz, 9.8%
Sigma, 9.4%
Incredible, 7.8%
SEA, 7.4%

* Rewards will be distributed during the Mar 6, 2025 (Thu) maintenance based on each Adventurer's votes and tournament results.

* You can find more details in the"[Event] Vote For the Winning Team of 2025 Black Desert Arena of Arsha!" notice.


Teams with the most votes from each region were
QWER, HoomsBittas, and BDO Pigs! ✨

The moment for your keen insight to shine!
Did the team with the most votes actually win?

Drum roll please! 🥁


Introducing the glorious PvP champions of Black Desert Console!

Meet the champions of the 2025 Black Desert Arena of Arsha!

NA: 🥇The Proof 



Sebz | FeeIs | Proteus




Chivalry | Marco_Jr | Exstasy



JhonCena | Shut | Cry

* The winners' names in this notice are listed by their character names.

Congratulations to QWER, The Proof, and SEA,
the champions of the 2025 Black Desert Arena of Arsha!

"I... Didn’t think we’d win."

🏆Here's the story of the victorious
QWER, The Proof, and SEA!

After the grand finals ended, we reunited with the winning teams in the Arena of Arsha,
where the fierce competition's heat still lingers!
Let's dive into the thoughts of Black Desert's console PvP champions.



Congratulations on winning the 2025 Black Desert Console Arena of Arsha! How do you feel about winning?

🎤 Asia Champion: QWER


I knew we would win, haha. We're passionate PvP players, and our teamwork was excellent even during practice. It seems like the results came out just as we practiced with our beloved guild members and current teammates. I wanted to win so badly that it even appeared in my dreams, and we did it.


I... didn't think we would win. During the Arena of Arsha, I felt immense mental pressure and lacked confidence, but I gave my best in every match. I really wanted to win this tournament, which returned after a long time. The wait was so long that it would be great if it were held more often.


First of all, my teammates, Cry and Shut, worked really hard, and I want to thank everyone who practiced with us. We practiced diligently for 2-3 weeks, and our planned strategy undoubtedly led us to victory! Haha.

🎤NA Champion: The Proof


I'm really happy to be able to win with my teammates again. This victory feels even more meaningful than the first one.


It feels great, but our goal from the start was to put to rest the claims that we won last time because I could secure kills with only four skills while staying alive, and Proteus had the advantage of being a newly released, strong Successor Berserker.


It feels amazing. It’s been a long time since the last tournament, and unlike PC, this title "Arsha's Acknowledgement" is much rarer. The nerves were high leading up to the matches, which made the victory even more thrilling.

🎤 EU Champion: SEA


We were worried about whether this composition would work, but thankfully, it all came together.


Every match was intense, which makes this victory feel even more rewarding.


Yes, the fights were tough, but both the preparation and the matches themselves were incredibly fun.


What was the key focus for the tournament? Any special preparations your team made?



For me, it was focus. When the opponent's CCs came in, it was crucial to coordinate our attacks while keeping an eye on the minimap. Above all, we valued backup and communication with each other, haha. This is something we all agreed on.
The current PvP meta has solid (characters) with damage reduction and evasion balance, so we focused on attacking one person.


We studied each other's classes, played to our strengths, and compensated for our weaknesses.

🎤 The Proof


Securing another victory with my team in a different meta made the experience even more exciting and fulfilling.


I focused on gearing up with new equipment.


I dedicated myself to consistent grinding, making sure I was fully prepared.


Chivalry Marco_Jr

We play together frequently, and we also put a lot of effort into practicing through PvP content.


We practiced in Arena of Arsha beforehand, refining our teamwork and coordination.


How did your team manage role distribution? Were there any particular strategies or techniques your team utilized during the matches?



My 3-minute buff deals 920 damage every 2 seconds as a DoT. If you add 100 damage with Skill Add-on, it cuts through more than the healing amount, and even with evasion, the DoT persists, so in the Arena of Arsha without buffs, this could inflict a significant debuff. Also, when the timer reaches 1 minute, HP drops to 50%, so we held out until then and used the 3-minute buff. That was our secret weapon!


We effectively used the Ninja's 3-minute debuff, the Scholar's healing reduction effect, and Woosa's wide-area CC.


I agree. We tried to endure as much as possible with the 1-minute meta. We trusted each other the most and I enjoyed fighting with my younger teammates.

🎤 The Proof


Having complete trust in each other was the key to our success.


Ensuring Sebz's survival at all costs until the very end was our ultimate priority.


We strategically maximized our use of counterplay.



Our main strategy was to have one player focus on damage while the other took on a tank role, utilizing grab skills effectively.


One of us played a more defensive setup to lock down opponents, while the other focused on dealing damage.


I took on the support role, managing crowd control, debuffs, and buffs throughout the fights.


If you had to choose an MVP from the entire tournament who would it be? What about from your team?



Cry, no doubt.


Everyone did well, but Cry's 3-minute buff played a key role.


I think I deserve it too. Even without the 3-minute buff, I do well.

