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Updates [Update] March 20th Update Notice
Black Desert 2025-03-20 09:00

Hello Adventurers, This is the Black Desert Console Service Team. 
We're informing you of the latest update applied after the scheduled maintenance on March 20 (Thu).

Today's update brings sailor management improvements, Sailor Presets, and the first mate, along with tweaks to Agris Essence stack.
We hope these help you embark on better adventures in game, Adventurers!


We're introducing a sailor management system and presets, along with the first mate update, to make your sailing adventures more enjoyable and convenient.

With this new system, you can assign sailors to your ship for various roles like first mate, helmsman, and cannoneer. You can also set up presets with sailors of different stats for easy management.

When your first mate is aboard, the Great Ocean compass effect is activated, and they are expected to be a steadfast companion on your voyages.
* The auto-fishing slot we mentioned at the last ball will be added later.

Moreover, sailors gain special benefits that boost their stats based on their assigned slots, like sails, wheel, and cannon. Customize and arrange them to match your sailing style and ship type, paving the way for even more exciting adventures ahead.

First Mates

  • A total of 3 NPCs are prepared to board your ship as first mate.
[First Mate] Proix [First Mate] Cleia [First Mate] Tranan Underfoe
"Well, we've finally reached a sailing speed that I'm satisfied with."
"I just have a bit more knack for trading than others, that's all!"
"The prow's been busted, ye say? Let me see... Aye, a single swing of me hammer should do the trick!"
  • Once a first mate comes aboard your ship, the following effects will be applied, greatly improving your sailing adventures.
    • While navigating your vessel, you'll be able to confirm your location and auto-navigate in the Great Ocean.
  • The first mate can only be assigned to the "First Mate" preset slot for the following vessels.
    • Epheria Carrack: Advance
    • Epheria Carrack: Balance
      Epheria Carrack: Volante
      Epheria Carrack: Valor
    • Panokseon
※ Hiring a First Mate Notes
- The first mate is not included in the cabin upon boarding a vessel.
- When hired, the first mate will be added to the Sailor List.
- Like regular sailors, if the first mate's condition deteriorates, they will fall ill and must be treated with an Elixir of Regeneration or Tears of the Star.
- If a first mate falls ill while on board, any of their active effects will not be applied.
- The first mate cannot be fired.

How to Hire First Mates

  • You can hire each of the three unique first mates via the following methods:
[First Mate] Proix
How to Hire
Complete the [The Great Expedition] In Search of Khan, the Eye of the Moon quest and then complete the questline available via NPC Proix in Velia to obtain "First Mate Contract: Proix"
- [First Mate] Reunion on the Horizon
- [First Mate] Tides of Conversation
- [First Mate] Call of the Sea
※ You can find [The Great Expedition] In Search of Khan, the Eye of the Moon under Quests - Suggested - [The Great Expedition] First Sail Boat to Oquilla's Eye.

- - Improves your BreezySail duration while boarded
[First Mate] Cleia
How to Hire
Obtain the "Golden Pocket Watch" via Special Barter according to a set probability, then complete the questline with the item in possession to obtain "First Mate Contract: Cleia"
- [First Mate] Memento of the Past
- [First Mate] Moment of Resolve
- [First Mate] Set Sail for New Horizons
- Decreases Parley required for Barter by 10% while boarded
- The reduced Parley can be checked through the Barter Information window while steering the ship.
[First Mate] Tranan Underfoe
How to Hire
Obtain the "Fancy Figurehead" from the Sea Monster Habitat - Saltwater Crocodile according to a set probability. Complete the questline with the item in possession to obtain"First Mate Contract: Tranan Underfoe"
- [First Mate] A Certain Adventurer's Sea-journ
- [First Mate] Dream of the Open Sea
- [First Mate] A Sea of Conviction
- The Ship Auto Repair function becomes available while boarded.
- The "Ship Auto Repair" button becomes available while steering the ship.
- To use the "Ship Auto Repair," you must have one of the following items in the ship's inventory.
※ Ship Repair Material, Ship Repair Kit, Emergency Ship Repair Kit


Manage Sailors UI

  • Changed the Manage Sailors UI.
    • With the newly revamped interface, you can assign sailors to each slot.
      Only the four carrack types and the Panokseon can assign sailors to slots other than the ship's cabin.
  • Effects for Each Slot

① First Mate Only the First Mate can be placed here, and each First Mate's effects will be applied upon placement.
② Sail The Endurance/Wits stats of the sailor placed here are doubled.
③ Wheel The Awareness/Strength stats of the sailor placed here are doubled.
④ Cannon The Focus/Force/Vision stats of the sailor placed here are doubled.
⑤ Deck The ship's durability increases by 10,000 for each Cabin Cost of the sailor placed here.
⑥ Mess The ship's rations increase by 5,000 for each Cabin Cost of the sailor placed here.
⑦ Cabin The base stats of the sailor are applied.


  • All slots, except for the cabin, can accommodate one placement by default. However, additional slots are available for specific ships as follows:
Ship Trait
Epheria Carrack: Advance Mess +1 slot
Epheria Carrack: Balance Sail +1 slot
Epheria Carrack: Volante Sail +1 slot
Epheria Carrack: Valor Cannon +1 slot
Panokseon Cannon +2 slot


New Features in Manage Sailors UI

  • Added a function to sort by sailor stats.
    • You can arrange your sailors to see who has the highest stats in each category.
  • Added a function to view by sailor type.
    • You can filter sailors by type to see only the ones you need.
    • You can switch back to view all sailors whenever you like.
  • Added an auto assign sailors function.
  • Sailors are automatically placed on the ship based on their highest stats for each role.
    • Auto assign is applied in the following order:
First Mate → Sail → Wheel → Cannon → Mess → Deck → Cabin
  • Sailors in the list are sorted in the following order:
Sailors who can board the current ship → Sailors already on the ship → Sailors on other ships 

Sailor Preset

  • Added the Sailor Preset feature.
  • The Sailor Preset can only be applied to the ships listed below that can board sailors.
Bartali Sailboat Epheria Sailboat Epheria Frigate
Improved Epheria Sailboat Improved Epheria Frigate Epheria Caravel
Epheria Galleass Epheria Carrack: Advance Epheria Carrack: Balance
Epheria Carrack: Volante Epheria Carrack: Valor Panokseon
  • The Sailor Preset is applied differently for each type of ship.
      • For example, a Sailor Preset saved in Epheria Carrack: Advance Preset 1 won't be saved in Epheria Carrack: Volante Preset 1, so you'll need to set it up separately.
    • When applying the Sailor Preset, only sailors who are not sick or currently on another ship will be assigned.
  • How to Use Sailor Preset
    • Talk to the Wharf Manager NPC to access "Manage Sailors" for your ship.
    • In the Manage Sailors UI, assign sailors as you wish.
    • Once you're done, press the Save Preset button to save your settings.

※ With the Sailor Preset update, all sailors were disembarked during the Mar 20 (Thu) maintenance.

Changed some information displayed in the Ship Info UI.

  • New reports on elusive fish are coming in from fishers who've docked in after accompanying their crew at sea.
    • Luvar, once thought to have gone extinct, have now been sighted in the Great Ocean.
    • Nautilus have been hauled up in Nampo Sea.
    • Black Halibut have been discovered in parts of the Margoria Sea.
    • Whitefin Trevally have also been reported in the Eltro Sea.


Some adventurers have accidentally used their pricey red grade gear or even higher-tier equipment to recover max durability and ended up needing help from Support. To save you from this hassle, we've made it so red grade items can't be used for max durability recovery anymore.
  • Changed the system so that you can't use the same gear to restore max durability on red grade or higher equipment anymore.
    • Even if you've upgraded an item to red grade, you won't be able to use the same red gear to restore its max durability.

  • Significantly decreased Trading EXP obtained from selling the following 6 items:
    • Magical Mandragora
      Witch's Poison Herb
      Saffron with Strong Scent
      Fantastic Blue Rose
      Moonlit Evening Primrose
      Medicinal Autumn Bellflower Root
Blackstar Gear & Godr-Ayed Weapons - Agris Essence (Ancient Anvil)
  • Adjusted the Agris Essence (Ancient Anvil) caps per enhancement level for Blackstar gear and Godr-Ayed weapons.
Blackstar Weapons & Defense Gear
Enhancement Level Before After
+15 → PRI (I) 5 4
PRI (I) → DUO (II) 6 5
DUO (II) → TRI (III) 8 6
TRI (III) → TET (IV) 12 9
TET (IV) → PEN (V) 20 15
Godr-Ayed Weapons
Enhancement Level Before After
+0 → PRI (I) 10 7
PRI (I) → DUO (II) 12 9
DUO (II) → TRI (III) 15 11
TRI (III) → TET (IV) 20 15
TET (IV) → PEN (V) 25 18
※ With the update on Mar 20 (Thu), the Agris Essence stacks on your gear will be applied as shown in the examples below.