🎤 The Proof

Sebz  FeeIs Proteus

Every member played a crucial role, and we wouldn’t have won without each other’s efforts.



Our beloved Shai. :D


It would be Exstasy.


Can I choose both my teammates? xd


Was there a memorable moment, a difficult situation, or a particularly difficult opponent during this competition?



Every opponent was tough, and there were no easy matches from the preliminaries. The most impressive opponent was RyefuLovesSdoria, whom we faced in the quarterfinals. When we lost the first round, we reassured each other a lot, which brought us even closer.


I was a bit startled when we encountered RyefuLovesSdoria. I was nervous because our planned strategy didn't work out at first.

🎤 The Proof


It was especially rewarding to win again in a completely different meta, shaped by DR/Evasion changes and adjusted hit rates.
Our biggest challenge was adapting to the new Cadry modifications and devising a strategy to keep Sebz alive until the one-minute mark.


The team compositions we faced this time were more unconventional compared to the last tournament, and the meta had shifted significantly. This required careful game strategies at every stage. For Sebz, in particular, optimizing add-ons, coordinating with teammates, and effectively utilizing CC became more crucial than ever.



Our first opponent (The Forgettables) was particularly challenging, but we felt confident going up against other Shai teams.


The first match was especially tough, though FISHTANK was of course also very formidable.


There were many intense fights right up to the last moment, where we had to heal right before the timer ran out to secure victory or make crucial damaging plays right before the end.


Do you have any advice for future tournament competitors?



Rather than following the meta, I believe you can win by finding and practicing the class that suits you best.


In the quarterfinals, the opposing team members were excellent, and it was a daunting match, especially since we lost the first round. In the semifinals, we faced guild members with whom we always practiced, and in the final match, we played against teams we frequently PvP with, which made it a tough match. I want to say well done to all the opposing team members.


Since the feel of a field battle is different from that of an Arena of Arsha battle, I think competing in an arena and preparing well for the current meta and settings can lead to good results.


For those considering participating in future Arena of Arsha tournaments, don't be too nervous and enjoy Black Desert's PvP.

🎤 The Proof


Instead of trying to secure easier wins through specific builds based on gear or class matchups, we believe it’s more important to find teammates with strong synergy and practice together often.



Focus on balanced, even-numbered PvP matchups, and prioritize teaming up with players you have strong synergy with.
What Chivalry said.


Book Arena of Arsha to consistently practice 3v3 matches, and work together with your teammates to share knowledge and refine your builds, add-ons, etc.


Is there anything you would like to say as a final remark?



I love Black Desert Console so much that I hope more people will play it with the next gen version.


It would be great if the Arena of Arsha were held once in the first half and once in the second half of the year. There are still many players who enjoy PvP, so I hope there are more good PvP content. P.S. Bael, I got 1st place!!! I'd also like to thank all the beloved guild members and friends for your support!!!


I hope not many players quit so we can all enjoy the game together.

🎤 The Proof


I’d like to thank my teammates, the Pearl Abyss staff, and the casters for making this an incredible experience.


I'm looking forward to the next-gen console ports. Now that it's confirmed, I hope the game runs smoother and that the critics who doubted us can finally accept reality. People claimed our last win was a fluke, but we proved them wrong by taking the title once again.


I also hope to see meaningful improvements to Arena of Arsha to make the tournament even more exciting. As for those who talked the most, saying we couldn’t do it again, we faced them, we defeated them, and we earned our place at the top once more.



We’d absolutely love to see more tournaments like this! GG to everyone who participated!


Hoping for more tournaments and PvP content in the future—these events are always really fun.


Great fights, and an amazing experience all around!


▲ NA : 🥇The Proof

▲ EU : 🥇SEA


Team QWER’s JhonCena, Shut, and Cry.
Team The Proof’s Sebz, FeeIs, and Proteus.
Team Sea’s Chivalry, Marco_Jr, and Exstasy.

Once again, congratulations on becoming the champions of the 2025 Black Desert Arena of Arsha! 👏

What was the best moment of the 2025 Black Desert Arena of Arsha for you?
Relive the thrilling moments in the tournament replays!


Don't forget the coupons revealed during the livestreams!


2025 Black Desert Arena of Arsha Livestream Coupons!

Choose Your Scroll Box x1

Enhancement Aid Box x1

[Event] Enhancement Help Kit III x1

Cron Stone x100


Corrupt Oil of Immortality x2

Premium Elixir Box x3

[Event] Enhancement Help Kit II x1

Cron Stone x100


Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll (60 min) x3

[Event] Item Collection Increase Scroll x3

[Event] Supreme Old Moon Scroll x1

Cron Stone x100


* Coupons are valid until Mar 7, 2025, 23:59 (UTC).
* You can use all 3 coupons regardless of your region.

The 2025 Black Desert Arena of Arsha has concluded!
A heartfelt thank you to all who cheered passionately and competed fiercely.



Next battle is on the field! 🔥

Test your skills in the upcoming
Arsha Leaderboard event!


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