■ Example gear) Blackstar weapon at TET (IV) → PEN (V) (when Agris Essence 20 → 15 update is applied)
Example ① - If you had 10 stacks of Agris Essence...
→ Your Agris Essence stack of 10 remains unchanged. Accumulate 5 more Agris Essence to activate the Ancient Anvil.
→ Once you accumulate 5 more and activate the anvil, the next enhancement attempt with be 100% successful, guaranteed.

Example ② - If you had 15 stacks of Agris Essence...
→ Your Agris Essence stack of 15 remains unchanged, but will immediately activate the anvil from reaching the cap of 15.
→ The following enhancement attempt will be 100% guaranteed.

Example ③ - If you had 20 stacks of Agris Essence...
→ Your Agris Essence stack of 20 remains unchanged, but will immediately activate the anvil from reaching the cap of 15.
→ The following enhancement attempt will be 100% guaranteed.

※ The following for the Ancient Anvil system, which guaranteed 100% enhancement success upon activation, remains the same as before.
▶ Successfully enhancing with the Ancient Anvil activated will not consume your character's enhancement chance.
▶ Successfully enhancing with the Ancient Anvil activated will reset the accumulated Agris Essence on the respective piece of gear.


  • Changed the following blue grade Epheria Carrack equipment to be available on the Central Market.
    Epheria Carrack: Advance (Chiro's Cannon) Epheria Carrack: Advance (Chiro's Sail) Epheria Carrack: Advance (Chiro's Figurehead) Epheria Carrack: Advance (Chiro's Black Plating)
    Epheria Carrack: Balance (Chiro's Cannon) Epheria Carrack: Balance (Chiro's Sail) Epheria Carrack: Balance (Chiro's Figurehead) Epheria Carrack: Balance (Chiro's Black Plating)
    Epheria Carrack: Volante (Chiro's Cannon) Epheria Carrack: Volante (Chiro's Sail) Epheria Carrack: Volante (Chiro's Figurehead) Epheria Carrack: Volante (Chiro's Black Plating)
    Epheria Carrack: Valor (Chiro's Cannon) Epheria Carrack: Valor (Chiro's Sail) Epheria Carrack: Valor (Chiro's Figurehead) Epheria Carrack: Valor (Chiro's Black Plating)
  • Adjusted the pricing of blue grade Epheria Carrack equipment on the Central Market as below.
Enhancement Level Central Market Min Price Central Market Base Price Central Market Max Price
+0 5,750,000,000 11,500,000,000 23,000,000,000
+1 5,850,000,000 23,400,000,000
+2 5,950,000,000 23,800,000,000
+3 6,050,000,000 24,200,000,000
+4 6,150,000,000 24,600,000,000
+5 6,250,000,000 25,000,000,000
+6 6,500,000,000 13,000,000,000 26,000,000,000
+7 6,750,000,000 13,500,000,000 27,000,000,000
+8 7,250,000,000 14,500,000,000 29,000,000,000
+9 7,750,000,000 15,500,000,000 31,000,000,000
+10 8,750,000,000 17,500,000,000 35,000,000,000


  • In the Recurring tab of Quests, Sailing and Barter categories have been separated.
  • Changed the quest requirement of [The Great Expedition] Strange Creatures from the Great Ocean from Rampaging Hekaru to Sick Hekaru.
  • Knowledge of Solar Black Stone and Lunar Black Stone, which are no longer available, have been deleted.



  • Improved the shape of the house roofs in the Serendia region.
  • Improved the auto-navigation from Iliya Island to Delinghart Island.


  • Changed the icons of the following yellow grade artifacts to be more intuitive:
    • Kehelle's Artifact - Changed the icons of all yellow grade artifacts except Max Stamina.
Marsh's Artifact - Melee AP Lesha's Artifact - All Evasion Sethra's Artifact - Processing EXP
Marsh's Artifact - Ranged AP Lesha's Artifact - Monster Damage Reduction Sethra's Artifact - Training EXP
Marsh's Artifact - Magic AP Kehelle's Artifact - Max HP Sethra's Artifact - Trading EXP
Marsh's Artifact - Melee Accuracy Kehelle's Artifact - Black Spirit's Rage Max Increase Sethra's Artifact - Farming EXP
Marsh's Artifact - Ranged Accuracy Sethra's Artifact - Life EXP Sethra's Artifact - Sailing EXP
Marsh's Artifact - Magic Accuracy Sethra's Artifact - Life Skill Mastery Sethra's Artifact - Barter EXP
Marsh's Artifact - Extra AP Against Monsters Sethra's Artifact - Gathering Item Drop Rate Sethra's Artifact - Gathering Mastery
Lesha's Artifact - Melee Damage Reduction Sethra's Artifact - Processing Success Rate Sethra's Artifact - Fishing Mastery
Lesha's Artifact - Melee Evasion Sethra's Artifact - Mount EXP Sethra's Artifact - Hunting Mastery
Lesha's Artifact - Ranged Damage Reduction Sethra's Artifact - Gathering EXP Sethra's Artifact - Cooking Mastery
Lesha's Artifact - Ranged Evasion Sethra's Artifact - Fishing EXP Sethra's Artifact - Alchemy Mastery
Lesha's Artifact - Magic Damage Reduction Sethra's Artifact - Hunting EXP Sethra's Artifact - Processing Mastery
Lesha's Artifact - Magic Evasion Sethra's Artifact - Cooking EXP Sethra's Artifact - Training Mastery
Lesha's Artifact - All Damage Reduction Sethra's Artifact - Alchemy EXP Sethra's Artifact - Sailing Mastery
Marsh's & Lesha's Artifacts
Marsh's Artifact - AP
Marsh's Artifact - Accuracy
Lesha's Artifact - Damage Reduction
Lesha's Artifact - Evasion
Marsh's Artifact - Melee AP
Marsh's Artifact - Melee Accuracy
Lesha's Artifact - Melee Damage Reduction
Lesha's Artifact - Melee Evasion
Marsh's Artifact - Ranged AP
Marsh's Artifact - Ranged Accuracy
Lesha's Artifact - Ranged Damage Reduction
Lesha's Artifact - Ranged Evasion
Marsh's Artifact - Magic AP
Marsh's Artifact - Magic Accuracy
Lesha's Artifact - Magic Damage Reduction
Lesha's Artifact - Magic Evasion
Marsh's Artifact - Extra AP Against Monsters
Lesha's Artifact - Monster Damage Reduction
Lesha's Artifact - All Damage Reduction
Lesha's Artifact - All Evasion
Sethra's Artifact
Sethra's Artifact - Life EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Life Skill Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Gathering EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Gathering Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Gathering Item Drop Rate
Sethra's Artifact - Fishing EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Fishing Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Hunting EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Hunting Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Cooking EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Cooking Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Alchemy EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Alchemy Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Processing EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Processing Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Processing Success Rate
Sethra's Artifact - Training EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Training Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Mount EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Trading EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Farming EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Sailing EXP
Sethra's Artifact - Sailing Mastery
Sethra's Artifact - Barter EXP
Kehelle's Artifacts
Kehelle's Artifact - Max HP
Kehelle's Artifact - Max Stamina
Kehelle's Artifact - Black Spirit's Rage Max Increase


  • Changed the content schedule for NA/EU server due to the start of Daylight Saving Time. Please check the notice for details.
    • Changed the Arsha: Anonymous server back to the original Arsha.


  • Fixed the issue where the icon of a dead guild member was not displayed on the World Map.
  • Fixed the issue where long outfit names would overflow the designated display area in the Extract Outfit menu.
  • Fixed the issue where the appearance of the following Class looked awkward under certain conditions/situations when wearing the Medeia Outfit.
    • Valkyrie, Dark Knight, Nova, Ranger
  • Fixed the issue where another inventory opened in certain situations when attempting to retrieve equipped gear using Find My Item while the Family Inventory was open.
  • Fixed the issue where character controls became unavailable during the "[Dusa Awakening] That Day in Sangdo School" quest.
  • Fixed the issue where the Guild Manor was not changed when the Manor's owner left or was kicked from guilds.
  • Fixed the issue where the Mount Key Guide for a guild member's Two-seater mount was incorrectly displayed in certain situations.
  • Fixed the issue where the UI was not displayed when a Special Barter occurred on an island without Barter.
  • Fixed the issue where it was possible to subjugate different Black Shrine Bosses more than 5 times a week in certain situations.
  • Fixed the issue where the time limited titles obtainable based on the number of enemy kills in Node/Conquest War were continuously obtained each time an enemy was defeated after meeting the obtain conditions.
  • Fixed the issue where some time limited titles disappeared after logging out.
  • Fixed the issue where the number of available Guild Missions was sometimes incorrectly displayed when accepting missions.
  • Fixed the issue where the message displayed for usable items was obscuring the tooltip.
  • Fixed the issue where ingredients not included in the result item's recipe were consumed upon successful Cooking.
  • Fixed the issue where the grade-related text was not displaying correctly even when there were Fish inside Shim Cheong's Miraculous Fish Tank.

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